About Tracker

Tracker is a tool for tracking building project life cycles. It is used to provide a method for tracing (tracking) items within a project cycle, and for evaluating time being spent between each department or station.

The example below illustrates a typical scenario for tracking the items from a drawing stage through to delivery to site.

With Tracker, all fabrication parts in a CADmep model, in an ESTmep estimate, or in a CAMduct manufacturing job, can automatically produce custom designed item labels to any of the bar code or QR code standards. For example: Drawing/Job Name, Item No, Description, EAN No.

You can also use Tracker to produce bar code labels or QR code labels for:

Item Statuses

Items can be assigned different user-defined statuses as they proceed through the cycle. For example, some typical user-defined statuses are:

Some of the statuses can be updated at bar code or QR code reader station locations. Others can be updated on the AutoCAD drawing. For example, in a drawing, the status might need to be changed from "Drawing Office" to "Approved".

Certain types of data can also be recorded for each status; for example:


Custom reports that list item statuses can be viewed or printed. Any of the data can be exported for use by third-party software. Typical uses for Tracker are as follows:

Note: In addition to Tracker, you will also need one or more bar code or QR code scanners. These can be wireless using USB Port. For more information, see About Bar Code and QR Code Readers.