Import Issues

The Issues tool allows you to import multiple issues to a single project at once. Your team can quickly start tracking work, resolving problems, and preventing delays.

Create Issues by Importing on Web

You can create multiple issues at once by importing a CSV or XLXS file into the Issues tool.


Only members with Manage issues or Manage member permissions access can import issues. Permissions can be managed by Admins in the issues settings.

  1. Click the Issues tool.

  2. Next to "Create issue", click the arrow to open the drop-down menu.

    Import issues

  3. Click Import issues.

  4. Drag your file into the window or click Choose file to select from your computer.


Your file must conform to the requirements noted in the following section. If you have not yet created a file, click the Issues Spreadsheet format to download the template and fill it out accordingly.

Upload file

  1. Click Import.
  2. If there are no errors, you can confirm the number of issues to be imported. Click Import or click to discard the file and upload again.



Do not close the tab during the import process.

Your issues will be automatically assigned the next available sequential numbers and will appear in your issues log.

Import Issues Requirements

The following are requirements when uploading a spreadsheet of issues into the Issues Tool:

Column Requirements for Importing Issues

In your CSV or XLSX file to import, the following fields on an issue must meet these requirements:


Before importing, make sure all the categories, types, locations, and root causes in your file are preconfigured in your issues settings. If they are not existing in your issues settings, you will receive an error.

Importing Issues with Custom Fields

You can also add custom fields when importing multiple issues from a CSV or XLSX file.

To add a custom field to an issue, add as many columns as needed to the rightmost out of the box columns in your spreadsheet and enter in information accordingly.

The following are requirements on custom fields in the spreadsheet:

Troubleshooting Import Issues Errors

If fields do not meet the criteria, the specific rows and columns affected and the errors triggered will be listed.


Review the Issues Spreadsheet format file or the previously mentioned details on this page for more information.

Import Errors

  1. To successfully import issues, correct the errors on the file on your computer and save the updated CSV or XLSX file.

  2. Click Try again.

  3. Drag your updated file into the window or click Choose file to select from your computer.

  4. Click Import.

  5. Once there are no errors, you can confirm the number of issues to be imported.

  6. Click Import.
