Demonstrates creating a setup, searching tool library to retrieve a tool, create a couple of machining operations and a NC program, ready for post processing.
Use the 2D Strategies model from the Fusion CAM Samples folder as your CAD model.
#include <Core/CoreAll.h> #include <Fusion/FusionAll.h> #include <Cam/CamAll.h> using namespace adsk::core; using namespace adsk::fusion; using namespace adsk::cam; extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context) { /* * initialisation */ Ptr<Application> app = Application::get(); Ptr<UserInterface> ui = app->userInterface(); // use existing document, load 2D Strategies model from the Fusion CAM Samples folder Ptr<Document> doc = app->activeDocument(); // switch to manufacturing space Ptr<Workspace> camWS = ui->workspaces()->itemById("CAMEnvironment"); camWS->activate(); // get the CAM product Ptr<Products> products = doc->products(); /* * Find tools in sample tool library */ // get the tool libraries from the library manager Ptr<CAMManager> camManager = CAMManager::get(); Ptr<CAMLibraryManager> libraryManager = camManager->libraryManager(); Ptr<ToolLibraries> toolLibraries = libraryManager->toolLibraries(); // we can use a library URl directly if we know its address (here we use Fusion"s Metric sample library) Ptr<URL> toolLibraryUrl = URL::create("systemlibraryroot://Samples/Milling Tools (Metric).json"); // load tool library Ptr<ToolLibrary> toolLibrary = toolLibraries->toolLibraryAtURL(toolLibraryUrl); if (!toolLibrary) { ui->messageBox("Failed to load tool library"); return false; } // create some variables for the milling tools which will be used in the operations Ptr<Tool> faceTool = nullptr; Ptr<Tool> adaptiveTool = nullptr; // searching the face mill and the bull nose using a loop for the roughing operations for (Ptr<Tool>& tool : toolLibrary) { // read the tool type Ptr<ChoiceParameterValue> toolTypeParameter = tool->parameters()->itemByName("tool_type")->value(); std::string toolType = toolTypeParameter->value(); // select the first face tool found if (toolType == "face mill" && !faceTool) { faceTool = tool; } // search the roughing tool else if (toolType == "bull nose end mill" && !adaptiveTool) { // we look for a bull nose end mill tool larger or equal to 10mm but less than 14mm Ptr<FloatParameterValue> diameterParameter = tool->parameters()->itemByName("tool_diameter")->value(); double diameter = diameterParameter->value(); if (diameter >= 1.0 && diameter < 1.4) { adaptiveTool = tool; } } // exit when the 2 tools are found if (faceTool && adaptiveTool) { break; } } if (!faceTool) { ui->messageBox("No face mill tool found"); return false; } if (!adaptiveTool) { ui->messageBox("No bull nose end mill tool found"); return false; } /* * create setup */ Ptr<CAM> cam = products->itemByProductType("CAMProductType"); Ptr<Setups> setups = cam->setups(); Ptr<SetupInput> setupInput = setups->createInput(OperationTypes::MillingOperation()); // create a list for the models to add to the setup Input std::vector<Ptr<Base>> models; Ptr<BRepBody> part = cam->designRootOccurrence()->bRepBodies()->item(0); // add the part to the model list models.push_back(part); // pass the model list to the setup input setupInput->models(models); // create the setup Ptr<Setup> setup = setups->add(setupInput); // change some properties of the setup setup->name() = "CAM Basic Script Sample"; setup->stockMode(SetupStockModes::RelativeBoxStock); // set offset mode setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockOffsetMode")->expression("\"simple\""); // set offset stock side setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockOffsetSides")->expression("0 mm"); // set offset stock top setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockOffsetTop")->expression("2 mm"); // set setup origin Ptr<ChoiceParameterValue> wcs_origin_boxPoint = setup->parameters()->itemByName("wcs_origin_boxPoint")->value(); wcs_origin_boxPoint->value("top 1"); /* * face operation */ // create a face operation input Ptr<OperationInput> faceInput = setup->operations()->createInput("face"); faceInput->tool(faceTool); faceInput->displayName("Face Operation"); faceInput->parameters()->itemByName("tolerance")->expression("0.01 mm"); faceInput->parameters()->itemByName("stepover")->expression("0.75 * tool_diameter"); faceInput->parameters()->itemByName("direction")->expression("\"climb\""); // add the operation to the setup Ptr<Operation> faceOp = setup->operations()->add(faceInput); /* * adaptive operation */ Ptr<OperationInput> adaptiveInput = setup->operations()->createInput("adaptive"); adaptiveInput->tool(adaptiveTool); adaptiveInput->displayName("Adaptive Roughing"); adaptiveInput->parameters()->itemByName("tolerance")->expression("0.1 mm"); adaptiveInput->parameters()->itemByName("maximumStepdown")->expression("5 