BRepBody.findByTempId Method

Parent Object: BRepBody
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/BRep/BRepBody.h>


Returns all of the faces, edges, or vertices that match the input ID.


"bRepBody_var" is a variable referencing a BRepBody object.
returnValue = bRepBody_var.findByTempId(tempId)
"bRepBody_var" is a variable referencing a BRepBody object.

#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepBody.h>

returnValue = bRepBody_var->findByTempId(tempId);

Return Value

Type Description
Base[] Returns an array of entities that have the specified ID. This returns an array because it's possible that a body created by converting a body can have multiple entities with the same ID in the case where a curve or face was split. Returns an empty array in the case where no match is found.


Name Type Description
tempId integer The ID of the B-Rep entity to find.


Introduced in version August 2016