View the Clash Grid

In the Clashes tool, you can view the number of clash groups detected between models uploaded to the relevant coordination space. You can also use the clash grid to open the viewer and filter and investigate all clash groups affecting a model in the viewer.

  1. Click the Clashes tool. This defaults to the Active tab where you can view the clash grid.

  2. Click the coordination space drop-down to change the coordination space if necessary.

    Note: The clash grid displays a maximum 100 models at a time. If you have over 100 models in your coordination space, use the filters to adjust the models that are shown. Use views as a quick way to filter to a particular set of models. Alternatively, create more folders in Docs (and associated coordination spaces in Model Coordination) and organize your models into subgroups, for example by building level.
  3. Apply search and filters to further refine the clash grid. For example, use views to focus on particular combinations of systems, objects of a certain priority, or specific levels or areas. See the Search and Filter section of the About the Clashes Tool help topic for more details.

The clash grid displays all the clashes that have not yet been classified in the coordination space. See Classify and Manage Clashes for details on classifying clashes as either not an issue, or creating an issue against a clash.

All models are listed in the vertical column and again in the horizontal header row. The models in the vertical column are designated the primary models as their objects are clashed against by other models. The numbers in the clash grid show the total number of clash groups for:

See the following sections which correspond with the numbers in the image:

1. File Format Not Supported for Clash

: This icon indicates that the model is from a file which is not in a supported format for clash detection. This means that no clash data will display for this model. See Supported Files for Clash help topic for more information on supported files.

2. Model Turned Off for Clash

: This icon indicates that this model is turned off for clash. This means that no clash data will display for this model. To learn how to turn specific models on or off for clash, see Turn Models Off for Clash help topic.

3. Total Number of Clash Groups for the Primary Model

X clash groups is the total number of clash groups for the primary model in the vertical column which has clashes from the other horizontal column models. The displayed number of clash groups may be less than the sum of all clash groups in the row as clash groups are based on the primary model object.

For example, one architectural wall (primary model) clashes with pipes from the MEP model and beams from the structural model. This would be classed as one clash group. However, in a numbered cell in the clash grid, this clash group would be noted once in arch against MEP and again in arch vs structure.

Click the primary model listed in the vertical column to view all clash groups affecting that model in the viewer.

4. Fewest to Most Clash Groups in the Clash Grid

Orange cells gradient from light orange (fewest clashes) to dark orange (most clashes) to represent the increasing number of clashes within the clash grid.

5. Primary Model and Intersecting Model are the Same

A mid gray cell means that there is no clash data as each model on the intersecting horizontal and vertical column is the same primary model.

6. Total Number of Clash Groups Between Two Models

The total number of clash groups between the primary model on the vertical column and the intersecting model on the horizontal columns.

For example, the primary model (Model A) could have 30 objects which are clashing against 50 objects in the intersecting model (Model B). This displays as 30 clash groups in the clash grid.

Note: Model A will also show in horizontal column and model B in the vertical column. As this makes model B the primary model, the number of clash groups shown in the intersecting cell will be different to the previous example.

Click a cell in the grid to view the clash groups between that pair of models in the viewer.

7. No Active Clashes

A light gray cell means that there are no active clashes. This could be due to: