Accessing Green Building Studio Students/Educators Entitlement.
Green Building Studio is web based service that requires a user to be logged-in with a valid Autodesk ID. To ensure students/educators entitlement for the service, you will need to register your Autodesk ID through Autodesk Education Community. In the Education Community register your Autodesk ID or sign up for a student/educator Autodesk ID.
Note: Autodesk ID registered from portals/services other than Autodesk Education Community may not have the proper access/entitlement provided exclusively for students/educators. We strongly recommend you to register an Autodesk Education Community ID to gain free software and service access.
Get Started:
Register an Autodesk Education Community ID
Once you have your Autodesk Education Community ID activated, go to Autodesk Education Community Download Center to download, install and activate one of the parent products associated with Green Building Studio. The length of your student/educator entitlement to access Green Building Studio will be governed by the longest length of the license of your activated parent product.
Autodesk Revit
Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture
Autodesk AutoCAD MEP
Follow the steps provided in the GBS Usage Instruction in Autodesk Student Website.