To debug problems with your models
- Make sure that your model works in desktop Inventor or ETO.
- Review the log for errors.
- Send us an email about the model/parameters/log, and let us look into it.
Configurator 360 known limitations
- Configurator 360 requires that part files contain at least one solid body.
- Assembly features, such as a hole in an assembly, does not show up in the interactive model, but does show up in the final model rendering.
- Assembly occurrence, appearance-overrides do not show up in the interactive model, but does show up in the final model rendering. The model's appearance comes from the part file, not from an assembly override.
- Inventor features that use system fonts, such as Emboss, do not always have the correct font available on the server. Contact Autodesk for a list of fonts available on the servers, or to request that we add a font.
- For designs that contain patterns, some aspects of performance are proportional to the total number of occurrences in the pattern.
- When working with models and their parameters, the complete rendered image in which all entities display, can take a few minutes to complete.
- The part material does not affect the display. Change the appearance (color) rather than the material.
- Configurator 360 supports iParts and iAssemblies as components within a larger assembly. You can drive the current configuration (change the active row) of an iPart or iAssembly with iLogic rules.
- The 3D interactive display contains only solid bodies. However, thumbnail images display all visible unconsumed sketches, work features, and surfaces. Hide these design elements before you upload the model to Configurator 360.
- The maximum size of any upload (IPT or ZIP) is 1.0 GB.
- Configurator 360 does not support:
- Files that do not work in Inventor 2014, 2015, or 2016.
- Positional representations
- iPart and iAssembly files, factory, or member (triggers a warning), unless the iPart or iAssembly are components within a larger assembly. You can add the occurrence of the factory file into an Inventor assembly (.iam) and upload it as a ZIP file.
- Models that use Inventor add-ins (triggers a warning).
Add-ins include, but are not limited to:
iLogic known limitations
- iLogic rules cannot use any interactive functions, including forms and the MessageBox function.
- iLogic Measure functions are not available.
- iLogic rules that attempt to save any documents are not allowed.
- iLogic DLLs must be compatible with Inventor 2015.
- Configurator 360 cannot migrate iLogic rules from Inventor 2010 and earlier. To use iLogic rules from Inventor 2010 and earlier, migrate the files in desktop Autodesk Inventor before uploading.
- Configurator 360 uses Inventor Server. In iLogic rules, you cannot use the ThisApplication object (it is not a valid reference: its value is Nothing). Use ThisServer (of the type InventorServerObject) instead. ThisServer also works in full Inventor. It provides a subset of the functionality that is available on ThisApplication. Some of the properties of ThisApplication (such as ActiveDocument and CommandManager) are not available on ThisServer.
- Configurator 360 does not support models that utilize iLogic Excel functions.
- Configurator 360 does not allow the following in iLogic rules: MessageBox, MsgBox, InputBox, GoExcel, COM Excel functions
Localization issues when using default names for iLogic rule elements
Because C360 is based on a US-English language setting, default iLogic rule element names automatically convert to English when rules run in C360. This conversion causes rules to fail if you use localized Inventor software and create rules using the default localized element names. This issue only occurs if you use the default name provided for an element; it does not occur if you rename the element. To avoid this issue, always rename elements referred to in iLogic rules when creating rules in a language other than US-English.
ETO and iLogic custom .Net code
Call only items documented to be valid. When calling functions that are invalid, an error occurs because of firewalls and other protective measures.
- Functionality that affects only in-memory behavior is valid.
- .Net methods that operate on strings, numbers, arrays, and so on, and other in-memory data types.
Not valid
- Functionality that is persistent and interactive in any way is not valid.