Issues (iOS)

You can create and manage issues related to 2D documents and 3D models, at the document or project level.

Note the following issue-specific considerations:

Create a Document-level Issue

Create issues in 2D documents or 3D models.

  1. Tap to open a document or model.

  2. Tap Issue.

  3. In the viewer, tap a location where you want to place an issue pin. If a project administrator mapped areas to locations the location field automatically populates.

  4. In the New Issue form, use the Type Field to specify the issue type and sub-type.

    Note: Issue types and sub-types are configured by project administrators in the Project Admin module of the BIM 360 web application.
  5. Specify the issue status.

    Note: The status options available depend on the settings made by your project administrator within the Project Admin module. For more details, see Issues.
  6. Enter a title.

  7. You can optionally add a description of the issue.

  8. For Assigned to, you can assign by users, roles, or companies. Assignees will receive an email notification with a link to the issue.

  9. If needed, add a location, edit location details, and specify the due date of the issue.

    Note: Locations can only be added by project administrators in the Project Admin module of the BIM 360 web application.
  10. You can optionally specify the issue owner and the root cause, including custom root cause specified in the Project Admin module of the BIM 360 web application.

  11. To attach a photo, tap . You can upload an existing photo or take a new one. You can also add markups to photos during upload, using the pen tool.

  12. When done, tap Create.

A round pin representing the issue appears in the viewer at the specified location. The color of the pin corresponds to the issue status.

Tip: Tap an issue pin to view issue details.

Create a Project-level Issue

Create issues that aren't associated with a specific location in a 2D document or 3D model, but with a project.

  1. Tap to open a project.
  2. Tap Issues.
  3. Tap .
  4. In the New Issue form, follow Steps 4-12 from the Create a Document-Level Issue section above.

View Document-level Issues

View issues associated with a 2D document or 3D model.

  1. Tap to open a 2D document or 3D model.
  2. Tap Issues.

The list displays the issue number and title, assignee, location, status, and due date if these fields have been specified.

Tip: Tap an issue in the list to open it for viewing or editing.

View Project-level Issues

View issues associated with a project.

  1. Tap to open a project.
  2. Tap Issues.

The list displays the issue number and title, assignee, location, status, and due date if these fields have been specified.

Tip: Tap an issue in the list to open it for viewing or editing.

Manage and Edit Document-level Issues

Manage and edit issues associated with a 2D document or 3D model.

  1. Tap to open a 2D document or 3D model.

  2. Tap Issues.

  3. To filter the issues by type or subtype, status, location or sublocation, assignee, or due date, tap Filters .

  4. Tap an issue to edit it.

    Tip: You can also tap a pin on the viewer to edit your issue.
  5. To change the issue status, tap and select a new status.

  6. To attach a photo, on the Details tab tap . You can upload an existing photo or take a new one.

  7. On the Details tab, update the issue details as desired.

  8. Tap the Activity tab to view the activity associated with the selected issue.

  9. Optionally, enter a comment in the field at the bottom of the tab, and tap .

  10. In the comment field, you can mention a user, role, or a company using autocomplete, as follows:

    1. Type '@' and start typing the name you want to address.
    2. Choose a user, role, or a company from the list of suggestions.
    3. Tap . A notification is sent by email.
  11. Tap an attachment to view it.

Manage and Edit Project-level Issues

Manage and edit issues associated with a project.

  1. Tap to open a project.
  2. Tap Issues.
  3. To filter the issues by type, status, location, assignee, due date, or root cause, tap Filters .
  4. Follow Steps 4-11 from the Manage and Edit Document-Level Issues section, above.