CAMLibraryManager.localPostFolder Property

Parent Object: CAMLibraryManager
Defined in namespace "adsk::cam" and the header file is <Cam/Global/CAMLibraryManager.h>


This function is retired. See more information in the 'Remarks' section below.

Gets the absolute path to the folder containing local posts. Local posts appear in post library under the local tab.


This property has been retired. Please use the post library to access posts instead.


"cAMLibraryManager_var" is a variable referencing a CAMLibraryManager object.

# Get the value of the property.
propertyValue = cAMLibraryManager_var.localPostFolder
"cAMLibraryManager_var" is a variable referencing a CAMLibraryManager object.
#include <Cam/Global/CAMLibraryManager.h>

// Get the value of the property.
string propertyValue = cAMLibraryManager_var->localPostFolder();

Property Value

This is a read only property whose value is a string.


Introduced in version April 2023
Retired in version March 2023