Custom Graphics Sample


A sample demonstrating how to create custom graphics entities.

To use the sample, create a new Python or C++ script and copy and paste this code, replacing the default code. You also need to unpack this zip file which contains a resource folder into the same folder where the source code file (.py or .cpp) is.

Code Samples

#include <Core/Utils.h>
#include <Core/Application/Application.h>
#include <Core/Application/Color.h>
#include <Core/Application/Document.h>
#include <Core/Application/ObjectCollection.h>
#include <Core/Application/Product.h>
#include <Core/Application/Products.h>
#include <Core/Application/ValueInput.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Arc3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Circle3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/BoundingBox3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Ellipse3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/EllipticalArc3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Line3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/NurbsCurve3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Point2D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Point3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Vector2D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Vector3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Matrix3D.h>
#include <Core/Materials/Appearance.h>
#include <Core/Materials/Appearances.h>
#include <Core/Materials/MaterialLibraries.h>
#include <Core/Materials/MaterialLibrary.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandCreatedEventHandler.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandCreatedEvent.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandCreatedEventArgs.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandEvent.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandEventArgs.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandEventHandler.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/InputChangedEvent.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/InputChangedEventArgs.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/InputChangedEventHandler.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/Command.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandDefinition.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandDefinitions.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandInputs.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ValueCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/StringValueCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/BoolValueCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ButtonRowCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/DropDownCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/Selection.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/SelectionCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/FloatSliderCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/IntegerSliderCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/FloatSpinnerCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/GroupCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/IntegerSpinnerCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ListItems.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ListItem.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/DistanceValueCommandInput.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/TableCommandInput.h>

#include <CAM/CAM/CAM.h>

#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepBody.h>
#include <Fusion/Components/Component.h>
#include <Fusion/Fusion/Design.h>
// #include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsEntity.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsAppearanceColorEffect.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsBasicMaterialColorEffect.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsBillBoard.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsSolidColorEffect.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsVertexColorEffect.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsViewPlacement.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsViewScale.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsBRepBody.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsCoordinates.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsCurve.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsGroup.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsGroups.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsLines.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsMesh.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsText.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsPointSet.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/Sketch.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchArc.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchEllipticalArc.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchCircle.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchEllipse.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchFittedSpline.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchLine.h>

#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>

using namespace adsk::core;
using namespace adsk::fusion;
using namespace adsk::cam;

const double pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0);

Ptr<Application> _app;
Ptr<UserInterface> _ui;
Ptr<Design> _des;
Ptr<CustomGraphicsGroups> _cgGroups;
Ptr<Point3D> _anchorPt;

// Global
const std::string _commandId = "CustomGraphicsSample_CPP";
const std::string _colorEffect_solid_id = "SolidColorEfect";
const std::string _colorEffect_basicMaterial_id = "BasicMaterialColorEffect";
const std::string _colorEffect_appearance_id = "AppearanceColorEffect";
const std::string _colorEffect_vertex_id = "VertexColorEffect";
const std::string _pointSetImage = "resources/16x16.png";
const std::string _solidLine_id = "Solid Line";
const std::string _centerLine_id = "Center Line";
const std::string _dashedLine_id = "Dashed Line";
const std::string _dotLine_id = "Dot Line";
const std::string _phantomLine_id = "Phantom Line";
const std::string _tracksLine_id = "Tracks Line";
const std::string _zigZagLine_id = "ZigZag Line";
int _numTeeth = 5;
double _thickness = 0.5 * 2.54;
double _scaleFactor = 10; // _scaleFactor is used to limit the size of pixel-scaled model

// Global command inputs
Ptr<DropDownCommandInput> _customGraphicsObj;
Ptr<DropDownCommandInput> _colorEffects;
Ptr<IntegerSliderCommandInput> _red;
Ptr<IntegerSliderCommandInput> _green;
Ptr<IntegerSliderCommandInput> _blue;
Ptr<FloatSliderCommandInput> _opacity;
Ptr<FloatSliderCommandInput> _glossiness;
Ptr<SelectionCommandInput> _selection;
Ptr<DistanceValueCommandInput> _transform;
Ptr<DropDownCommandInput> _materialLibList;
Ptr<DropDownCommandInput> _appearanceList;
Ptr<StringValueCommandInput> _appearanceFilter;
// Ptr<StringValueCommandInput> _text;
Ptr<TableCommandInput> _coordTable;
Ptr<BoolValueCommandInput> _add;
Ptr<BoolValueCommandInput> _addStrip;
Ptr<BoolValueCommandInput> _delete;
Ptr<BoolValueCommandInput> _isLineStrip;
Ptr<DropDownCommandInput> _lineStylePattern;
Ptr<IntegerSliderCommandInput> _lineStyleWeight;
Ptr<IntegerSliderCommandInput> _lineStyleScale;

Ptr<GroupCommandInput> _viewPlacementGroup;
Ptr<ButtonRowCommandInput> _viewCorner;
Ptr<GroupCommandInput> _viewScaleGroup;
Ptr<FloatSliderCommandInput> _pixelScale;
Ptr<GroupCommandInput> _billboardingGroup;
Ptr<ButtonRowCommandInput> _billboardingStyle;

// Create the command definition.
static Ptr<CommandDefinition> createCommandDefinition()
    Ptr<CommandDefinitions> commandDefinitions = _ui->commandDefinitions();
    if (!commandDefinitions)
        return nullptr;

    // Be fault tolerant in case the command is already added.
    Ptr<CommandDefinition> cmDef = commandDefinitions->itemById(_commandId);
    if (!cmDef)
        cmDef = commandDefinitions->addButtonDefinition(_commandId, "CustomGraphicsSample", "Custom Graphics Sample");

    return cmDef;

// Add a row representing a coordinate (x, y, z)
static void addRow(Ptr<TableCommandInput> tableInput)
    if (!tableInput)

    static size_t rowNumber = 0;
    std::stringstream rowId;
    rowId << rowNumber;
    Ptr<CommandInputs> tableChildInputs = tableInput->commandInputs();
    Ptr<CommandInput> xValueInput = tableChildInputs->addValueInput(
        tableInput->id() + "_x" + rowId.str(), "Value", "cm", ValueInput::createByReal(static_cast<double>(rowNumber)));
    Ptr<CommandInput> yValueInput = tableChildInputs->addValueInput(
        tableInput->id() + "_y" + rowId.str(), "Value", "cm", ValueInput::createByReal(static_cast<double>(rowNumber)));
    Ptr<CommandInput> zValueInput = tableChildInputs->addValueInput(
        tableInput->id() + "_z" + rowId.str(), "Value", "cm", ValueInput::createByReal(static_cast<double>(rowNumber)));

    int row = tableInput->rowCount();
    tableInput->addCommandInput(xValueInput, row, 0);
    tableInput->addCommandInput(yValueInput, row, 1);
    tableInput->addCommandInput(zValueInput, row, 2);

    rowNumber = rowNumber + 1;

static void addLineStrip(Ptr<TableCommandInput> tableInput)
    if (!tableInput)

    static size_t stripNumber = 0;
    std::stringstream stripId;
    stripId << stripNumber;

    Ptr<CommandInputs> tableChildInputs = tableInput->commandInputs();
    Ptr<StringValueCommandInput> strInput = tableChildInputs->addStringValueInput(
        tableInput->id() + "_strip" + stripId.str(), "Line Strip", "-- Line Strip --");
    if (!strInput)

    int row = tableInput->rowCount();
    tableInput->addCommandInput(strInput, row, 0, 0, 2);

    stripNumber = stripNumber + 1;

static void replaceItems(Ptr<DropDownCommandInput> cmdInput, std::vector<std::string> newItems)
    if (!cmdInput)
    Ptr<ListItems> listItems = cmdInput->listItems();
    if (!listItems)
    Ptr<ListItem> itemNone = listItems->add("None", true);
    if (!itemNone)

    if (newItems.size() > 0)
        for (std::string str : newItems)
            listItems->add(str, false);
        if (listItems->count() > 1)
            Ptr<ListItem> item1 = listItems->item(1);
            Ptr<ListItem> item0 = listItems->item(0); // item "None"
            if (!item1 || !item0)

static std::vector<std::string> getAppearancesFromLib(const std::string& libName, const std::string& filterExp)
    std::vector<std::string> appearanceList;

    static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> appearanceMap;
    if (appearanceMap.find(libName) != appearanceMap.end())
        appearanceList = appearanceMap[libName];
        if (!_app)
            return std::vector<std::string>();

