Budget and Contract Tables

x: In Cost Management, there are two overviews of the financial information. The information is presented in tables on the Budget and Cost tabs. These tables allow you to track incoming and outgoing cash for your project.

The tables contain the same overall financial information but organized differently for your preference. There are five main sections:

Tip: To see the more detailed overview of the Budget and Contract tables, visit the Work with Budgets and Work with Contracts articles.

How Change Orders Populate the Budget and Contract Tables

Selecting In, Out, Budget Only, or Contingency as an option for scope determines whether a change order cost item populates the budget and cost fields, or only cost.

You can change the scope in the Change Order tool:

  1. Navigate to the Change Order tool from the left navigation.
  2. In the Scope column, choose one of available below for each item:

Tip: You can customize the name of the change order scope in Change Order Settings to suit your company's needs.

The specific columns are outlined in the following sections.

Budget Columns

The values populate and move across the columns in the budget section as the budget status changes.

The colors in the following image represent the column that values appear in based on their budget status. The value entered comes from the budget stage of the cost item.

Note: Draft, Rejected, and Void budget statuses don't appear in the table.

Cost Columns

The values populate and move across the columns in the cost section as the cost status changes.

The colors in the following image represent the column that values appear in based on their cost status. The value entered comes from cost stage of the cost item.

Note: Draft and Void cost statuses don't appear in the table.

Forecast Columns

The values populate and move across the columns in the forecast section as the cost status changes.

Variance Columns

The values populate and move across the columns in the variance section as the cost status changes.

Note: You can customize the budget and contract tables to provide unique columns for more individual calculations. To learn more, see the Create Custom Columns article.