Set up a particle simulation

Here is an overview showing how to set up a basic particle simulation and adapt it for different effects.

  1. At the top level of a graph, add a basic_particles_graph node. It has no inputs or outputs because it is just a compound that contains the basic graph.

  2. Right-click on it and choose Explode. This unwraps the compound's contents. It consists of a source_particles, collider, and particle_solver_settings node connected into a simulate_particles node. basic_particles_graph

  3. To emit particles from geometry, connect one or more meshes or other supported geometric objects to the source_particles' geometry port.

  4. Connect the simulate_particles node's particles output to the graph's output node as a new port. A Bifrost object named bifrostGraph is created in the scene.

  5. At this point, you can play back the scene to see particles emitted from the source geometries. However this is probably not the final effect you want, so you need to edit it further.