        // get appearances according to libName
        Ptr<MaterialLibraries> matLibs = _app->materialLibraries();
        if (!matLibs)
            return std::vector<std::string>();
        Ptr<MaterialLibrary> matLib = matLibs->itemByName(libName);
        if (!matLib)
            return std::vector<std::string>();
        Ptr<Appearances> appearances = matLib->appearances();
        if (!appearances)
            return std::vector<std::string>();

        for (int i = 0; i < appearances->count(); ++i)
            if (Ptr<Appearance> appear = appearances->item(i))
        appearanceMap[libName] = appearanceList;

    // apply filter
    std::string lowerFilterExp(filterExp);
    if (!filterExp.empty())
        std::transform(filterExp.begin(), filterExp.end(), lowerFilterExp.begin(), ::tolower);
        std::vector<std::string> filteredList;
        for (std::string appearanceName : appearanceList)
            std::string lowerName(appearanceName);
            std::transform(appearanceName.begin(), appearanceName.end(), lowerName.begin(), ::tolower);
            if (lowerName.find(lowerFilterExp) != std::string::npos)
        appearanceList = filteredList;

    return appearanceList;

static bool hasAppearance(Ptr<MaterialLibrary> lib)
    if (!lib)
        return false;
    Ptr<Appearances> appearances = lib->appearances();
    if (!appearances || appearances->count() == 0)
        return false;

    return true;

static std::vector<std::string> getMaterialLibNames()
    if (!_app)
        return std::vector<std::string>();
    Ptr<MaterialLibraries> libs = _app->materialLibraries();
    if (!libs)
        return std::vector<std::string>();

    std::vector<std::string> libNames;
    for (int i = 0; i < libs->count(); ++i)
        if (Ptr<MaterialLibrary> lib = libs->item(i))
            if (hasAppearance(lib))
    return libNames;

static Ptr<Appearance> getAppearance(const std::string& libName, const std::string& appearanceName)
    if (appearanceName.empty() || appearanceName == "None" || !_app)
        return nullptr;

    if (!_des)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Appearances> appearances = _des->appearances();
    if (appearances)
        Ptr<Appearance> appearance = appearances->itemByName(appearanceName);
        if (appearance)
            return appearance;

    Ptr<MaterialLibraries> libs = _app->materialLibraries();
    if (!libs)
        return nullptr;
    Ptr<MaterialLibrary> lib = libs->itemByName(libName);
    if (!lib)
        return nullptr;
    appearances = lib->appearances();
    if (!appearances)
        return nullptr;
    Ptr<Appearance> appearance = appearances->itemByName(appearanceName);
    return appearance;

static void applyLinesProperties(Ptr<CustomGraphicsLines> cgLines)
    if (!cgLines)
    if (_lineStylePattern && _lineStylePattern->selectedItem())
        if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _solidLine_id)
        else if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _centerLine_id)
        else if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _dashedLine_id)
        else if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _dotLine_id)
        else if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _dashedLine_id)
        else if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _phantomLine_id)
        else if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _tracksLine_id)
        else if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _zigZagLine_id)

    if (_lineStyleWeight)
    if (_lineStyleScale)

static void applyColorEffect(Ptr<CustomGraphicsEntity> cgEnt)
    if (!_des)
    if (!_colorEffects)

    Ptr<ListItem> selected = _colorEffects->selectedItem();
    if (!selected)

    std::string colorEffectName = selected->name();
    Ptr<CustomGraphicsColorEffect> colorEffect = nullptr;
    if (colorEffectName == _colorEffect_solid_id)
        int red = 255, green = 0, blue = 0;
        if (_red)
            red = _red->valueOne();
        if (_green)
            green = _green->valueOne();
        if (_blue)
            blue = _blue->valueOne();

        if (Ptr<Color> solidColor = Color::create(red, green, blue, 255))
            colorEffect = CustomGraphicsSolidColorEffect::create(solidColor);
    else if (colorEffectName == _colorEffect_basicMaterial_id)
        Ptr<Color> diffuseColor = Color::create(0, 255, 0, 255);
        Ptr<Color> ambientColor = Color::create(255, 0, 0, 255);
        Ptr<Color> specularColor = Color::create(0, 0, 255, 255);
        Ptr<Color> emissiveColor = Color::create(0, 0, 0, 255);
        double glossiness = 5.0, opacity = 1.0;
        if (_glossiness)
            glossiness = _glossiness->valueOne();
        if (_opacity)
            opacity = _opacity->valueOne();
        if (diffuseColor && ambientColor && specularColor && emissiveColor)
            colorEffect = CustomGraphicsBasicMaterialColorEffect::create(
                diffuseColor, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, glossiness, opacity);
    else if (colorEffectName == _colorEffect_appearance_id)
        if (!_appearanceList || !_materialLibList)
        Ptr<ListItem> appearanceSelected = _appearanceList->selectedItem();
        Ptr<ListItem> libSelected = _materialLibList->selectedItem();
        if (!appearanceSelected || !libSelected)
        std::string appearanceName = appearanceSelected->name();
        std::string libName = libSelected->name();
        Ptr<Appearance> appearance = getAppearance(libName, appearanceName);
        if (appearance)
            Ptr<Appearances> desAppearances = _des->appearances();
            if (!desAppearances)
            if (!desAppearances->itemByName(appearanceName))
                appearance = desAppearances->addByCopy(appearance, appearanceName);
            colorEffect = CustomGraphicsAppearanceColorEffect::create(appearance);
    else if (colorEffectName == _colorEffect_vertex_id)
        colorEffect = CustomGraphicsVertexColorEffect::create();

    if (colorEffect && cgEnt)

static void getCoordinatesFromTable(
    Ptr<TableCommandInput> tableInput, std::vector<double>& vecCoords, std::vector<int>& vecStripLen)
    if (_coordTable)
        int stripLen = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < _coordTable->rowCount(); ++i)
            if (Ptr<ValueCommandInput> xValueInput = tableInput->getInputAtPosition(i, 0))
                Ptr<ValueCommandInput> yValueInput = tableInput->getInputAtPosition(i, 1);
                Ptr<ValueCommandInput> zValueInput = tableInput->getInputAtPosition(i, 2);
                if (yValueInput && zValueInput)
            else if (Ptr<StringValueCommandInput> lineStripInput = tableInput->getInputAtPosition(i, 0))
                stripLen = 0;

static void changeColorEffectVisibility(const std::string& strColorEffectName)
    if (_red)
    if (_green)
    if (_blue)
    if (_opacity)
    if (_glossiness)
    if (_appearanceList)
    if (_materialLibList)
    if (_appearanceFilter)

    if (strColorEffectName == _colorEffect_solid_id)
        if (_red)
        if (_green)
        if (_blue)
    else if (strColorEffectName == _colorEffect_basicMaterial_id)
        if (_opacity)
        if (_glossiness)
    else if (strColorEffectName == _colorEffect_appearance_id)
        if (_appearanceList)
        if (_materialLibList)
        if (_appearanceFilter)

static void changeLineStyleInputsVisibility(const std::string& patternName)
    if (patternName == _solidLine_id)

static void changeCGObjVisibility(const std::string& strObjName)
    if (_colorEffects)
        if (Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _colorEffects->listItems())
            listItems->add(_colorEffect_solid_id, true);
            listItems->add(_colorEffect_basicMaterial_id, false);
            listItems->add(_colorEffect_appearance_id, false);
    if (_selection)
        _selection->setSelectionLimits(0, 0);
    // if (_text)
    //	_text->isVisible(false);
    if (_coordTable)
    if (_isLineStrip)
    if (_lineStylePattern)
    if (_lineStyleWeight)
    if (_lineStyleScale)



