BRepEdge.createForAssemblyContext Method

Parent Object: BRepEdge
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/BRep/BRepEdge.h>


Returns a proxy for the native object - i.e. a new object that represents this object but adds the assembly context defined by the input occurrence.


"bRepEdge_var" is a variable referencing a BRepEdge object.
returnValue = bRepEdge_var.createForAssemblyContext(occurrence)
"bRepEdge_var" is a variable referencing a BRepEdge object.

#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepEdge.h>

returnValue = bRepEdge_var->createForAssemblyContext(occurrence);

Return Value

Type Description
BRepEdge Returns the new BrepEdge proxy or null if this isn't the NativeObject.


Name Type Description
occurrence Occurrence The occurrence that defines the context for the created proxy.


Introduced in version August 2014