mm"); adaptiveInput->parameters()->itemByName("fineStepdown")->expression("0.25 * maximumStepdown"); adaptiveInput->parameters()->itemByName("flatAreaMachining")->expression("false"); // add the operation to the setup Ptr<Operation> adaptiveOp = setup->operations()->add(adaptiveInput); /* * generate operations */ cam->generateToolpath(faceOp); cam->generateToolpath(adaptiveOp); /* * ncProgram and post-processing */ // get the post library from library manager Ptr<PostLibrary> postLibrary = libraryManager->postLibrary(); // query post library to get postprocessor list Ptr<PostConfigurationQuery> postQuery = postLibrary->createQuery(LibraryLocations::Fusion360LibraryLocation); postQuery->vendor("Autodesk"); postQuery->capability(PostCapabilities::Milling); std::vector<Ptr<PostConfiguration>> postConfigs = postQuery->execute(); Ptr<URL> importedURL; // find the "XYZ" post in the post library and import it to local library for (Ptr<PostConfiguration>& config : postConfigs) { if (config->description() == "XYZ") { Ptr<URL> configUrl = URL::create("user://"); importedURL = postLibrary->importPostConfiguration(config, configUrl, "NCProgramSamplePost.cps"); } } // get the imported local post config Ptr<PostConfiguration> postConfig = postLibrary->postConfigurationAtURL(importedURL); // create NCProgramInput object Ptr<NCProgramInput> ncInput = cam->ncPrograms()->createInput(); ncInput->displayName("NC Program Sample"); // change some nc program parameters... Ptr<CAMParameters> ncParameters = ncInput->parameters(); Ptr<StringParameterValue> nc_program_filename = ncParameters->itemByName("nc_program_filename")->value(); nc_program_filename->value("NCProgramSample"); Ptr<BooleanParameterValue> nc_program_openInEditor = ncParameters->itemByName("nc_program_openInEditor")->value(); nc_program_openInEditor->value(true); // set temp directory as output directory std::string outputFolder = cam->temporaryFolder(); Ptr<StringParameterValue> nc_program_output_folder = ncParameters->itemByName("nc_program_output_folder")->value(); nc_program_output_folder->value(outputFolder); // select the operations to generate (we skip steep_and_shallow here) ncInput->operations({faceOp, adaptiveOp}); // add a new ncprogram from the ncprogram input Ptr<NCProgram> newProgram = cam->ncPrograms()->add(ncInput); // set post processor newProgram->postConfiguration(postConfig); // change some post parameter Ptr<CAMParameters> postParameters = newProgram->postParameters(); Ptr<FloatParameterValue> builtin_tolerance = postParameters->itemByName("builtin_tolerance")->value(); builtin_tolerance->value(0.01); // NcProgram parameters is pass as it is to the postprocessor (it has no units) Ptr<FloatParameterValue> builtin_minimumChordLength = postParameters->itemByName("builtin_minimumChordLength")->value(); builtin_minimumChordLength->value( 0.33); // NcProgram parameters is pass as it is to the postprocessor (it has no units) // update/apply post parameters newProgram->updatePostParameters(postParameters); // post-process // uncomment next lines to automatically postprocess operations (requires them to be calculated!) // // set post options, by default post process only valid operations containing toolpath data // postOptions = // newProgram.postProcess(postOptions) // ui->messageBox("Post processing is complete. The results have been written to:\n" + outputFolder + "/" + // programName + ".nc"); return true; }
import adsk.core, adsk.fusion,, traceback import os def run(context): ui = None try: #################### initialisation ##################### app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface # use existing document, load 2D Strategies model from the Fusion CAM Samples folder doc = app.activeDocument # switch to manufacturing space camWS = ui.workspaces.itemById('CAMEnvironment') camWS.activate() # get the CAM product products = doc.products #################### Find tools in sample tool library #################### # get the tool libraries from the library manager camManager = libraryManager = camManager.libraryManager toolLibraries = libraryManager.toolLibraries # we can use a library URl directly if we know its address (here we use Fusion's Metric sample library) url = adsk.core.URL.create('systemlibraryroot://Samples/Milling Tools (Metric).json') # load tool library toolLibrary = toolLibraries.toolLibraryAtURL(url) # create some variables for the milling tools which will be used in the operations faceTool = None adaptiveTool = None # searching the face mill and the bull nose using a loop for the roughing operations for tool in toolLibrary: # read the tool type toolType = tool.parameters.itemByName('tool_type').value.value # select the first face tool found if toolType == 'face mill' and not faceTool: faceTool = tool # search the roughing tool elif toolType == 'bull nose end mill' and not adaptiveTool: # we look for a bull nose end mill tool larger or equal to 10mm but less than 14mm diameter = tool.parameters.itemByName('tool_diameter').value.value if diameter >= 1.0 and diameter < 1.4: adaptiveTool = tool # exit when the 2 tools are found if faceTool and adaptiveTool: break #################### create setup #################### cam ="CAMProductType")) setups = cam.setups setupInput = setups.createInput( # create a list for the models to add to the setup Input models = [] part = cam.designRootOccurrence.bRepBodies.item(0) # add the part to the model list models.append(part) # pass the model list to the setup input setupInput.models = models # create the setup setup = setups.add(setupInput) # change some properties of the setup = 'CAM Basic Script Sample' setup.stockMode = # set offset mode setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockOffsetMode').expression = "'simple'" # set offset stock side setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockOffsetSides').expression = '0 mm' # set offset stock top setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockOffsetTop').expression = '2 mm' # set setup origin setup.parameters.itemByName('wcs_origin_boxPoint').value.value = 'top 1' #################### face operation #################### # create a face operation input input = setup.operations.createInput('face') input.tool = faceTool input.displayName = 'Face Operation' input.parameters.itemByName('tolerance').expression = '0.01 mm' input.parameters.itemByName('stepover').expression = '0.75 * tool_diameter' input.parameters.itemByName('direction').expression = "'climb'" # add the operation to the setup faceOp = setup.operations.add(input) #################### adaptive operation #################### input = setup.operations.createInput('adaptive') input.tool = adaptiveTool input.displayName = 'Adaptive Roughing' input.parameters.itemByName('tolerance').expression = '0.1 mm' input.parameters.itemByName('maximumStepdown').expression = '5 mm' input.parameters.itemByName('fineStepdown').expression = '0.25 * maximumStepdown' input.parameters.itemByName('flatAreaMachining').expression = 'false' # add the operation to the setup adaptiveOp = setup.operations.add(input) ##################### generate operations #################### cam.generateToolpath(faceOp) cam.generateToolpath(adaptiveOp) #################### ncProgram and post-processing #################### # get the post library from library manager postLibrary = libraryManager.postLibrary # query post library to get postprocessor list postQuery = postLibrary.createQuery( postQuery.vendor = "Autodesk" postQuery.capability = postConfigs = postQuery.execute() # find the "XYZ" post in the post library and import it to local library for config in postConfigs: if config.description == 'XYZ': url = adsk.core.URL.create("user://") importedURL = postLibrary.importPostConfiguration(config, url, "NCProgramSamplePost.cps") # get the imported local post config postConfig = postLibrary.postConfigurationAtURL(importedURL) # create NCProgramInput object ncInput = cam.ncPrograms.createInput() ncInput.displayName = 'NC Program Sample' # change some nc program parameters... ncParameters = ncInput.parameters ncParameters.itemByName('nc_program_filename').value.value = 'NCProgramSample' ncParameters.itemByName('nc_program_openInEditor').value.value = True # set user desktop as output directory (Windows and Mac) # make the path valid for Fusion by replacing \\ to / in the path desktopDirectory = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop").replace('\\', '/') ncParameters.itemByName('nc_program_output_folder').value.value = desktopDirectory # select the operations to generate (we skip steep_and_shallow here) ncInput.operations = [faceOp, adaptiveOp] # add a new ncprogram from the ncprogram input newProgram = cam.ncPrograms.add(ncInput) # set post processor newProgram.postConfiguration = postConfig # change some post parameter postParameters = newProgram.postParameters postParameters.itemByName('builtin_tolerance').value.value = 0.01 # NcProgram parameters is pass as it is to the postprocessor (it has no units) postParameters.itemByName('builtin_minimumChordLength').value.value = 0.33 # NcProgram parameters is pass as it is to the postprocessor (it has no units) # update/apply post parameters newProgram.updatePostParameters(postParameters) # post-process # uncomment next lines to automatically postprocess operations (requires them to be calculated!) # # set post options, by default post process only valid operations containing toolpath data # postOptions = # newProgram.postProcess(postOptions) except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))