CircularPatternFeatures.createInput Method

Parent Object: CircularPatternFeatures
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/CircularPatternFeatures.h>


Creates a CircularPatternFeatureInput object. Use properties and methods on this object to define the circular pattern you want to create and then use the Add method, passing in the CircularPatternFeatureInput object.


"circularPatternFeatures_var" is a variable referencing a CircularPatternFeatures object.
returnValue = circularPatternFeatures_var.createInput(inputEntities, axis)
"circularPatternFeatures_var" is a variable referencing a CircularPatternFeatures object.

#include <Fusion/Features/CircularPatternFeatures.h>

returnValue = circularPatternFeatures_var->createInput(inputEntities, axis);

Return Value

Type Description
CircularPatternFeatureInput Returns the newly created CircularPatternFeatureInput object or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
inputEntities ObjectCollection The collection can contain faces, features, bodies or occurrences. All of the entities must be of a single type. For example, it can't contain features and occurrences but only features or occurrences.
axis Base Input linear entity or the entity has axis that defines axis of circular pattern. This can be a sketch line, linear edge, construction axis, an edge/sketch curve that defines an axis (circle, etc.) or a face that defines an axis (cylinder, cone, torus, etc.).


Name Description
circularPatternFeatures.add Demonstrates the circularPatternFeatures.add method. To use the sample have a design open that contains at least one body. When you run the script, it will prompt you to select a body, which will be patterned around the base Y-axis.
CircularPattern Feature API Sample Demonstrates creating a new circular pattern feature.


Introduced in version November 2014