The Optimization Panel provides a look at how the optimization is progressing in terms of success and allows for interactive feedback in the Visualization Display. Reviewing data here, in the Convergence Plots dialog, and the violation view provided in the Visualization Toolbar.
To open the Optimization panel click or click
on the left side of the Visualization Display. When opened, you can click
to minimize the panel.
The Violation view tab of the Optimization Panel allows you control over visualization thresholds.
Click on the Optimization Panel to view the Violation view tab. When the Violation tab is active, the Violation View is also enabled. The violation legend displays to reference what is happening in the Violation View. It contains additional control over the visualization.
The Feasibility chart of the Convergence Plots Dialog displays on the Violation tab.
You can click to open the full Convergence Plots dialog.
The optimization status at the top of the chart indicates the probable solution status as a color-coded message above the chart.
The line in the chart also displays these colors as it processes. The feasibility line should track downward. If it levels off before reaching zero, the desired constraints and objectives cannot be met 100%.
The Cut-fill view tab of the Optimization Panel allows you to observe the cut and fill balancing progress during optimization.
Click on the Optimization Panel on the Optimization Panel to display the Volumes chart of the Convergence Plots Dialog on the Cut and fill view tab.
Click to open the full Convergence Plots dialog.
The cut and fill legend displays to reference the current processing status of balancing above the chart.
The ranges and net volume line in the chart also displays these colors as it processes.
This chart helps you identify any fill that needs to be brought in, or cut that needs to be removed from the site. This chart also calculates and displays the net volume target as specified in the Optimization Options dialog.