Project Profiles

Project profiles describe your project and include information used throughout BIM 360. The data in the project profile is also used to create reports and analytics. Regular review of the data can help your company understand project performance across your portfolio.

BIM 360 is continuously adding reports, analytics, and predictive capabilities that leverage the project data. Complete project profiles provide you with the current reporting capabilities. You will benefit from future capabilities automatically when they are implemented.

Project administrators can edit a project profile. Only account administrators can create a project profile.

Taking a few minutes to set up a complete project profile provides the following:

Project Profile Data Best Practices

The project profile describes your project and includes key information that is used throughout the BIM 360 platform. The following are key concepts to understand in the project profile.

Project Type

The Project Type provides important context and data to your organization. Projects vary greatly by project type and if your company is interested in knowledge sharing or comparative analytics, a project type helps you compare similar projects. For example, a healthcare project is different from an airport project. Project Types are used in BIM 360 analytics today such as the risk analytics in Construction IQ. In the future this data can help you set up projects, organize projects, and provide predictive analytics.

Construction Type

Construction Type is important when comparing projects. New construction and renovation projects are different. Project performance should be measured across similar projects to provide accurate and representative data.

Project Start and Project End Dates

The Project Start and End Dates provide context for activities and also can be used to sort information. Projects can last years and for new account administrators, the start, and end dates provide critical information for managing your project history and knowing when to archive projects. The Project Start and End dates do not impact project access. To remove access to a project and move the project to the Archived tab, change the project status to archived.

Project Job Number

Many construction companies use the project job number as frequently as the project name. This number is also often used as a unique identifier in other systems such as your ERP system. If you use project numbers, we advise adding this number to improve your project data. You can include this data in reports and external systems such as your ERP software.

Note: Connecting external systems may require using the Forge API.

Business Unit

If your company organizes its business or practice by business units, geographical regions, or similar org structures, we recommend that you set up business units in Account Settings. Once you have set up business units, you can select a business unit when you create or edit a project profile. Understanding performance trends by business unit can provide insight into future jobs. Today, BIM 360 uses this capability in several pilot offerings. Overtime, business units will be used more broadly in BIM 360. This data will also be valuable to you if you analyze projects in other systems.

Project Image

The Project Image helps users immediately recognize your project when looking through a long list of projects. It also provides branding on-screen to help people know that they are in the correct project. The Project Image is important for usability and to make your BIM 360 Project Home page, dashboards, and reports look polished and professional.

Project Address

The Project Address is used on the BIM 360 Project Home page to show both a map view and weather for your project. It’s used in Daily reports to import weather information, and in other analytics to locate your projects on a map.

Project Time Zone

BIM 360 Field and Plan use this information to determine how to display dates in the program and in reports.

BIM 360 Field Project Language

The BIM 360 Field Project Language setting impacts BIM 360 Field (classic) only. Please note that this setting cannot be changed once project is created.