BaseComponent.allOccurrencesByComponent Method

Parent Object: BaseComponent
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Components/BaseComponent.h>


Returns all occurrences, at any level of the assembly, that reference the specified component. The returned list is read-only.


"baseComponent_var" is a variable referencing a BaseComponent object.
returnValue = baseComponent_var.allOccurrencesByComponent(component)
"baseComponent_var" is a variable referencing a BaseComponent object.

#include <Fusion/Components/BaseComponent.h>

returnValue = baseComponent_var->allOccurrencesByComponent(component);

Return Value

Type Description
OccurrenceList The occurrences referenced by the specified component.


Name Type Description
component Component The component that is being referenced by the occurrences that will be returned.


Introduced in version August 2014