    if (strObjName == "Mesh")
        if (_colorEffects)
            if (Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _colorEffects->listItems())
                listItems->add(_colorEffect_vertex_id, false);
    else if (strObjName == "Lines")
        if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _solidLine_id)
    else if (strObjName == "Curve")
        if (_selection)
            _selection->tooltip("select a sketch curve");
            _selection->commandPrompt("select a sketch curve");
            _selection->setSelectionLimits(1, 1);
    else if (strObjName == "BRep")
        if (_colorEffects)
        if (_selection)
            _selection->tooltip("select a BRep body");
            _selection->commandPrompt("select a BRep body");
            _selection->setSelectionLimits(1, 1);
    // else if (strObjName == "Text") {
    //	if (_text)
    //		_text->isVisible(true);
    //	changeColorEffectVisibility(_colorEffect_solid_id);
    // }
    else if (strObjName == "PointSet - Custom")
        if (_coordTable)
        if (_addStrip)
    else if (strObjName == "Lines - Custom")
        if (_coordTable)
        if (_isLineStrip)
        if (_addStrip)
        if (_lineStylePattern->selectedItem()->name() == _solidLine_id)

static Ptr<Vector2D> rotate2D(double rad, Ptr<Vector2D> vec)
    if (!vec)
        return Vector2D::create();
    double x = vec->x();
    double y = vec->y();

    double newX = x * cos(rad) - y * sin(rad);
    double newY = x * sin(rad) + y * cos(rad);
    return Vector2D::create(newX, newY);

static void calculateCoordinates(
    int numTeeth,
    /*out*/ std::vector<int>& rPts0,
    /*out*/ std::vector<int>& hPts0,
    /*out*/ std::vector<int>& pPts0,
    /*out*/ std::vector<int>& oPts0,
    /*out*/ std::vector<int>& rPts1,
    /*out*/ std::vector<int>& hPts1,
    /*out*/ std::vector<int>& pPts1,
    /*out*/ std::vector<int>& oPts1,
    /*out*/ std::vector<double>& vecCoords,
    /*out*/ std::vector<short>& vecColors)
    if (numTeeth < 3)
    // holeDia < rootDia < pitchDia < outsideDia
    double holeDia = 0.5 * 2.54, diametralPitch = 2 / 2.54;
    double pitchDia = _numTeeth / diametralPitch;
    double dedendum = 1.157 / diametralPitch;
    if (fabs((20 * (pi / 180)) - diametralPitch) < 1e-6)
        double circularPitch = pi / diametralPitch;
        if (circularPitch >= 20)
            dedendum = 1.25 / diametralPitch;
            dedendum = (1.2 / diametralPitch) + (.002 * 2.54);
    double rootDia = pitchDia - (2 * dedendum);
    double outsideDia = (_numTeeth + 2) / diametralPitch;

    Ptr<Vector2D> vecRootRadi = Vector2D::create(rootDia / 2, 0);
    Ptr<Vector2D> vecHoleRadi = Vector2D::create(holeDia / 2, 0);
    Ptr<Vector2D> vecPitchRadi = Vector2D::create(pitchDia / 2, 0);
    Ptr<Vector2D> vecOutRadi = Vector2D::create(outsideDia / 2, 0);
    double unitRadian = pi / numTeeth;

    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * numTeeth; ++i)
        if (Ptr<Vector2D> pos = rotate2D(unitRadian * (i - 0.5), vecRootRadi))
            double x = pos->x(), y = pos->y();
            rPts0.push_back(static_cast<int>(vecCoords.size() / 3));
            rPts1.push_back(static_cast<int>(vecCoords.size() / 3 + 1));
            vecCoords.insert(vecCoords.end(), {x, y, 0, x, y, _thickness});
            vecColors.insert(vecColors.end(), {255, 0, 255, 128, 255, 0, 255, 128});
    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * numTeeth; ++i)
        if (Ptr<Vector2D> pos = rotate2D(unitRadian * (i - 0.5), vecHoleRadi))
            double x = pos->x(), y = pos->y();
            hPts0.push_back(static_cast<int>(vecCoords.size() / 3));
            hPts1.push_back(static_cast<int>(vecCoords.size() / 3 + 1));
            vecCoords.insert(vecCoords.end(), {x, y, 0, x, y, _thickness});
            vecColors.insert(vecColors.end(), {255, 0, 0, 128, 255, 0, 0, 128});
    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * numTeeth; ++i)
        if (Ptr<Vector2D> pos = rotate2D(unitRadian * (i - 0.5), vecPitchRadi))
            double x = pos->x(), y = pos->y();
            pPts0.push_back(static_cast<int>(vecCoords.size() / 3));
            pPts1.push_back(static_cast<int>(vecCoords.size() / 3 + 1));
            vecCoords.insert(vecCoords.end(), {x, y, 0, x, y, _thickness});
            vecColors.insert(vecColors.end(), {0, 0, 255, 128, 0, 0, 255, 128});
    for (int i = 0; i < numTeeth; ++i)
        if (Ptr<Vector2D> pos = rotate2D(unitRadian * i * 2, vecOutRadi))
            double x = pos->x(), y = pos->y();
            oPts0.push_back(static_cast<int>(vecCoords.size() / 3));
            oPts1.push_back(static_cast<int>(vecCoords.size() / 3 + 1));
            vecCoords.insert(vecCoords.end(), {x, y, 0, x, y, _thickness});
            vecColors.insert(vecColors.end(), {0, 255, 255, 128, 0, 255, 255, 128});

static std::vector<int> calculateStripLen(int numTeeth)
    if (numTeeth < 3)
        return std::vector<int>();

    std::vector<int> vecStripLen;
    for (int i = 0; i < numTeeth; ++i)
    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * numTeeth; ++i)
    for (int i = 0; i < numTeeth; ++i)
    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * numTeeth; ++i)
    return vecStripLen;

static std::vector<int> calculateTriangles(
    int numTeeth,
    std::vector<int> rPts0,
    std::vector<int> hPts0,
    std::vector<int> pPts0,
    std::vector<int> oPts0,
    std::vector<int> rPts1,
    std::vector<int> hPts1,
    std::vector<int> pPts1,
    std::vector<int> oPts1)
    if (numTeeth < 3)
        return std::vector<int>();

    std::vector<int> vertexIndexList;
    // triangles between teeth
    for (int i = 0; i < numTeeth; ++i)
        int idx0 = (2 * i + 1) % (2 * numTeeth);
        int idx1 = (2 * i + 2) % (2 * numTeeth);
        int rPtA0 = rPts0[idx0];
        int rPtB0 = rPts0[idx1];
        int rPtA1 = rPts1[idx0];
        int rPtB1 = rPts1[idx1];
        vertexIndexList.insert(vertexIndexList.end(), {rPtA0, rPtB0, rPtB1, rPtB1, rPtA1, rPtA0});

    // triangles on surface0
    for (int i = 0; i < numTeeth; ++i)
        int rPtA = rPts0[i * 2];
        int rPtB = rPts0[i * 2 + 1];
        int rPtC = rPts0[(i * 2 + 2) % (2 * numTeeth)];
        int hPtA = hPts0[i * 2];
        int hPtB = hPts0[i * 2 + 1];
        int hPtC = hPts0[(i * 2 + 2) % (2 * numTeeth)];
        int pPtA = pPts0[i * 2];
        int pPtB = pPts0[i * 2 + 1];
        int oPt = oPts0[i];
        vertexIndexList.insert(vertexIndexList.end(), {hPtB, hPtC, rPtC, rPtC, rPtB, hPtB, rPtA, rPtB, pPtB, pPtB, pPtA,
                                                       rPtA, hPtA, hPtB, rPtB, rPtB, rPtA, hPtA, pPtA, pPtB, oPt});

    // triangles on surface1
    for (int i = 0; i < numTeeth; ++i)
        int rPtA = rPts1[i * 2];
        int rPtB = rPts1[i * 2 + 1];
        int rPtC = rPts1[(i * 2 + 2) % (2 * numTeeth)];
        int hPtA = hPts1[i * 2];
        int hPtB = hPts1[i * 2 + 1];
        int hPtC = hPts1[(i * 2 + 2) % (2 * numTeeth)];
        int pPtA = pPts1[i * 2];
        int pPtB = pPts1[i * 2 + 1];
        int oPt = oPts1[i];
        vertexIndexList.insert(vertexIndexList.end(), {hPtC, hPtB, rPtB, rPtB, rPtC, hPtC, rPtB, rPtA, pPtA, pPtA, pPtB,
                                                       rPtB, hPtB, hPtA, rPtA, rPtA, rPtB, hPtB, pPtB, pPtA, oPt});

