Digitizer Setup

The following information is provided to assist with setting up digitizers for environments that are interacting with digitizers.

Function Design Line GUI Keys
Set circular size: CONTROL + NUMPAD 1
Set circular size: CONTROL + NUMPAD 2
Set circular size: CONTROL + NUMPAD 3
Goto service combo: CTRL + I
Goto size entry: CTRL + D (sets width box or constraint combo)
Goto buttons: CTRL + B (follow by button key sequence - works across tabs)
Goto elevation: CTRL + L (elevation editbox)
Goto flatside ctrl: CTRL + U (joystick - use numpad keys to specify which)
New Run: CTRL + N (new Design Line)
End Run: CTRL + E (end current run)
Add Riser: CTRL + R (rises 90^ to changed elev / offset)
Give Viewer Focus: CTRL + 3 (follow by any 3d viewer cmd + ENTER)
Quick Takeoff Keys:  
Go to Item Fixing Type: CONTROL + U
Go to Item 1st Dim: CONTROL + D (only if not in design mode; it goes to design GUI size if it is)
Go to Item Qty: CONTROL + Q
Turn Off Item Insulation: CONTROL + 0
Go to Carry Dim Bar: CONTROL + T
Go to 3D Viewer: CONTROL + 3