
The companies tool in Project Admin provides a directory of companies in your project.

Project administrators can add companies directly in the companies tool or while adding a member.

Note: Account administrators can turn off the company creation capability using a toggle in the Account Admin settings tool.

Create Companies

Creating companies in the companies tool.

  1. Click Add Company.
  2. Enter the company name. While entering a company the database is searched to help reduce duplicate companies.
  3. Enter any other information that you want available about the company:
    • Trade or company type
    • Website
    • Country
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • ERP partner company ID
    • Tax ID
    • Description

Creating companies while adding members:

  1. Type in the company name.
  2. Click Add company.
Note: Companies added while creating members do not have the optional data entered. That data must be entered in the companies tool.

Remove Companies

You can use the in-line More menu to remove companies from the project.

Edit Companies

Only account administrators can edit company details in the BIM 360 Admin settings.

Company Address

The address of a company can be entered in two ways:

Note: There are some countries that have limited addresses. If you are experiencing difficulty finding the address of the company, please enter it manually.