    // triangles on teeth
    for (int i = 0; i < numTeeth; ++i)
        int rPtA0 = rPts0[i * 2];
        int rPtB0 = rPts0[i * 2 + 1];
        int pPtA0 = pPts0[i * 2];
        int pPtB0 = pPts0[i * 2 + 1];
        int rPtA1 = rPts1[i * 2];
        int rPtB1 = rPts1[i * 2 + 1];
        int pPtA1 = pPts1[i * 2];
        int pPtB1 = pPts1[i * 2 + 1];
        int oPt0 = oPts0[i];
        int oPt1 = oPts1[i];
        vertexIndexList.insert(vertexIndexList.end(), {rPtA1, rPtA0, pPtA0, pPtA0, pPtA1, rPtA1, pPtA1, pPtA0,
                                                       oPt0,  oPt0,  oPt1,  pPtA1, rPtB0, rPtB1, pPtB1, pPtB1,
                                                       pPtB0, rPtB0, pPtB0, pPtB1, oPt1,  oPt1,  oPt0,  pPtB0});

    // triangles on inner face
    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * numTeeth; ++i)
        int hPtA0 = hPts0[i];
        int hPtB0 = hPts0[(i + 1) % (2 * numTeeth)];
        int hPtA1 = hPts1[i];
        int hPtB1 = hPts1[(i + 1) % (2 * numTeeth)];
        vertexIndexList.insert(vertexIndexList.end(), {hPtA1, hPtB1, hPtB0, hPtB0, hPtA0, hPtA1});

    return vertexIndexList;

static Ptr<CustomGraphicsMesh> drawMesh(const Ptr<CustomGraphicsGroup>& cgGroup)
    //  Calculate mesh coordinates
    std::vector<int> rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1;
    std::vector<short> vecColors;
    std::vector<double> vecCoords;
    calculateCoordinates(_numTeeth, rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1, vecCoords, vecColors);
    Ptr<CustomGraphicsCoordinates> coordinates = CustomGraphicsCoordinates::create(vecCoords);
    if (!coordinates)
        return nullptr;

    // Calculate mesh triangles
    std::vector<int> vertexIndexList =
        calculateTriangles(_numTeeth, rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1);
    // Add Custom Graphics mesh
    if (!cgGroup)
        return nullptr;
    return cgGroup->addMesh(coordinates, vertexIndexList, std::vector<double>(), std::vector<int>());

static Ptr<CustomGraphicsLines> drawLines(const Ptr<CustomGraphicsGroup>& cgGroup)
    if (!cgGroup)
        return nullptr;

    //  Calculate lines coordinates
    std::vector<int> rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1;
    std::vector<short> vecColors;
    std::vector<double> vecCoords;
    calculateCoordinates(_numTeeth, rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1, vecCoords, vecColors);
    Ptr<CustomGraphicsCoordinates> coordinates = CustomGraphicsCoordinates::create(vecCoords);
    if (!coordinates)
        return nullptr;

    // Calculate lines triangles
    std::vector<int> vertexIndexList =
        calculateTriangles(_numTeeth, rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1);

    // Calculate lines strip length
    std::vector<int> vecStripLen = calculateStripLen(_numTeeth);

    Ptr<CustomGraphicsLines> cgLines = cgGroup->addLines(coordinates, vertexIndexList, true, vecStripLen);
    return cgLines;

static Ptr<CustomGraphicsPointSet> drawPointSet(const Ptr<CustomGraphicsGroup>& cgGroup)
    if (!cgGroup)
        return nullptr;

    //  Calculate coordinates
    std::vector<int> rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1;
    std::vector<short> vecColors;
    std::vector<double> vecCoords;
    calculateCoordinates(_numTeeth, rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1, vecCoords, vecColors);
    Ptr<CustomGraphicsCoordinates> coordinates = CustomGraphicsCoordinates::create(vecCoords);
    if (!coordinates)
        return nullptr;

    return cgGroup->addPointSet(coordinates, std::vector<int>(), UserDefinedCustomGraphicsPointType, _pointSetImage);

// CommandExecuted event handler.
class OnExecuteEventHandler : public adsk::core::CommandEventHandler
    void notify(const Ptr<CommandEventArgs>& eventArgs) override
        //  get selection entity first since it's fragile and any creation/edit operations will clear the selection.
        Ptr<Base> selEntity = nullptr;
        if (_selection && _selection->selectionCount() > 0)
            if (Ptr<Selection> sel0 = _selection->selection(0))
                selEntity = sel0->entity();

        if (_customGraphicsObj)
            if (!_cgGroups)
            Ptr<CustomGraphicsGroup> cgGroup = _cgGroups->add();
            if (!cgGroup)

            if (!_anchorPt)
                _anchorPt = Point3D::create();

            Ptr<CustomGraphicsEntity> cgEnt = nullptr;
            Ptr<ListItem> selectedCGObj = _customGraphicsObj->selectedItem();
            if (!selectedCGObj)
            std::string cgObjName = selectedCGObj->name();
            if (cgObjName == "Mesh")
                cgEnt = drawMesh(cgGroup);
                _anchorPt->setWithArray({0, 0, _thickness / 2});
            else if (cgObjName == "Lines")
                cgEnt = drawLines(cgGroup);
                _anchorPt->setWithArray({0, 0, _thickness / 2});
            else if (cgObjName == "PointSet")
                cgEnt = drawPointSet(cgGroup);
            else if (cgObjName == "BRep")
                if (Ptr<BRepBody> body = selEntity->cast<BRepBody>())
                    cgEnt = cgGroup->addBRepBody(body);
            else if (cgObjName == "Curve")
                if (Ptr<SketchCurve> skCurve = selEntity->cast<SketchCurve>())
                    if (Ptr<Sketch> sk = skCurve->parentSketch())
                        Ptr<Curve3D> curv = nullptr;
                        if (Ptr<SketchArc> skArc = skCurve->cast<SketchArc>())
                            curv = skArc->geometry();
                        else if (Ptr<SketchEllipticalArc> skEllipArc = skCurve->cast<SketchEllipticalArc>())
                            curv = skEllipArc->geometry();
                        else if (Ptr<SketchCircle> skCircle = skCurve->cast<SketchCircle>())
                            curv = skCircle->geometry();
                        else if (Ptr<SketchEllipse> skEllipse = skCurve->cast<SketchEllipse>())
                            curv = skEllipse->geometry();
                        else if (Ptr<SketchLine> skLine = skCurve->cast<SketchLine>())
                            curv = skLine->geometry();
                        else if (Ptr<SketchFittedSpline> skSpline = skCurve->cast<SketchFittedSpline>())
                            curv = skSpline->geometry();

                        if (curv)
                            Ptr<CustomGraphicsCurve> cgCurve = cgGroup->addCurve(curv);
                            cgEnt = cgCurve;
                            if (cgCurve)
            // else if (cgObjName == "Text") {
            //	if (_text) {
            //		cgEnt = cgGroup->addText(_text->value(), "Test", 10, Point3D::create());
            //	}
            // }
            else if (cgObjName == "PointSet - Custom")
                if (_coordTable)
                    std::vector<double> vecCoords;
                    std::vector<int> vecStripLen;
                    getCoordinatesFromTable(_coordTable, vecCoords, vecStripLen);
                    Ptr<CustomGraphicsCoordinates> coordinates = CustomGraphicsCoordinates::create(vecCoords);
                    cgEnt = cgGroup->addPointSet(
                        coordinates, std::vector<int>(), UserDefinedCustomGraphicsPointType, _pointSetImage);
            else if (cgObjName == "Lines - Custom")
                if (_coordTable)
                    std::vector<double> vecCoords;
                    std::vector<int> vecStripLen;
                    getCoordinatesFromTable(_coordTable, vecCoords, vecStripLen);
                    Ptr<CustomGraphicsCoordinates> coordinates = CustomGraphicsCoordinates::create(vecCoords);
                    bool isLineStrip = true;
                    if (_isLineStrip)
                        isLineStrip = _isLineStrip->value();
                    cgEnt = cgGroup->addLines(coordinates, std::vector<int>(), isLineStrip, vecStripLen);

