Sample Project Templates

Kick off projects faster with sample project templates preconfigured based on different firm types and project needs. Sample project templates contain prepopulated information like a suggested folder structure, relevant form templates, issue settings, report templates, and more.

Note: Sample project templates are only available for the US data storage region.

View Sample Project Templates

Account administrators or standards administrators can access the sample project templates in Account Admin.

  1. Navigate to Account Admin.

  2. Click Project Templates on the left navigation.

  3. In the Sample section, you can either:

    • Click a project template that you see on the Project templates page.
    • Click View all to see all the available templates and then click a project template.

    Sample project templates

A flyout panel will open with a description of the template, tags identifying the template like firm type or project need, and a list of what is included.

Create a Project From a Sample Project Template

You can quickly create a project from a sample project template.

  1. Click a project template card.

  2. Click Create project in the flyout panel.

  3. Enter the required information: Name, Account, and Project type. Learn more about creating projects.

  4. Click Create project.

Save a Project Template to Your Account

You can save a project template to your account to make it your own and customize them further to make it available for your team to use.

  1. Click a project template card.

  2. Click Save to account in the flyout panel.

  3. Enter a name for the project template.

  4. Click Save as template.

The template you created will now be available in the Account section in Project Templates. If you publish it, it will be available for all your account members to use it to create projects. Learn more about configuring project templates.

Show or Hide Sample Project Templates in Account Admin

You can choose whether to show the sample templates in Project Templates.

  1. Click Settings on the Project Templates page.

    Project template settings

  2. Select Show sample templates in Account Admin to show or deselect to hide.

The page will immediately refresh with your selection.