Energy Use Intensity (EUI) Chart

This chart shows how much energy, per floor area, each project uses in a year. Projects included in the dashboard are listed on the left side of the chart. The bottom of the chart shows how many kiloBtus (or Mega joules) per floor area are used for each project run in a year. The values displayed at the bottom of the chart vary, depending on the range of values produced by each model in the dashboard. This chart is useful for comparing buildings, regardless of size.

Each triangle on the chart represents a simulation (run) of the building model for that project. A base run is displayed as a black triangle . An alternate run is displayed as a white triangle .

Mousing over a triangle displays the run name and the specific result. The following shows an example of the run named “Improved HVAC, glazing, lighting” for a project named “Retail Tongliao, China”, and a charted result of “49 kBtu/ft2/year”.