Payment Application Variables

Include payment application variables in a report to populate values from the payment application in the system. For example, you can add the payment application's number, description, or the original contract value.

To learn more about:

Use the search at the top of the table to narrow down results.

Variables Description Type
{payment.number} Returns the payment application number String
{} Returns the payment application name String
{payment.description} Returns the payment application description String
{@payment.note} Returns the payment application note RichText
{payment.startDate} Returns the billing period start date of the payment application Date
{payment.endDate} Returns the billing period end date of the payment application Date
{payment.createdAt} Returns the date when the payment application was created Date
{payment.submittedAt} Returns the date when the payment application was submitted Date
{payment.revisedAt} Returns the date when the payment application was revised Date
{payment.updatedAt} Returns the date when the payment application was updated Date
{payment.contractAmount} Returns the original contract value of the payment application Number
{payment.netChangeByCO} Returns the net change by change orders Number
{payment.contractSumToDate} Returns the contract sum to date Number
{payment.totalCompletedAndStored} Returns the total work completed and stored material to date Number
{payment.completedWorkRetentionPercent} Returns the percentage of total work completed and stored material to date Number
{payment.completedWorkRetention} Returns the retention percentage of completed work Number
{payment.materialsOnStoreRetentionPercent} Returns the percentage of retention percentage of completed work Percent
{payment.materialsOnStoreRetention} Returns the retention percentage of materials stored Number
{payment.allTotalRetainage} Returns the total retention percentage Number
{payment.totalEarned} Returns the total earned less retainage Number
{payment.previousPayment} Returns the total earned less retainage from previous payment application Number
{payment.currentPayment} Returns current payment due Number
{payment.balanceToFinish} Returns balance to finish including the retainage Number
{payment.approvedInPreviousPeriod} Returns the total variations approved in previous period Number
{payment.approvedThisPeriod} Returns the total variations this period Number
{payment.totalApprovedChangeOrders} Returns the net changes by Change Order Number
{previousPayment.number} Returns previous payment number Number
{previousPayment.endDate} Returns previous payment end date Date
{previousPayment.currentPayment} Returns previous payment due Number
{#payment.columnView.items} and {/payment.columnView.items} Returns the item details of the payment application when OCOs are displayed as a column

{#payment.columnView.items} and {/payment.columnView.items} must be used together


For example:


Returns the line item number of the payment application String

For example:


Returns the line item name of the payment application String

For example:


Returns the line item original quantity of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item unit of the payment application String

For example:


Returns the line item original unit price of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item original schedule of value of the payment application Number

For example:

Returns the line item of change orders' value of the payment application Number
{#payment.columnView.changeOrderQuantity} Returns change orders' quantity Number

For example:


Returns the line item of revised value of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item of quantity of the previous payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item of work completed value of the previous payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item of quantity of the current payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item of work completed value of the current payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item quantity of material stored value of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item unit price of materials stored value of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item materials stored value of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item total completed value of the payment application including work completed value and material on site value Number

For example:


Returns the line item total completed percentage of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item balance to finish value of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item retention value of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item retention percentage of work completed of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item retention percentage of materials stored of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item of released retention value of work completed of the payment application Number

For example:


Returns the line item of released retention value of materials stored of the payment application Number
{payment.columnView.totalOriginalAmount} Returns the total original schedule of value of the payment application Number
{payment.columnView.totalChangeOrders} Returns the total approved change orders' value of the payment application Number
{payment.columnView.totalRevisedValue} Returns the total revised value of the payment application Number
{payment.columnView.totalPreviousAmount} Returns the total work completed value of the previous payment application Number
{payment.columnView.totalAmount} Returns the total work completed value of the current payment application Number
{payment.columnView.totalMaterialsStored} Returns the total material on site value of the payment application Number
{payment.columnView.totalCompleted} Returns the total completed value of the payment application including materials stored value Number
{payment.columnView.percentTotalCompleted} Returns the total completed percentage of the payment application including materials stored value Number
{payment.columnView.totalBalanceToFinish} Returns the total balance to finish value of the payment application Number
{payment.columnView.totalRetainage} Returns the total retention value of the payment application Number
{previousClaimedAmount} Returns the claimed amount from previous applications Number
{claimedAmount} Returns this period work completed claimed amount Number
{claimedWorkCompleted} Returns total work completed claimed amount Number
{payment.thisPeriodRetainage} Returns the current payment's total retainage minus the previous payment's retainage Number
{#committedSubItems}{value}{/committedSubItems} Returns the committed amount of cost item’s subitems Number
{#committedSubItems}{unitPrice}{/committedSubItems} Returns the committed unit price of cost item’s subitems Number
{latestComment.content} Returns latest review comment for each line Number
{this.costItem.corNumber} Returns change order information that is linked to cost items. Instead of corNumber, you can also write ocoNumber, scoNumber, scoType, corType, ocoType, corName, ocoName, or scoName to include needed information. Number
For example:
Returns the materials billed amount if the Materials Billed setting is enabled. Learn more about Materials in Payment Applications. Number
For example:
Returns the materials billed amount from the previous application if the Materials Billed setting is enabled. Learn more about Materials in Payment Applications. Number
{previousAmount | add: previousMaterialsBilled} Returns the sum of previous work completed and materials billed if the Materials Billed setting is enabled. Learn more about Materials in Payment Applications. Number
{payment.columnView.totalPreviousAmount | add:payment.columnView.previousMaterialsBilled} Returns the total of previous work completed and materials billed if the Materials Billed setting is enabled. Learn more about Materials in Payment Applications. Number
{totalAdvanceAmount} The total advance amount of all periods Number
{totalAdvancePercent} The advance percent of all periods Number
{totalRecoupmentAmount} The total recoupment amount of all periods Number
{totalRecoupmentPercentOfAdvance} The recoupent percent of this period Number
{advanceAmount} The advance amount of this period Number
{advancePercent} The advance percent of this period Number
{recoupmentAmount} The recoupment amount of this period Number
{recoupmentPercentOfCompletedWork} The recoupment percent of completed work Number
{previousAdvanceAmount} The percentage of recoupment for the work completed in this period Number
{previousRecoupmentAmount} The amount of the previous recoupment Number
{previousAdvanceAmountForeignCurrency} {previousAdvanceAmount} value in the foreign currency Number
{previousRecoupmentAmountForeignCurrency} {previousRecoupmentAmount} value in the foreign currency Number

  • To remove empty line items from a payment application use the conditional expression {#!amount} at the beginning of a table and {/} at the end of the line. For example:

  • You can precede any of the payment application variables with contract.supplier. to return values specific to the supplier.
  • To eliminate subtotals from payment applications or contracts, you can enter your payment line items with {#children.length===0}{xxx}{/}. For example:

  • Spreadsheet can't support rich text variable. Remove "@" from the variable while using it in spreadsheets. For example, instead of {@pco.scopeOfWork} use {pco.scopeOfWork}.
  • If you are using line mode (Show change orders as line items) on the payment application, replace columnView with lineView on the above variables.