AdditiveTechnologies Enumerator


List of technologies a additive machine could have
Defined in namespace "adsk::cam" and the header file is <Cam\CamTypeDefs.h>


Name Value Description
BinderJettingTechnology 4 Multi fusion jet additive manufacturing process
DEDTechnology 1 Directed energy deposition additive manufacturing process.
FFFTechnology 0 Fused filament fabrication additive manufacturing process.
MFJTechnology 3 Multi fusion jet additive manufacturing process
MPBFTechnology 2 Machine powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process.
NATechnology 7 Non Additive Technology, meaning this is not a additive machine
OtherTechnology 8 Every other additive manufacturing process not covered by the types above
SLATechnology 5 Stereo lithographic apparatus additive manufacturing process
SLSTechnology 6 Selective laser sintering additive manufacturing process


Introduced in version April 2023