Command.mouseDown Event

Parent Object: Command
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/UserInterface/Command.h>


Gets an event that is fired when a mouse button is pressed.


-------- Import ---------
# Import fusion360utils folder, which includes
from ...lib import fusion360utils as futil

-------- Global variables ---------
# Global variable used to maintain a reference to all event handlers.
local_handlers = []

-------- Connect the handler to the event. ---------
# "command_var" is a variable referencing a Command object.
# "command_mouseDown" is the event handler function.
futil.add_handler(command_var.mouseDown, command_mouseDown, local_handlers=local_handlers)

-------- Event handler function definition ---------
# Event handler for the mouseDown event.
def command_mouseDown(args: adsk.core.MouseEventArgs):
# Code to react to the event.
app.log('In command_mouseDown event handler.')
-------- Global variables ---------
# Global variable used to maintain a reference to all event handlers.
handlers = []

-------- Connect the handler to the event. ---------
# "command_var" is a variable referencing a Command object.
# "MyMouseDownHandler" is the name of the class that handles the event.
onMouseDown = MyMouseDownHandler()

-------- Event handler class definition ---------
# Event handler for the mouseDown event.
class MyMouseDownHandler(adsk.core.MouseEventHandler):
def __init__(self):
def notify(self, args: adsk.core.MouseEventArgs):
# Code to react to the event.
app.log('In MyMouseDownHandler event handler.')
--------- Required include files. ---------
#include <Core/UserInterface/Command.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/MouseEvent.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/MouseEventHandler.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/MouseEventArgs.h>

--------- Event handler class definition and global declaration. ---------
// Event handler for the mouseDown event.
class MyMouseDownEventHandler : public adsk::core::MouseEventHandler
void notify(const Ptr<MouseEventArgs>& eventArgs) override
// Code to react to the event.
ui->messageBox("In MyMouseDownEventHandler event handler.");
} _mouseDown;

--------- Connect the handler to the event. ---------
// "command_var" is a variable referencing a Command object.
// Connect the handler function to the event.
Ptr<MouseEvent> mouseDownEvent = command_var->mouseDown();
if (!mouseDownEvent)

bool isOk = mouseDownEvent->add(&_mouseDown);
if (!isOk)

Property Value

This is an event property that returns a MouseEvent.


Introduced in version August 2014