Command.setCursor Method

Parent Object: Command
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/UserInterface/Command.h>


Specifies the cursor to display at the mouse.


"command_var" is a variable referencing a Command object.
returnValue = command_var.setCursor(cursorImage, xHotSpot, yHotSpot)
"command_var" is a variable referencing a Command object.

#include <Core/UserInterface/Command.h>

returnValue = command_var->setCursor(cursorImage, xHotSpot, yHotSpot);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if setting the cursor was successful.


Name Type Description
cursorImage string The path to the PNG image to display as the cursor. This can either be a relative path from the py, dll, or dylib file of the full path. Specifying an empty string will set the cursor back to the default cursor.
xHotSpot integer Specifies the position of the x pixel within the image that is the "hot" spot or the point that is used as the mouse point. A value of zero indicates the far left of the image. If an empty string is used as the cursorImage, this value is ignored.
yHotSpot integer Specifies the position of the y pixel within the image that is the "hot" spot or the point that is used as the mouse point. A value of zero indicates the top of the image. If an empty string is used as the cursorImage, this value is ignored.


Introduced in version April 2019