Convert Bifrost meshes to Maya meshes

You can convert a mesh output from Bifrost to a Maya mesh by right-clicking on the output port at the top level of the Bifrost graph.

  1. On the output node at the top level of the graph, right-click on the port for a mesh or array of meshes. Geometry that is connected only to a terminal node is not supported.

  2. Select Create Maya Mesh.

    • In the Maya scene, one or more mesh node are added and connected to the graph output via a bifrostGeoToMaya node. You can see these connections in Maya's Node Editor.Convert to Maya mesh
  3. To use the point_normal values of the Bifrost mesh (if they exist) as the normals of the Maya mesh, turn on Transfer Normals in the bifrostGeoToMaya node's attributes.

  4. In the Properties box, specify the properties to transfer from the Bifrost mesh as color sets on the Maya mesh.

    • float and double values per point are transferred as alpha color sets.
    • float3 and double3 values per point are transferred as RGB color sets.
    • float4 and double4 values per point are transferred as RGBA color sets.

    By default, point_color is already entered.

    • To specify multiple properties, separate them with spaces. For example:point_color point_velocity point_age
    • To transfer all properties, enter * (an asterisk).
    • To exclude specific properties, prefix their names with ! (exclamation point). For example, to transfer all properties except point_position: * !point_position