Workflow: Document Management

In Document Management, document managers can upload and publish documents, and manage document versions and permissions. Project members can review and compare documents, and create issues, markups, and RFIs.

  1. Upload and Publish Documents

    Upload documents, create title blocks, organize documents into sets, and then publish documents for viewing by project members.

  2. View Documents

    Use the Viewer toolbar to work with split views, control orientations, section 3D models and view object properties. Alternatively, quickly find and preview documents using the thumbnail view.

    You can also measure distances, angles and areas, and add links to other documents.

  3. Compare Document Versions

    Compare 2D drawings and 3D model versions side-by-side or overlayed.

  4. Markup Documents

    Add markups to annotate your documents using a variety of drawing tools. Create private markups, or publish markups to share with project members.

  5. Create Issues

    Create, assign, track and close issues at the document or project level.

  6. Create RFIs

    Create, respond to, track, and resolve RFIs related to 2D project documents and 3D models. In the Project Admin module, project administrators can select the RFI workflow that works best for their project.

  7. Complete Document Reviews

    Send groups of documents for review and approval.

    In the Project Admin module, project administrators can create approval workflows to specify the steps, team members, and approval statuses used.

You can also carry out a number of these tasks on the job site while offline using the mobile apps, and then sync with your project when back online.