Initializes the Configurator 360 Viewer.
Type: Plain Object.
A set of key/value pairs that configure the viewer. For an example configuration, see initViewer arguments on the sample page.
Type: String or DOM Element.
Specifies the container for the viewer. When the viewer is created, it fills this container element. The value can either be a String representing the ID of the container or it can be the DOM Element.
<div id="myViewer"></div>
// Use String container: 'myViewer' // Use DOM Element container: document.getElementById('myViewer')
Type: String.
Specifies the Configurator 360 design to load into the viewer. The value is the path portion of the design URL on the Configurator 360 site (format is '123456789/abcdefg' ).
Type: Boolean or Plain Object.
true means show; false means hide.
If this setting is a Boolean, it means show or hide all panes (default is show all).
If this setting is null or an empty object ( {} ), it hides all panes.
If this setting is an object, each name represents a pane to show or hide. Each value must be Boolean. The default is hide if a pane is not listed.
Refer to ADSK.C360.getPanes() within this topic for details on available panes.
Type: Blob
Contents of an .ikms file (generated from the Configurator 360 save operation) to load into the viewer. Save the session from the same design you are opening or the session is ignored. This is typically obtained from an <input type="file"> element or from an XMLHttpRequest with responseType = 'blob' .
Type: Boolean
If true, Configurator 360 shows the standard error dialogs. The error callback is invoked immediately after the error dialog displays. If false, Configurator 360 simply calls the error callback, and does not display anything. It's up to the error callback to show anything.
Type: Boolean
If true, Configurator 360 shows the standard timeout dialogs. The timeout callback is invoked after the user selects Terminate Now, or the session times out. If false, Configurator 360 simply calls the timeout callback when the session times out and does not display anything. It's up to the timeout callback to show anything.
Type: Function (function (viewer) { } ).
Callback function that calls when the Configurator 360 viewer successfully loads.
Type: C360Viewer.
Type: Function (function (viewer) { } ).
Callback function that calls when the Configurator 360 viewer fails to load for any reason.
Type: C360Viewer.
Type: Function (function (viewer) { } )
Callback function that is called if the Configurator 360 session times out.
Type: C360Viewer.