It is strongly recommended that databases be backed up on a regular basis, especially before and after significant changes are being made. For example, backup your databases under these conditions:
- before installing any Autodesk Fabrication product software updates or service packs
- after installing any Autodesk Fabrication product software updates or service packs, before any changes are made
- before and after using the
Migration Tool to migrate a database
- after price lists are modified, as this updates the database
- Shared databases should also be automatically backed up at regular intervals
It is important to note that a Fabrication database is composed of folders and subfolders, and files of various types that reside in those folders. A database is not a single file. For more information, see
Database Files and Folders Descriptions.
- In Windows Explorer, browse to the database location. By default, this is typically C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\Fabrication <version>\ Imperial Content.
Note: For a shared database on a network server, the database path displays under the configuration when you start the Fabrication product.
- Right-click on the database folder name and click
Send To
Compressed (zipped) folder. This creates a compressed zipped folder containing all of the folders, subfolders and files selected.
TIP: The following Fundamental Training Video includes a walk-through of how to perform a Database Backup: