CAM.setups Property

Parent Object: CAM
Defined in namespace "adsk::cam" and the header file is <Cam/CAM/CAM.h>


Returns the Setups collection that provides access to existing setups.


"cAM_var" is a variable referencing a CAM object.

# Get the value of the property.
propertyValue = cAM_var.setups
"cAM_var" is a variable referencing a CAM object.
#include <Cam/CAM/CAM.h>

// Get the value of the property.
Ptr<Setups> propertyValue = cAM_var->setups();

Property Value

This is a read only property whose value is a Setups.


Name Description
CAM Parameter Modification API Sample Demonstrates changing parameters of existing toolpaths.
Generate Setup Sheets API Sample Demonstrates generating the setup sheets for an existing toolpath..
Generate Toolpaths API Sample Demonstrates generating the toolpaths in the active document.
New CAM Operation API Sample Demonstrates adding a new toolpath into the document using an existing CAM template. You can get a sample template here. To use the sample, create a new design and add a block. Switch to the MANUFACTURE workspace and create a setup. Run the script and it will create a new facing operation in the setup.
Post Toolpaths API Sample Demonstrates posting toolpaths in the active document.


Introduced in version January 2016