Add References to Markups

Published sheets may contain references to other sheets which were automatically generated as links during the sheet publishing process. You can also manually create markups that have references to other sheets, files, RFIs, forms, submittals, and assets.

To add a reference to a markup:

  1. Open a sheet in the Sheets tool.

  2. Create a markup or select a markup.

  3. Click in the menu.

  4. Style the markup as required using the options in the Details tab.

  5. Click the References tab.

  6. Click Add references and choose a reference type. Options include:

    • Sheets
    • Files
    • RFIs
    • Forms
    • Submittals
    • Assets

  7. Add your chosen references. They will be listed in the References tab. Also when you click a markup, in the menu, you can quickly see the references and if applicable, use the arrows to navigate between multiple references.

Tip: When a markup has references, it will have a blue badge at the top-right corner. As you zoom in, the badge will show a maximum of two references. You can also move and hide the reference badge. Learn more about reference badges.

You can also add references to photos directly from the markups toolbar.

  1. Click .
  2. Click the sheet to place your reference.
  3. Click Add in the panel and select the photo references you want to add.
  4. Click in the menu.

Move and Hide Reference Badges

A markup will include a blue badge to show that it has references. When zoomed in, it will display a maximum of two references. It will display the reference type and title, as well as the ID for RFIs, Submittals, and Forms.

You can drag the badge to move it anywhere in the viewer. This won't affect anyone else's view of the badge and the move only lasts as long as your current file viewing session.

You can also hide all badges:

  1. In the left navigation menu, click the markups icon .

  2. Click the badge icon.

Hiding reference badges also won't affect anyone else's view and hiding only lasts as long as your current file viewing session.

Note: The blue reference badge does not display for automatic links created on sheets during the publishing process.

Edit and Delete References on Markups

You can either remove the markup altogether or delete the reference itself. To do so:

  1. Open a sheet in the Sheets tool.
  2. Click a markup.
  3. In the menu, click to delete the entire markup.
  4. Alternatively, click .
  5. In the panel on the right, click the References tab.
  6. Hover over the reference and click to remove.
  7. In the pop-up, click Remove.