AreaProperties.getRadiusOfGyration Method

Parent Object: AreaProperties
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Fusion/AreaProperties.h>


Method that returns the radius of gyration about the principal axes. Unit for returned values is cm.


"areaProperties_var" is a variable referencing an AreaProperties object.

(returnValue, kxx, kyy, kzz) = areaProperties_var.getRadiusOfGyration()

#include <Fusion/Fusion/AreaProperties.h

// Declare the output arguments.
double kxx;
double kyy;
double kzz;
boolean returnValue = areaProperties_var->getRadiusOfGyration(kxx, kyy, kzz);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if successful


Name Type Description
kxx double Output Double that returns the X partial radius of gyration.
kyy double Output Double that returns the Y partial radius of gyration.
kzz double Output Double that returns the Z partial radius of gyration.


Name Description
API Sample for AreaProperties Demonstrates how to use AreaProperties


Introduced in version March 2016