There are currently two versions of coordination spaces available with automatic clash turned on. The version you are using depends on the date that both your project and coordination spaces were created.
In projects created after October 25, 2022, all coordination spaces with automatic clash turned on are version 2 (V2) coordination spaces.
In projects created before October 25, 2022:
You can tell which version your coordination space is by doing one of the following:
Access Account Admin > Projects tool > Active tab, and check the date the project was created in the Created on column.
Access Model Coordination > Settings tool > Coordination spaces tab and:
There are several differences between V1 and V2 coordination spaces:
Optimized to only check for clashes based on model content that has changed since the last clash check. V1 coordination spaces run clash detection between all models in the space each time new models are uploaded. This may result in a more efficient experience when working in V2 coordination spaces.
Clash results are calculated for Revit files using the master model view instead of using the model geometry in each Revit view. The master model view is a representation of all the geometry included in a Revit file.
Supports access to ongoing clash feature enhancements. Certain new features may not be available when working in V1 coordination spaces.
V1 and V2 coordination spaces will both detect the same clashes, but calculate the numbers of clashes or clash groups slightly differently. This means that the numbers shown in the grid in the Clashes tool, the list in the Models tool, and the Clashes panel in the viewer, might be different between a V1 and V2 coordination space containing the same content.