Conceptual Mass Model Energy Simulation Results

GBS is the cloud-based service which powers the Energy Analysis features in Autodesk Vasari and Autodesk Revit. As part of our quality assurance testing we perform daily and weekly regression tests on the Revit and Vasari Energy Analysis capabilities. The tests are designed to determine whether or not any changes to how Revit and Vasari write gbXML files affect the GBS energy results. When differences do occur, the QA team investigates if any changes in energy results are expected. Two main components of the tests are:

  1. API Server side: The energy analysis data within the Revit & Vasari Results and Compare (R&C) window is compared against the baseline. Types of data delivered by APIs include all the images and values rendered in the R&C window and weather statistics.
  2. Analytics: The energy results written to the gbXML file by the energy simulation are compared against the baseline.
Weather Data Source Number of Building Types Number of Locations Number of Models
Autodesk Climate Server 7 16 51
Note: The acceptance criterion is +/- 1% difference tolerance.

Building Types:


Note: Because of the range of other sets of tests, a limited number of building types and locations are suitable for the purposes of the Vasari/Revit Regression tests.

Tests Descriptions and Passing Criteria

The description and passing criteria are detailed in the attached spreadsheet.