Docs - Best Practices Working Offline

Important: The video provides a detailed guide on using Desktop Connector for offline work. Do not forget to check the details after the video. The extra content provides useful tips and problem-solving methods that might not be in the video.
Working Offline using Desktop Connector

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Working Offline

If you don't have internet or it's limited, you can work offline with Desktop Connector. This feature lets you keep working on your files without needing cloud data. It's a handy solution that keeps you productive, even offline.

DC Offline Trailer

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There are two scenarios in which you can choose to work offline in Desktop Connector.

  1. You choose to Work Offline by selecting Work Offline from the Home Screen menu.

  2. You exit Work Offline mode, your changes will automatically start or resume syncing to the cloud and these activities will display in the home screen. To learn more about best practices for working offline refer to the following sections.

Choosing to Work Offline

When going offline, Desktop Connector will prompt you with a confirmation message to check that you can sync any pending files before disconnecting from the internet. This prompt serves as a reminder to review and sync any unsaved changes or new files to the cloud version before starting Offline Mode. Entering the offline mode. By providing this prompt, Desktop Connector helps you maintain the most up-to-date and synchronized version of your files, even when you are temporarily disconnected from the internet.

Right-Click the Desktop Connector tray icon Desktop Connector Tray Icon

  1. Select Work Offline from the menu in the home screen.

  2. Your status will change to going offline.

  3. The yellow icon DC Offline will appear to indicate you are currently in Work Offline mode in the Desktop Connector tray indicates that you are working offline.

    DC Offline


Desktop Connector will prompt you before going offline to confirm whether files need to be synced beforehand.

Forced Offline (Internet Connectivity or Software Crash)

Occasionally there's a critical issue with Desktop Connector and you may be forced offline. Autodesk may temporarily place Desktop Connector into Forced Offline mode to prevent data loss.

DC Offline

In the event of a critical issue, Autodesk may temporarily place Desktop Connector into Forced Offline mode to prevent data loss. When you are in offline mode, the tray icon DC Offline will display a yellow dot to indicate your status. Any changes you make in your connector while offline will not update in the cloud.

If there are file conflicts between the local and cloud versions, you can compare and resolve them through the Conflict Management Resolution Feature. This confirms that your files are accurately synced, and any discrepancies are addressed appropriately.

Managing Files Offline

Important: Autodesk may temporarily place Desktop Connector into Forced Offline mode to prevent data loss in a computer crash or internet loss. This measure is taken if there is a critical issue with Desktop Connector to confirm the safety of your data. Once your internet connection is restored and you go back online, Desktop Connector will automatically upload the files that you were working on to sync with the cloud version.

Getting Back Online

If you have been Forced Offline, you will receive a desktop alert once Desktop Connector service has been restored. You can get back online when you choose two of the following options:

The tray icon's yellow dot DC Offline disappears to indicate you are back online DC Online.

Working Offline FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I work on Desktop Connector files while working in a construction trailer?

Yes, you can absolutely work on your Desktop Connector files while in a construction trailer, even if the internet connection is poor or nonexistent. Desktop Connector allows you to manage files on your local computer as if they were in the cloud. When you are offline, you can continue to access and work on these files. Once you are back online, any changes you have made will be synced to the cloud automatically.

DC Offline

If someone else edited the same files while you were offline, a conflict resolution window will appear when you go back online.

Important: Remember to always have a secure backup of your important files to prevent any accidental loss of data.