CustomGraphicsLines Object

Derived from: CustomGraphicsEntity Object
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsLines.h>


Represents lines drawn in the graphics window.


Name Description
classType Static function that all classes support that returns the type of the class as a string. The returned string matches the string returned by the objectType property. For example if you have a reference to an object and you want to check if it's a SketchLine you can use myObject.objectType == fusion.SketchLine.classType().
deleteMe Deletes the entity from the custom graphics group.
getOpacity Gets the opacity of the graphics entity.
setOpacity Sets the opacity of the graphics entity. By default, when a new entity is it is completely opaque and does not override the opacity defined by the material.


Name Description
billBoarding Gets and sets the billboarding behavior of this custom graphics entity. To define billboarding you can set this property using a CustomGraphicsBillBoard objects that you statically create using the create method of the CustomGraphicsBillBoard class. To remove billboarding from this entity you can set this property to null.

Billboarding is used to specify that the orientation of custom graphics is defined relative to the screen instead of model space. This is commonly used for legends and symbols that you want to always face the user, even as the camera is rotated.
boundingBox Returns a box oriented parallel to the world x-y-x axes that contains the graphics entity. Depending on whether the graphics are drawn in model space or screen space this will return the bounding box in either centimeters (model) or pixels (screen). In the case where it returns the bounding box in pixel space, the Z coordinates of the box will be 0 and can be ignored.
color Gets and sets the current color definition for this entity. The color of custom graphics can be defined in many ways; solid color, simple material, and appearance.
coordinates Gets and sets the CustomGraphicsCoordinates object that defines the coordinates of the vertices of the lines. A CustomGraphicsCoordinates object can be created using the static create method of the CustomGraphicsCoordinates class.
cullMode Gets and sets the culling model to use when rendering the entity. Culling is used when the entity contains a mesh or B-Rep faces and defines which sides of the mesh or face are rendered. This is primarily used for a watertight mesh or solid B-Rep so that the "inside" of the faces is not rendered since it's never visible to the user.

When a new graphics entity is created its default cull mode is CustomGraphicsCullBack which will optimize the rendering of "solid" meshes so the inside is not rendered.
depthPriority Gets and sets the depth priority associated with the graphics entity. The depth priority defines how one graphics entity will be drawn with respect to another entity. This is useful when there are entities that lie in the same space so it's ambiguous which should be drawn on the other. For example, if you draw a curve on a planar mesh and want the curve to be completely visible. You can set the depth priority of the curve to be greater than the mesh so it will be drawn after the mesh and will remain visible.

When a new graphics entity is created it's default depth priority is 0.
id An id you can specify for the entity. By default, all new graphics entities do not have an id and this property will return an empty string. But in cases where entities will be selected, assigning an id can make understanding what was selected much easier.
indexList Gets and sets an array of integers that represent indices into the coordinates to define the order the coordinates are used to draw the lines. An empty array indicates that no index list is used and coordinates are used in the order they're provided in the provided CustomGraphicsCoordinates object.
isLineStrip Defines if the coordinates are used to define a series of individual lines or a connected set of lines (line strip). If individual lines are drawn (this property is false), each pair of coordinates define a single line. If a line strip is drawn (this property is true), the first pair of coordinates define the first line and the third coordinate defines a line that connects to the second coordinate. The fourth coordinate creates a line connecting to the third coordinate, and so on.
isScreenSpaceLineStyle Specifies if the line style is computed based on the screen or model space. The default is based on the screen which means the style is drawn the same regardless of how you zoom in or out of the view. That is the length of lines and spaces are based on pixels. If it is drawn relative to model space then the lines and spaces are defined in centimeters and will zooming in and out will change the apparent spacing.
isSelectable Gets and sets if the graphics entity is selectable within the graphics window. By default, when a new entity is created it is selectable.
isValid Indicates if this object is still valid, i.e. hasn't been deleted or some other action done to invalidate the reference.
isVisible Gets and sets if the graphics entity is visible in the graphics window. By default, when a new entity is created it is visible.
lineStripLengths If isLineStrip is true, this property defines the number of coordinates to use in the line strips. It is an array of integers that defines the number of coordinates for each line strip. An empty array indicates that a single line strip is to be drawn.
lineStylePattern The line style to apply to the line. The default is to draw a continuous line.
lineStyleScale Defines the scale as it relates to how the line style is applied. The effect is to shrink or expand the line style as it is applied to the line. This does not affect the line width.
name Gets and sets the name displayed when this entity is selected. If no name has been set, "Custom Graphics" will be displayed.
objectType This property is supported by all objects in the API and returns a string that contains the full name (namespace::objecttype) describing the type of the object.

It's often useful to use this in combination with the classType method to see if an object is a certain type. For example: if obj.objectType == adsk.core.Point3D.classType():
parent Returns the parent Component for a top-level group or the CustomGraphicsGroup object for graphics entities and child groups.
transform Gets and sets the transform associated with the graphics entity. When a new graphics entity is created its default transform is an identity matrix which results in the graphics entity being displayed in model space using the original coordinate data used to define the entity.
viewPlacement Gets and sets the graphics view placement being applied to this graphics entity. A CustomGraphicsViewPlacement object can be created using the static create method of the class. When assigned to a graphics entity the position of the graphics is defined relative to the view in 2D view space (pixels) rather than in 3D model space (centimeters).
viewScale Gets and sets the graphics view scale being applied to this graphics entity. A CustomGraphicsViewScale object can be created using the static create method of the class. When assigned to a graphics entity the size of the graphics entity is defined in view space (pixels) instead of model space (centimeters).
weight Defines the thickness of the line in pixels.

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Introduced in version September 2017