            // add attributes to the custom graphics entity
            if (cgEnt)
                // color effect
                if (!cgEnt->cast<CustomGraphicsPointSet>()) // do not apply effect to point set node
                // transform
                Ptr<Matrix3D> transMat = Matrix3D::create();
                double transformDistance = 1.0;
                if (_transform)
                    transformDistance = _transform->value();
                Ptr<Point3D> origin = Point3D::create(transformDistance, 0, 0);
                if (transMat && origin)
                        origin, Vector3D::create(1, 0, 0), Vector3D::create(0, 1, 0), Vector3D::create(0, 0, 1));
                // calculate _scaleFactor and _anchorPt for viewPlacement, viewScale and billboarding attributes based
                // on the bounding box of custom graphics entity
                if (Ptr<BoundingBox3D> bbox = cgEnt->boundingBox())
                    Ptr<Point3D> maxPt = bbox->maxPoint();
                    Ptr<Point3D> minPt = bbox->minPoint();
                    if (maxPt && minPt)
                        _scaleFactor = 100 / minPt->distanceTo(maxPt);
                            {(minPt->x() + maxPt->x()) / 2,
                             (minPt->y() + maxPt->y()) / 2,
                             (minPt->z() + maxPt->z()) / 2});
                // view placement
                if (_viewPlacementGroup && _viewPlacementGroup->isVisible() &&
                    _viewPlacementGroup->isEnabledCheckBoxChecked() && _viewCorner && _viewCorner->selectedItem())
                    Ptr<Point2D> viewPt = Point2D::create(100, 100);
                    // upper left corner by default
                    ViewCorners corner = ViewCorners::upperLeftViewCorner;
                    Ptr<ListItem> selected = _viewCorner->selectedItem();
                    if (selected->name() == "Upper Right")
                        corner = ViewCorners::upperRightViewCorner;
                    else if (selected->name() == "Lower Left")
                        corner = ViewCorners::lowerLeftViewCorner;
                    else if (selected->name() == "Lower Right")
                        corner = ViewCorners::lowerRightViewCorner;
                    Ptr<CustomGraphicsViewPlacement> attr =
                        CustomGraphicsViewPlacement::create(_anchorPt, corner, viewPt);
                // view scale
                if (_viewScaleGroup && _viewScaleGroup->isVisible() && _viewScaleGroup->isEnabledCheckBoxChecked() &&
                    Ptr<CustomGraphicsViewScale> attr =
                        CustomGraphicsViewScale::create(_scaleFactor * _pixelScale->valueOne(), _anchorPt);
                // billboarding
                if (_billboardingGroup && _billboardingGroup->isVisible() &&
                    _billboardingGroup->isEnabledCheckBoxChecked() && _billboardingStyle &&
                    //  screen style by default
                    CustomGraphicsBillBoardStyles bbStyle = CustomGraphicsBillBoardStyles::ScreenBillBoardStyle;
                    Ptr<ListItem> selected = _billboardingStyle->selectedItem();
                    if (selected->name() == "Axis")
                        bbStyle = CustomGraphicsBillBoardStyles::AxialBillBoardStyle;
                    else if (selected->name() == "Right Reading")
                        bbStyle = CustomGraphicsBillBoardStyles::RightReadingBillBoardStyle;
                    Ptr<CustomGraphicsBillBoard> attr = CustomGraphicsBillBoard::create(_anchorPt);
                    attr->axis(Vector3D::create(0, 1, 0));

// InputChange event handler.
class OnInputChangedEventHander : public adsk::core::InputChangedEventHandler
    void notify(const Ptr<InputChangedEventArgs>& eventArgs) override
        if (!eventArgs)

        Ptr<CommandInput> changedInput = eventArgs->input();
        if (!changedInput)

        std::string changedInputId = changedInput->id();
        if (changedInputId == _commandId + "_cgObj")
            if (_customGraphicsObj)
                if (Ptr<ListItem> selectedItem = _customGraphicsObj->selectedItem())
        else if (changedInputId == _commandId + "_colorEffects")
            if (_colorEffects)
                if (Ptr<ListItem> selectedItem = _colorEffects->selectedItem())
        else if (changedInputId == _commandId + "_appearanceFilter" || changedInputId == _commandId + "_materialLib")
            std::string libName(""), filterExp("");
            if (_materialLibList)
                if (Ptr<ListItem> selectedItem = _materialLibList->selectedItem())
                    libName = selectedItem->name();
            if (_appearanceFilter)
                filterExp = _appearanceFilter->value();
            std::vector<std::string> appearanceNames = getAppearancesFromLib(libName, filterExp);
            if (_appearanceList)
                replaceItems(_appearanceList, appearanceNames);
        else if (_coordTable && changedInputId == _coordTable->id() + "_add")
        else if (_coordTable && changedInputId == _coordTable->id() + "_addStrip")
        else if (_coordTable && changedInputId == _coordTable->id() + "_delete")
            int selectedRowNo = _coordTable->selectedRow();
            if (selectedRowNo == -1)
                _ui->messageBox("Select one row to delete");
        else if (_lineStylePattern && changedInputId == _commandId + "_LSPattern")

// CommandDestroyed event handler
class OnDestroyEventHandler : public adsk::core::CommandEventHandler
    void notify(const Ptr<CommandEventArgs>& eventArgs) override

// CommandCreated event handler.
class CommandCreatedEventHandler : public adsk::core::CommandCreatedEventHandler
    void notify(const Ptr<CommandCreatedEventArgs>& eventArgs) override
        if (eventArgs)
            Ptr<Command> command = eventArgs->command();
            if (command)
                Ptr<CommandEvent> onDestroy = command->destroy();
                if (!onDestroy)
                bool isOk = onDestroy->add(&onDestroyHandler_);
                if (!isOk)

                Ptr<InputChangedEvent> onInputChanged = command->inputChanged();
                if (!onInputChanged)
                isOk = onInputChanged->add(&onInputChangedHandler_);
                if (!isOk)

                Ptr<CommandEvent> onExecute = command->execute();
                if (!onExecute)
                isOk = onExecute->add(&onExecuteHandler_);
                if (!isOk)

                Ptr<CommandEvent> onExecutePtrview = command->executePreview();
                if (!onExecutePtrview)
                isOk = onExecutePtrview->add(&onExecuteHandler_);
                if (!isOk)

                Ptr<CommandInputs> inputs = command->commandInputs();
                if (!inputs)

                // menu for different kinds of custom graphics
                _customGraphicsObj = inputs->addDropDownCommandInput(
                    _commandId + "_cgObj", "Custom Graphics Object", DropDownStyles::TextListDropDownStyle);
                if (_customGraphicsObj)
                    Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _customGraphicsObj->listItems();
                    if (listItems)
                        listItems->add("Mesh", true);
                        listItems->add("Lines", false);
                        listItems->add("PointSet", false);
                        listItems->add("Curve", false);
                        listItems->add("BRep", false);
                        // listItems->add("Text", false);
                        listItems->add("Lines - Custom", false);
                        listItems->add("PointSet - Custom", false);

                // coordinates table used by 'Lines - Custom' and 'PointSet - Custom'
                _coordTable = inputs->addTableCommandInput(_commandId + "_table", "Coordinates Table", 3, "1:1:1");
                if (_coordTable)
                    Ptr<CommandInput> addButtonInput =
                        inputs->addBoolValueInput(_coordTable->id() + "_add", "Add", false, "", true);
                    if (addButtonInput)
                    Ptr<CommandInput> addStripButtonInput =
                        inputs->addBoolValueInput(_coordTable->id() + "_addStrip", "Add Strip", false, "", true);
                    if (addStripButtonInput)
                    Ptr<CommandInput> deleteButtonInput =
                        inputs->addBoolValueInput(_coordTable->id() + "_delete", "Delete", false, "", true);
                    if (deleteButtonInput)

                // specific for 'Lines - Custom'
                _isLineStrip = inputs->addBoolValueInput(_commandId + "_isLineStrip", "Use LineStrip", true, "", true);
                if (_isLineStrip)

