Create New Project : Verify Project Parameters

Explains how to verify your project’s parameters in project defaults, project details, and utility information.

You can specify simulation parameters for your project.

  1. Project Defaults:

    You can customize project defaults such as internal gains, construction materials, glazing type, cooling and heating set points. This can be useful when the default values do not represent your project. To specify project defaults:

    1. Click Project Defaults tab.
    2. Modify your project defaults. See Using the Project Defaults Tab.

      Note: Any changes to the Project Default settings can only be applied to the project it was originally associated with. You can save a Project Default as a Project Template, which can be applied to any of your projects.
  2. Project Details:

    You can verify the project details, such as the project location, building type, name, and currency. To specify project detailes:

    1. Click Project Details tab.

    2. Modify your project details. See Using the Project Details Tab.

  3. Utility Information:

    You can review default project utility rates, upload utility billing data sets, and to review uploaded billing data sets. Your local utility may have its current rates posted on its website. To specify utility information:

    1. Click Utility Information tab.

    2. Modify your default project utility rates. See Using the Utility Information Tab.

      Note: For existing buildings, you can upload historical utility billing data; the actual energy usage and costs . Use the spreadsheet template to upload your data. See Adding Utility Bill Data for instructions.

Click Project Runs tab, to continue creating the project.

After verifying your project defaults and utility information, you are ready to create a base run by uploading your gbXML file. See Creating a New Project: Creating a Base Run.