Info Panels

An info panel is a popup defined within a data query that can include the results returned by that query, and is accessible to the links within that query. You can define these modal windows in the Info Panels section at the bottom of the Queries & Reports page. The Add Panel button on this section allows you to define a new Info Panel along with its general attributes.

The Add Modal window panel.

The Code of an info panel identifies the popup to the system and on the Queries & Reports page, and must be unique within the report. The code is not displayed on the popup at runtime, however. Instead, the other general attributes of the popup identify the popup to the user:

These general attributes typically identify the query result for which the panel has been opened and the type of information to be included in the panel, but the purpose of an info panel is to provide additional substantive information about a query result. The series of panel elements constituting the body of the info panel serve this purpose.

Beyond these general attributes, the body of an info panel comprises a series of Panel Elements; where the general attributes of a popup typically identify the query result for which the panel has been opened or the type of information included in the panel, these panel elements can provide additional substantive information about the query result for which the panel has been opened.

The panel elements of the selected popup appear in a table at the bottom of the Info Panels section of the Queries & Reports page, and can be added using the "Add Panel Element" button, modified or deleted using the edit and delete buttons in the rightmost column of the table. There are four types of elements that can be added to an info panel:

The below screenshot shows a caption at runtime, including the locations of the Caption, Title, and Subtitle. The panel shown contains four panel elements: a Text element, a New Column element, a Text Box element, and a Custom element, in that order.