Upload and Publish Documents

Upload and publish:

Organize specific versions of your documents into sets in a way consistent with best practices for Document Management in the AEC industry.

Note: When using Revit Cloud Worksharing to upload and publish files to Document Management, you can control the views and sheets that are published. Refer to the Select Views and Sheets to Publish to the Cloud topic in the Revit help for more details. You can also refer to the two videos linked below to see the uploading and cloud worksharing steps in action:

Upload and Publish Files

Use this method for non-linked PDFs, drawings and design files. The workflow for uploading PDFs differs from other files, as you can specify a title block (layout template) during upload. If you are uploading several individual PDFs at one time, you can assign the same title block to all documents.

You can also add documents to a set during the upload to organize specific versions of your documents. Uploading and publishing consists of the four following workflows:

1. Upload

  1. In the Folder tree, select the folder you want to upload files to.

  2. Click the Upload files drop-down menu and select Upload file.

  3. Navigate to the file on your computer that you want to upload and select it for upload.

    Tip: You can also drag and drop a file from your computer into the BIM 360 folder.
    Note: To select multiple files, press Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click.
  4. Select Add Files to upload additional files.

2. Select Layout Template

If you are uploading PDFs to the Plans folder, in the Layout Template column, select a template (title block) or select New Title Block. Alternatively, continue with no template and specify it later.

Note: In the Plans folder, the document name is controlled by the template settings. For more details, see Use Title Blocks.
Tip: While uploading documents, you can download the original version of the file that is being processed, in order to interact with the file. To do that, from the top toolbar select Download source file.

3. Select or Create Set

To add the document versions to a set:

  1. Click Set not specified.

  2. Choose Publish to a new set to create a new set (project administrators only). If you choose this option, provide a Set name. The Issuance date is optional.

  3. Optionally, choose Publish to an existing set if your set already exists.

    Tip: If you have multiple sets, use the search box to quickly find the set you need.
  4. Click Continue.

    Tip: See Document Sets for more information.

You can also watch this video to learn more about how to add documents to a set.


4. Publish

  1. Select Continue. Your files are then processed and published. A Results dialog box is displayed when completed.

    Tip: When uploading documents to the Project Files folder that consist of multiple pages, sheets, or views, you can open the individual pages in the viewer that have already been extracted, while the others are still processing. Refresh the viewer to update the pages that can be viewed.
    Note: You can move and make copies of files that are being processed. In the Folders view, select Copy or Move from the top toolbar.
  2. Select Show to view the published files in your folder.

Tip: When you open a document in the Plans folder, the set-specific information is displayed at the top left of the document, next to its name and version. Information about the set is not displayed in documents in the Project Files folder.

Upload and Publish Linked Files

Upload linked Revit files or AutoCAD files that include xrefs. You must specify the parent or host file, which will be linked to the child file data.

Note: You cannot drag linked files. Revit linked files must be linked in Revit first.
  1. In the Folder Tree, select the folder you want to upload files to.

  2. Click Upload Linked Files.

  3. Either:

    • Select the parent (host) file, or
    • Press Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click and select all files to be linked (parent and child).
  4. In the Linked Files Upload dialog box, select Add files and choose additional (child) files if necessary.

  5. In the Parent File column, which appears after upload is complete, check the parent file Continue.

    • Your linked files are then processed and published. A Results dialog box is displayed when completed.
  6. Select Show to view the published files in your folder.