BoundingBox2D.combine Method

Parent Object: BoundingBox2D
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/Geometry/BoundingBox2D.h>


Combines this bounding box with the input bounding box. If the input bounding box extends outside this bounding box then this bounding box will be extended to encompass both of the original bounding boxes.


"boundingBox2D_var" is a variable referencing a BoundingBox2D object.
returnValue = boundingBox2D_var.combine(boundingBox)
"boundingBox2D_var" is a variable referencing a BoundingBox2D object.

#include <Core/Geometry/BoundingBox2D.h>

returnValue = boundingBox2D_var->combine(boundingBox);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the combine was successful.


Name Type Description
boundingBox BoundingBox2D The other bounding box. It is not edited but is used to extend the boundaries of the bounding box the method is being called on.


Introduced in version June 2015