Add Items to Duct Run

This topic helps you understand how to attach items to existing items in drawing, and how dimensions are picked up from the Attacher arrow.

When an item is attached to an existing item in the drawing, the Attacher arrow picks up the following carry-over information from the previous item:

This feature allows automatic insertion of items to the run. If a straight length has an “Auto Length” set on it, lengths are added based on information that is set in a specification table. Items in CADmep can be “Certified” in the item properties, which will enable them to be auto-inserted. Deselecting this option results in a Takeoff dialog being displayed each time it is inserted (right-click button in service > properties > general tab).

When inserting a certified item, pressing the ALT key and selecting the item from the service, will override the automatic insertion.

To add items to a duct run:

  1. With the existing piece of straight in the drawing, select the straight button from the General Supply service.
  2. Observe as each time the button is clicked the program adds a new piece of straight duct to the run, at set lengths.
  3. Select from the General Supply service the Square Bend button.
  4. Observe how the fitting has attached relative to the direction of the small arrow.
  5. Attach another piece of rectangular duct.
  6. Select the Taper button from the general supply service.
  7. From the dialog, observe how the fitting has picked up the width in and depth in from the previous item Set width out at 700, depth out at 550 and a length of 700.
  8. Set the offset width to flat right and the offset depth to flat right.
  9. In the preview pane, observe the red circle that represents the insertion point. The red cone that represents the direction of the small arrow on the Attacher.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Observe how the fitting has attached.

    Tip: For easier insertion of taper pieces, try to keep the small arrow pointing left to avoid rotation.

    Repeat 2-3 times to ensure concept is clear