                // color effects for custom graphics Mesh/BRep
                _colorEffects = inputs->addDropDownCommandInput(
                    _commandId + "_colorEffects", "Color Effect", DropDownStyles::TextListDropDownStyle);
                if (_colorEffects)
                    Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _colorEffects->listItems();
                    if (listItems)
                        listItems->add(_colorEffect_solid_id, true);
                        listItems->add(_colorEffect_basicMaterial_id, false);
                        listItems->add(_colorEffect_appearance_id, false);
                        listItems->add(_colorEffect_vertex_id, false);

                // RGB for solid colors
                _red = inputs->addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + "_red", "Red", 0, 255);
                if (_red)
                _green = inputs->addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + "_green", "Green", 0, 255);
                if (_green)
                _blue = inputs->addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + "_blue", "Blue", 0, 255);
                if (_blue)

                // specific for basic material color effect
                _glossiness = inputs->addFloatSliderCommandInput(_commandId + "_glossiness", "Glossiness", "", 0, 128);
                if (_glossiness)
                _opacity = inputs->addFloatSliderCommandInput(_commandId + "_opacity", "Opacity", "", 0, 1);
                if (_opacity)

                // for appearance color effect
                std::string defaultMatLibName("");
                _materialLibList = inputs->addDropDownCommandInput(
                    _commandId + "_materialLib", "Material Library", DropDownStyles::TextListDropDownStyle);
                if (_materialLibList)
                    Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _materialLibList->listItems();
                    if (listItems)
                        std::vector<std::string> matLibNames = getMaterialLibNames();
                        for (std::string libName : matLibNames)
                            listItems->add(libName, false);
                        if (listItems->count() > 0)
                            Ptr<ListItem> item0 = listItems->item(0);
                            if (item0)
                                defaultMatLibName = item0->name();
                _appearanceList = inputs->addDropDownCommandInput(
                    _commandId + "_appearanceList", "Appearance", DropDownStyles::TextListDropDownStyle);
                if (_appearanceList && !defaultMatLibName.empty())
                    Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _appearanceList->listItems();
                    if (listItems)
                        std::vector<std::string> defaultAppearanceList = getAppearancesFromLib(defaultMatLibName, "");
                        for (std::string appearanceName : defaultAppearanceList)
                            listItems->add(appearanceName, false);
                        if (listItems->count() > 0)
                            Ptr<ListItem> item0 = listItems->item(0);
                            if (item0)
                _appearanceFilter = inputs->addStringValueInput(_commandId + "_appearanceFilter", "Filter");
                if (_appearanceFilter)

                // selection input for custom graphics BRep/Curve
                _selection = inputs->addSelectionInput(_commandId + "_sel", "Selection", "");
                if (_selection)
                    _selection->setSelectionLimits(0, 1);

                //// for custom graphics text
                //_text = inputs->addStringValueInput(_commandId + "_text", "Text", "This is a text.");
                // if (_text) {
                //	_text->isVisible(false);

                // transform for all custom graphics entity
                if (Ptr<ValueInput> transformDistance = adsk::core::ValueInput::createByReal(0))
                    _transform =
                        inputs->addDistanceValueCommandInput(_commandId + "_transform", "Transform", transformDistance);
                    if (_transform)
                        Ptr<Point3D> origin = adsk::core::Point3D::create(0, 0, 0);
                        Ptr<Vector3D> direction = adsk::core::Vector3D::create(1, 0, 0);
                        if (origin && direction)
                            _transform->setManipulator(origin, direction);

                // for custom graphics line style pattern
                _lineStylePattern = inputs->addDropDownCommandInput(
                    _commandId + "_LSPattern", "Line Style Pattern", DropDownStyles::TextListDropDownStyle);
                if (_lineStylePattern)
                    Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _lineStylePattern->listItems();
                    if (listItems)
                        listItems->add(_solidLine_id, true);
                        listItems->add(_centerLine_id, false);
                        listItems->add(_dashedLine_id, false);
                        listItems->add(_dotLine_id, false);
                        listItems->add(_phantomLine_id, false);
                        listItems->add(_tracksLine_id, false);
                        listItems->add(_zigZagLine_id, false);

                // for line style weight
                _lineStyleWeight =
                    inputs->addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + "_LSWeight", "Line Style Weight", 1, 20);

                // for line style scale
                _lineStyleScale =
                    inputs->addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + "_LSScale", "Line Style Scale", 1, 100);

                // for view placement attribute
                _viewPlacementGroup = inputs->addGroupCommandInput(_commandId + "_VPGroup", "View Placement");
                if (_viewPlacementGroup)
                    if (Ptr<CommandInputs> childInputs = _viewPlacementGroup->children())
                        _viewCorner =
                            childInputs->addButtonRowCommandInput(_commandId + "_viewCorner", "corner", false);
                        if (_viewCorner)
                            if (Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _viewCorner->listItems())
                                listItems->add("Upper Left", false, "./resources/upperLeft");
                                listItems->add("Upper Right", false, "./resources/upperRight");
                                listItems->add("Lower Left", false, "./resources/lowerLeft");
                                listItems->add("Lower Right", false, "./resources/lowerRight");

                // for view scale attribute
                _viewScaleGroup = inputs->addGroupCommandInput(_commandId + "_VSGroup", "View Scale");
                if (_viewScaleGroup)
                    if (Ptr<CommandInputs> childInputs = _viewScaleGroup->children())
                        _pixelScale = childInputs->addFloatSliderCommandInput(
                            _commandId + "_pixelScale", "pixel scale", "", 0.5, 5, false);
                        if (_pixelScale)
                            _pixelScale->setText("Smaller", "Larger");

                // for billboarding attribute
                _billboardingGroup = inputs->addGroupCommandInput(_commandId + "_BBGroup", "Billboarding");
                if (_billboardingGroup)
                    if (Ptr<CommandInputs> childInputs = _billboardingGroup->children())
                        _billboardingStyle =
                            childInputs->addButtonRowCommandInput(_commandId + "_billboardingStyle", "style", false);
                        if (_billboardingStyle)
                            if (Ptr<ListItems> listItems = _billboardingStyle->listItems())
                                listItems->add("Screen", false, "./resources/One");
                                listItems->add("Axis", false, "./resources/Two");
                                listItems->add("Right Reading", false, "./resources/Three");

    OnExecuteEventHandler onExecuteHandler_;
    OnDestroyEventHandler onDestroyHandler_;
    OnInputChangedEventHander onInputChangedHandler_;
} cmdCreated_;

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context)
    _app = Application::get();
    if (!_app)
        return false;

    _ui = _app->userInterface();
    if (!_ui)
        return false;

    Ptr<Document> doc = _app->activeDocument();
    if (!doc)
        return false;

    Ptr<Products> prods = doc->products();
    if (!prods)
        return false;

    Ptr<Product> prod = prods->itemByProductType("DesignProductType");
    if (!prod)
        return false;

    _des = prod->cast<Design>();
    if (!_des)
        return false;

    // get the entry for custom graphics
    Ptr<Product> activeProd = _app->activeProduct();
    if (!activeProd)
        return false;

    Ptr<CAM> cam = activeProd->cast<CAM>();
    if (cam)
        _cgGroups = cam->customGraphicsGroups();
        Ptr<Component> rootComp = _des->rootComponent();
        if (!rootComp)
            return false;
        _cgGroups = rootComp->customGraphicsGroups();
    if (!_cgGroups)
        return false;

    Ptr<CommandDefinition> command = createCommandDefinition();
    if (!command)
        return false;

    Ptr<CommandCreatedEvent> commandCreatedEvent = command->commandCreated();
    if (!commandCreatedEvent)
        return false;

    // prevent this module from being terminate when the script returns, because we are waiting for event handlers to
    // fire

    return true;

#ifdef XI_WIN

#include <windows.h>

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hmodule, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
    switch (reason)
    return TRUE;

