As-built Export in Autodesk Build

The As-built Export feature available in Autodesk Build speeds up the handover process and improves the accuracy of handover documentation.

Project administrators can easily filter, find, and export all relevant as-built information for sheets, RFIs, and submittals. The export will also preserve links to other related project documents such as files and photos. You'll also be able to share as-builts with other Autodesk Construction Cloud projects using Bridge.

In this topic, you'll learn how to:

Create an As-built Export

Project administrators can configure and export as-built information for their project in Build product settings.

  1. From the left navigation in Project Administration, select Settings to navigate to the Settings tool.

  2. Click the Product Settings drop-down and select Build. This will open the Build Settings page.

  3. On the Build Settings page, click the As-built Export tab.

  4. Click Create as-built to configure an as-built export.

    The Create as-built screen has the following default options preselected:

    • Sheets - current sheets versions and published markups
    • RFIs - closed RFIs
    • Submittals - closed submittals
    • Files - current file versions for basic file types (PDF, JPG, PNG, XLSX, DOCX), not including markups
    • Issues - closed issues
    • Forms - open, closed, and archived forms
    • Photos - all photos
  5. You can deselect any items you don't want to include in the as-built or change the configurations by clicking Edit details.

  6. For each project item, select from the available options.

    • Sheets

      • Sheet versions- Include all sheets (current and previous sheets) or current sheet versions.
      • Sheets markups - Include all markups (published and unpublished markups), published markups, or only published markups linked to RFI references.
    • RFIs

      • Include all RFIs (draft, open, and closed RFIs). Excludes voided RFIs.
    • Submittals

      • Include all submittals (draft, required, open, and closed submittals. Excludes voided submittals) or closed submittals.
    • Files

      • Include all files, basic file types (PDF, JPG, FNG, XLSX, DOCX), model files (RVT, DWG, NWC), or select specific file types for current file versions, not including markups.
      Note: A maximum of 15,000 files can be included.
    • Issues

      • Include all issues (open, in review, pending, and closed) or only closed issues.
    • Forms

      • Include all forms or closed and archived forms only.
  7. Click Create.

  8. You will receive a brief notification in the upper right of the page confirming the as-built export is in progress. It can take from one to several hours to generate your export. You’ll receive an email with a link to download the export when it is complete and available.


Option to download and share an as-built expire after six months for security purposes.

Download Your As-built Export

After an as-built export has been created, the download link is available in the As-built Export log.

  1. Click the as-built on the log and a details panel opens up.

  2. Click Download ZIP at the bottom of the panel.

View Downloaded As-built Export Files

After you download your as-built export from Autodesk Build, unzip the file to access as-built folders for RFIs, Submittals, Sheets, Files, and Issues.

We recommend using Adobe Acrobat to view your as-built export and all of its markups. The Preview app on Mac can be used with the following limitations:

Links between RFIs and sheets will be included as local URL links in the PDF. Photos linked to an RFI will show up as thumbnails in the PDF. Files linked to an RFI will be downloaded and included in the RFI folder.


To preserve local links between files after export, do not move or rename files that link out to another file in the exported folder. For example, if an RFI contains a link to a sheet, the local link will break if the sheet name is changed.

Use Bridge to Share As-builts

Bridge is the enabling technology that allows you to easily share project information with other Autodesk Construction Cloud projects and accounts. Project administrators can share as-builts with other projects in which they are also a project administrator or member. Learn more about the Bridge tool in About Bridge.

  1. There are two ways that you can start sharing as-builts with another project:

    • Click Share on the As-built Exports log

    • Click the as-built on the log and a details panel opens up click Share at the bottom of the panel.

  2. Enter a name for this event. This will help you and the team you are sharing the project with to track what is shared in the Bridge tool.

    Note: <>:"/|?*` are not allowed.
  3. Select a target project.

  4. Select a target folder for the as-built to go into.

  5. Click Share. You'll receive an email when the share is complete.

Once shared, you can track this in the Outgoing tab of the Bridge tool. Learn more.