Command.setDialogInitialSize Method

Parent Object: Command
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/UserInterface/Command.h>


Sets the initial size of the dialog when it is first displayed. If this is not set, Fusion will use a default size for the dialog.


"command_var" is a variable referencing a Command object.
returnValue = command_var.setDialogInitialSize(width, height)
"command_var" is a variable referencing a Command object.

#include <Core/UserInterface/Command.h>

returnValue = command_var->setDialogInitialSize(width, height);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the default size was successfully set.


Name Type Description
width integer The width of the dialog in pixels.
height integer The height of the dialog in pixels.


Introduced in version June 2015