#endif // XI_WIN
#Author-Autodesk Inc.
#Description-Demo custom graphics examples

import adsk.core, adsk.fusion,, traceback
import math

# Globals
_app = adsk.core.Application.cast(None)
_ui = adsk.core.UserInterface.cast(None)
_des = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(None)
_cgGroups = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsGroups.cast(None)
_numTeeth = 5
_handlers = []
appearancesMap = {}
coordNumber = 0
stripNumber = 0
_pointSetImage = './resources/16x16.png'
_thickness = 0.5 * 2.54
_anchorPt = adsk.core.Point3D.cast(None)
#_scaleFactor is used to limit the size of pixel-scaled model however large the actual graphics model.
_scaleFactor = 10

_commandId = 'CustomGraphicsSample_Python'
_colorEffect_solid_id = 'SolidColorEfect'
_colorEffect_basicMaterial_id = 'BasicMaterialColorEffect'
_colorEffect_appearance_id = 'AppearanceColorEffect'
_colorEffect_vertex_id = 'VertexColorEffect'

# Global Command inputs
_customGraphicsObj = adsk.core.DropDownCommandInput.cast(None)
_colorEffects = adsk.core.DropDownCommandInput.cast(None)
_red = adsk.core.IntegerSliderCommandInput.cast(None)
_green = adsk.core.IntegerSliderCommandInput.cast(None)
_blue = adsk.core.IntegerSliderCommandInput.cast(None)
_opacity = adsk.core.SliderCommandInput.cast(None)
_glossiness = adsk.core.SliderCommandInput.cast(None)
#_text = adsk.core.StringValueCommandInput.cast(None)
_selection = adsk.core.SelectionCommandInput.cast(None)
_transform = adsk.core.DistanceValueCommandInput.cast(None)
_materialLibList = adsk.core.DropDownCommandInput.cast(None)
_appearanceList = adsk.core.DropDownCommandInput.cast(None)
_appearanceFilter = adsk.core.StringValueCommandInput.cast(None)
_coordTable = adsk.core.TableCommandInput.cast(None)
_add = adsk.core.BoolValueCommandInput.cast(None)
_addStrip = adsk.core.BoolValueCommandInput.cast(None)
_delete = adsk.core.BoolValueCommandInput.cast(None)
_isLineStrip = adsk.core.BoolValueCommandInput.cast(None)
_lineStylePattern = adsk.core.DropDownCommandInput.cast(None)
_lineStyleWeight = adsk.core.IntegerSliderCommandInput.cast(None)
_lineStyleScale = adsk.core.IntegerSliderCommandInput.cast(None)

_viewPlacementGroup = adsk.core.GroupCommandInput.cast(None)
_viewCorner = adsk.core.ButtonRowCommandInput.cast(None)
_viewScaleGroup = adsk.core.GroupCommandInput.cast(None)
_pixelScale = adsk.core.FloatSliderCommandInput.cast(None)
_billboardingGroup = adsk.core.GroupCommandInput.cast(None)
_billboardingStyle = adsk.core.ButtonRowCommandInput.cast(None)

def run(context):
        global _app, _ui, _des, _cgGroups
        _app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        _ui  = _app.userInterface        
        doc = _app.activeDocument
        prods = doc.products
        _des = prods.itemByProductType('DesignProductType')
        if not _des:
            raise Exception('Failed to get fusion design.')

        # get the entry for custom graphics
        activeProd = _app.activeProduct
        cam =
        if cam:              
            _cgGroups = cam.customGraphicsGroups
            _cgGroups = _des.rootComponent.customGraphicsGroups

        cmdDef = _ui.commandDefinitions.itemById(_commandId)
        if not cmdDef:
            # Create a command definition.
            cmdDef = _ui.commandDefinitions.addButtonDefinition(_commandId, 'CustomGraphicsSample', 'Custom Graphics Sample') 
        # Connect to the command created event.
        onCommandCreated = MyCommandCreatedHandler()
        # Execute the command.

        # prevent this module from being terminate when the script returns, because we are waiting for event handlers to fire
        if _ui:
class MyCommandDestroyHandler(adsk.core.CommandEventHandler):
    def __init__(self):
    def notify(self, args):
#            eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandEventArgs.cast(args)

            # when the command is done, terminate the script
            # this will release all globals which will remove all event handlers
            if _ui:
                _ui.messageBox('Failed in MyCommandDestroyHandler:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))     

def addRow(tableInput):
    global coordNumber
    tableChildInputs = tableInput.commandInputs
    xValueInput = tableChildInputs.addValueInput( + '_x{}'.format(coordNumber), 'Value', 'cm', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(coordNumber))
    yValueInput = tableChildInputs.addValueInput( + '_y{}'.format(coordNumber), 'Value', 'cm', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(coordNumber))
    zValueInput = tableChildInputs.addValueInput( + '_z{}'.format(coordNumber), 'Value', 'cm', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(coordNumber))
    row = tableInput.rowCount
    tableInput.addCommandInput(xValueInput, row, 0)
    tableInput.addCommandInput(yValueInput, row, 1)
    tableInput.addCommandInput(zValueInput, row, 2)
    coordNumber = coordNumber + 1
def addLineStrip(tableInput):
    global stripNumber
    tableChildInputs = tableInput.commandInputs
    strInput = tableChildInputs.addStringValueInput( + '_strip{}'.format(stripNumber), 'Line Strip', '-- Line Strip --')
    strInput.isReadOnly = True
    row = tableInput.rowCount
    tableInput.addCommandInput(strInput, row, 0, 0, 2)
    stripNumber = stripNumber + 1                
def replaceItems(cmdInput, newItems):
        itemNone = cmdInput.listItems.add('None', True, '')
        itemNone.isSelected = True
        if len(newItems) > 0:
            for item in newItems:
                cmdInput.listItems.add(item, False, '')
            cmdInput.listItems[1].isSelected = True
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in replaceItems:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))        
def getAppearancesFromLib(libName, filterExp):
        global appearancesMap
        appearanceList = None
        if libName in appearancesMap:
            appearanceList = appearancesMap[libName]
            materialLib = _app.materialLibraries.itemByName(libName)
            appearances = materialLib.appearances
            appearanceNames = []
            for appearance in appearances:
            appearancesMap[libName] = appearanceNames
            appearanceList = appearanceNames

        if filterExp and len(filterExp) > 0:
            filteredList = []
            for appearanceName in appearanceList:
                if appearanceName.lower().find(filterExp.lower()) >= 0:
            return filteredList
            return appearanceList
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in getAppearancesFromLib:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))        

def hasAppearances(lib):
    if lib and lib.appearances.count > 0:
        return True
    return False
def getMaterialLibNames(libFilter):
    materialLibs = _app.materialLibraries
    libNames = []
    for materialLib in materialLibs:
        if (not libFilter) or libFilter(materialLib):
    return libNames   
def getAppearance(libName, appearanceName):
        if not appearanceName or appearanceName == 'None':
        appearance = _des.appearances.itemByName(appearanceName)
        if appearance:
            return appearance
        matLib = _app.materialLibraries.itemByName(libName)      
        if matLib:
            appearance = matLib.appearances.itemByName(appearanceName)

        return appearance            
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in getAppearance:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))        
# Event handler for the commandCreated event.
class MyCommandCreatedHandler(adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventHandler):
    def __init__(self):
    def notify(self, args):
            eventArgs = adsk.core.CommandCreatedEventArgs.cast(args)
            # Verify that a Fusion design is active.
            if not _des:
                _ui.messageBox('A Fusion design must be active when invoking this command.')

