Stitch Gap

The Stitch Gap command is used to leave small gaps of metal around the cut so that the part remains attached to the sheet.

There are 3 options available in stitching. These can be accessed by clicking Profiler Stitch and selecting one of the following.

Stitch Island

To use the Stitch Islands option, you will be prompted in the command line to Select Islands that you wish to have stitching applied to.

  1. Click on the islands to highlight them (default color is yellow).
  2. Right-click the mouse button to complete the selection process.

    The command line prompts for a Stitch Gap.

  3. Type in the number you wish the size of the stitch to be, and press Enter.

    The command prompts for the Number of Stitches required in the part.

  4. Type in the required number and press Enter.

    The command line prompts for Open Ends. Type in Y (yes) or N (no) to determine where the cut will start.

    When Y (yes) is selected, the cut starts at the stitch, as shown in below.

    When N (no) is selected, the cut starts with a "lead in" as shown below.

Manual Stitch: This requests a stitch length and then allows you to give coordinates for the stitches to be placed at the command line, or click on the island(s) at the position where you want the stitches to be placed.

Remove Stitch: Removes the stitches from the selected island, again by either entering coordinates for the stitches or clicking on the stitches that are shown on an island or islands.