Water Usage Estimator

This section summarizes the water usage estimator.

Source: AWWA Research Foundation 2000 Residential / Commercial and Institutional End Uses of Water.

Estimate -- When the 'Estimate' button is clicked, the primary functions performed are a calculation of indoor water usage as a function of the floor area of the building and the building type, as well as a calculation of outdoor usage as a function of the irrigated area. Since the default irrigated area is arbitrarily chosen, enter an input for the irrigated area under Outdoor Water Factors for more realistic outdoor results.

Save -- Once the inputs have been modified and a more accurate estimate of water usage is displayed in the Water Usage and Costs section, click the Save button so that the inputs, settings and results are saved for this run, and can be accessed in the future. Estimates that are not saved will not replace the default or previously saved results.

Reset -- The Reset button replaces user inputs and estimated results with the default inputs and results. Irrigated area and unit prices for water and sewer will not be reset, since the default inputs for these fields are arbitrary. Clicking the Reset button does not save default inputs or results. Click the Save button to save the results for this run and to be able to access them in the future.