import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback # Performs a recursive traversal of an entire assembly structure. def traverseAssembly(occurrences, currentLevel, inputString): for i in range(0, occurrences.count): occ = occurrences.item(i) inputString += spaces(currentLevel * 5) + + '\n' if occ.childOccurrences: inputString = traverseAssembly(occ.childOccurrences, currentLevel + 1, inputString) return inputString # Returns a string containing the especified number of spaces. def spaces(spaceCount): result = '' for i in range(0, spaceCount): result += ' ' return result def run(context): ui = None try: app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface product = app.activeProduct design = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(product) if not design: ui.messageBox('No active Fusion design', 'No Design') return # Get the root component of the active design. rootComp = design.rootComponent # Create the title for the output. resultString = 'Root (' + + ')\n' # Call the recursive function to traverse the assembly and build the output string. resultString = traverseAssembly(rootComp.occurrences.asList, 1, resultString) # Display the result. # Write the results to the TEXT COMMANDS window. textPalette = ui.palettes.itemById('TextCommands') if not textPalette.isVisible: textPalette.isVisible = True textPalette.writeText(resultString) except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
#include <Core/Application/Application.h> #include <Core/Application/Documents.h> #include <Core/Application/Document.h> #include <Core/Application/Product.h> #include <Core/Geometry/Matrix3D.h> #include <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h> #include <Core/UserInterface/Palettes.h> #include <Core/UserInterface/TextCommandPalette.h> #include <Fusion/Components/Component.h> #include <Fusion/Components/Occurrence.h> #include <Fusion/Components/Occurrences.h> #include <Fusion/Components/OccurrenceList.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/Design.h> using namespace adsk::core; using namespace adsk::fusion; Ptr<UserInterface> ui; // Returns a string containing the especified number of spaces. std::string spaces(size_t spaceCount) { std::string result = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < spaceCount; ++i) { result += " "; } return result; } // Performs a recursive traversal of an entire assembly structure. std::string traverseAssembly(Ptr<OccurrenceList> occurrences, size_t currentLevel, std::string inputString) { if (occurrences) { for (size_t i = 0; i < occurrences->count(); ++i) { Ptr<Occurrence> occ = occurrences->item(i); if (occ) { inputString += spaces(currentLevel * 5) + occ->name() + "\n"; if (occ->childOccurrences()) { inputString = traverseAssembly(occ->childOccurrences(), currentLevel + 1, inputString); } } } } return inputString; } extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context) { Ptr<Application> app = Application::get(); if (!app) return false; ui = app->userInterface(); if (!ui) return false; Ptr<Product> product = app->activeProduct(); if (!product) return false; Ptr<Design> design = product; if (!design) return false; // Get the root component of the active design Ptr<Component> rootComp = design->rootComponent(); if (!rootComp) return false; Ptr<Occurrences> occurrences = rootComp->occurrences(); if (!occurrences) return false; // Create the title for the output. std::string resultString = "Root (" + design->parentDocument()->name() + ")\n"; // Call the recursive function to traverse the assembly and build the output string. resultString = traverseAssembly(occurrences->asList(), 1, resultString); // Write the results to the TEXT COMMANDS window. Ptr<TextCommandPalette> textPalette = ui->palettes()->itemById("TextCommands"); if (!textPalette->isVisible()) textPalette->isVisible(true); textPalette->writeText(resultString); return true; } #ifdef XI_WIN #include <windows.h> BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hmodule, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) { switch (reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } #endif // XI_WIN