Whenever ductwork needs to branch away from the main run, a tap (for example, a shoe or boot) can be added to allow this. Attaching a tap can be achieved by using the Fix Relative option. This topic describes how to insert a shoe by using the Fix Relative option.
Z Value Presets (Viewed from front)
Value: The user may enter a value that should include the height of the duct.
Central: The shoe is attached centerd on the duct.
Level to Top: The shoe is attached positioning the attaching connector level with the top of the duct.
Level to Bottom: The shoe is attached positioning the attaching connector level with the bottom of the duct.
Top Down: Similar to Level on Top but allows the operator to add an additional Z offset from the top of the duct e.g. to move the shoe down 50mm from the top enter 50 in the box above the Z options drop-down menu.
Bottom Up: Similar to Level on Bottom but allows the operator to add an additional Z offset from the bottom of the duct e.g. to move the shoe up 50mm from the bottom enter 50 in the box above the z options drop-down menu.
Tip: By rotating the attach arrow before selection, the branch can be positioned on any side of the item.