            cmd = eventArgs.command
            cmd.isExecutedWhenPreEmpted = False
            inputs = cmd.commandInputs            
            global _customGraphicsObj, _selection, _coordTable, _add, _delete
            global _colorEffects,_glossiness, _opacity, _transform, _isLineStrip, _addStrip, _lineStyleWeight, _lineStyleScale, _lineStylePattern
            global _red,_green,_blue, _appearanceList, _materialLibList, _appearanceFilter
            # menu for different kinds of custom graphics
            _customGraphicsObj = inputs.addDropDownCommandInput(_commandId + '_cgObj', 'Custom Graphics Object', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.TextListDropDownStyle)
            _customGraphicsObj.listItems.add('Mesh', True)     
            _customGraphicsObj.listItems.add('Lines', False) 
            _customGraphicsObj.listItems.add('PointSet', False)
            _customGraphicsObj.listItems.add('Curve', False)
            _customGraphicsObj.listItems.add('BRep', False)
            #_customGraphicsObj.listItems.add('Text', False)       
            _customGraphicsObj.listItems.add('Lines - Custom', False)
            _customGraphicsObj.listItems.add('PointSet - Custom', False) 
            # coordinates table used by 'Lines - Custom' and 'PointSet - Custom'
            _coordTable = inputs.addTableCommandInput(_commandId + '_table', 'Coordinates Table', 3, '1:1:1')    
            _coordTable.maximumVisibleRows = 10
            _add = inputs.addBoolValueInput( + '_add', 'Add', False, '', True)
            _addStrip = inputs.addBoolValueInput( + '_addStrip', 'AddStrip', False, '', True)
            _delete = inputs.addBoolValueInput( + '_delete', 'Delete', False, '', True)
            _coordTable.isVisible = False
            _add.isVisible = False
            _delete.isVisible = False
            _addStrip.isVisible = False
            # specific for 'Lines - Custom'
            _isLineStrip = inputs.addBoolValueInput(_commandId + '_isLineStrip', 'Use LineStrip', True, '', True)
            _isLineStrip.isVisible = False
            # color effects for custom graphics Mesh/BRep
            _colorEffects = inputs.addDropDownCommandInput(_commandId + '_colorEffects', 'Color Effect', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.TextListDropDownStyle)
            _colorEffects.listItems.add(_colorEffect_solid_id, True) 
            _colorEffects.listItems.add(_colorEffect_basicMaterial_id, False) 
            _colorEffects.listItems.add(_colorEffect_appearance_id, False)     
            _colorEffects.listItems.add(_colorEffect_vertex_id, False)   
            # RGB for solid colors
            _red = inputs.addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + '_red', 'Red', 0, 255, False)
            _red.valueOne = 255
            _green = inputs.addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + '_green', 'Green', 0, 255, False)
            _green.valueOne = 0
            _blue = inputs.addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + '_blue', 'Blue', 0, 255, False)   
            _blue.valueOne = 0
            # specific for basic material color effect
            _glossiness = inputs.addFloatSliderCommandInput(_commandId + '_glossiness', 'Glossiness', '', 0.0, 128.0, False)
            _glossiness.valueOne = 128.0
            _glossiness.isVisible = False            
            _opacity = inputs.addFloatSliderCommandInput(_commandId + '_opacity', 'Opacity', '', 0.0, 1.0, False)
            _opacity.valueOne = 1.0
            _opacity.isVisible = False

            # for appearance color effect
            _materialLibList = inputs.addDropDownCommandInput(_commandId + '_materialLib', 'Material Library', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.TextListDropDownStyle)
            listItems = _materialLibList.listItems
            materialLibNames = getMaterialLibNames(hasAppearances)
            for materialName in materialLibNames:
                listItems.add(materialName, False, '')
            listItems[0].isSelected = True
            _materialLibList.isVisible = False
            _appearanceList = inputs.addDropDownCommandInput(_commandId + '_appearanceList', 'Appearance', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.TextListDropDownStyle)
            appearances = getAppearancesFromLib(materialLibNames[0], '')
            listItems = _appearanceList.listItems
            for appearanceName in appearances:
                listItems.add(appearanceName, False, '')
            listItems[0].isSelected = True
            _appearanceList.isVisible = False
            _appearanceFilter = inputs.addStringValueInput(_commandId + '_appearanceFilter', 'Filter', '')
            _appearanceFilter.isVisible = False

            # selection input for custom graphics BRep/Curve
            _selection = inputs.addSelectionInput(_commandId + '_sel', 'Selection', '')
            _selection.setSelectionLimits(0, 1)
            _selection.isVisible = False
            _selection.isEnabled = False
            # for custom graphics text
            #_text = inputs.addStringValueInput(_commandId + '_text', 'Text', 'This is a text.')
            #_text.isVisible = False
            # transform for all custom graphics entity
            _transform = inputs.addDistanceValueCommandInput(_commandId + '_transform', 'Transform', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(0))
            _transform.setManipulator( adsk.core.Point3D.create(0,0,0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(1,0,0))
            # menu for different kinds of line sytles
            _lineStylePattern = inputs.addDropDownCommandInput(_commandId + '_LSPattern', 'Line Style Pattern', adsk.core.DropDownStyles.TextListDropDownStyle)
            _lineStylePattern.listItems.add('Solid Line', True)     
            _lineStylePattern.listItems.add('Center Line', False) 
            _lineStylePattern.listItems.add('Dashed Line', False)
            _lineStylePattern.listItems.add('Dot Line', False)
            _lineStylePattern.listItems.add('Phantom Line', False)
            _lineStylePattern.listItems.add('Tracks Line', False)       
            _lineStylePattern.listItems.add('ZigZag Line', False)
            _lineStylePattern.isVisible = False
            # for line sytle weight
            _lineStyleWeight = inputs.addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + '_LSWeight', 'Line Style Weight', 1, 20, False)
            _lineStyleWeight.valueOne = 1
            _lineStyleWeight.isVisible = False
            # for line style scale
            _lineStyleScale = inputs.addIntegerSliderCommandInput(_commandId + '_LSScale', 'Line Style Scale', 1, 100, False)
            _lineStyleScale.valueOne = 10
            _lineStyleScale.isVisible = False
            global _viewPlacementGroup, _viewCorner, _viewScaleGroup, _pixelScale, _billboardingGroup, _billboardingStyle            
            # for view placement attribute
            _viewPlacementGroup = inputs.addGroupCommandInput(_commandId + '_VPGroup', 'View Placement')
            _viewPlacementGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxDisplayed = True
            _viewPlacementGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxChecked = False
            _viewCorner = _viewPlacementGroup.children.addButtonRowCommandInput(_commandId + '_viewCorner', 'corner', False)
            _viewCorner.listItems.add('Upper Left', False, './resources/upperLeft')
            _viewCorner.listItems.add('Upper Right', False, './resources/upperRight')
            _viewCorner.listItems.add('Lower Left', False, './resources/lowerLeft')
            _viewCorner.listItems.add('Lower Right', False, './resources/lowerRight')     
            # for view scale attribute
            _viewScaleGroup = inputs.addGroupCommandInput(_commandId + '_VSGroup', 'View Scale')
            _viewScaleGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxDisplayed = True
            _viewScaleGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxChecked = False
            _pixelScale = _viewScaleGroup.children.addFloatSliderCommandInput(_commandId + '_pixelScale', 'pixel scale', '', 0.5, 5, False)
            _pixelScale.valueOne = 1
            _pixelScale.setText('Smaller', 'Larger')
            # for billboarding attribute
            _billboardingGroup = inputs.addGroupCommandInput(_commandId + '_BBGroup', 'Billboarding')
            _billboardingGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxDisplayed = True
            _billboardingGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxChecked = False        
            _billboardingStyle = _billboardingGroup.children.addButtonRowCommandInput(_commandId + '_billboardingStyle', 'style', False)
            _billboardingStyle.listItems.add('Screen', False, './resources/One')
            _billboardingStyle.listItems.add('Axis', False, './resources/Two')
            _billboardingStyle.listItems.add('Right Reading', False, './resources/Three')          
            # Connect to the command related events.
            onExecute = MyCommandExecuteHandler()
            onExecutePreview = MyCommandExecuteHandler()
            onInputChanged = MyCommandInputChangedHandler()

            onDestroy = MyCommandDestroyHandler()
            if _ui:
                _ui.messageBox('Failed in MyCommandCreatedHandler:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))

def applyColorEffect(cgEnt):
        colorEffect = None
        if == _colorEffect_solid_id:
            colorEffect = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsSolidColorEffect.create(adsk.core.Color.create(int(_red.valueOne),int(_green.valueOne),int(_blue.valueOne),255))
        elif == _colorEffect_basicMaterial_id:
            diffuseColor = adsk.core.Color.create(0,255,0,255)                      
            ambientColor = adsk.core.Color.create(255,0,0,255)            
            specularColor = adsk.core.Color.create(0,0,255,255)  
            emissiveColor = adsk.core.Color.create(0,0,0,255) 
            colorEffect = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsBasicMaterialColorEffect.create(diffuseColor, ambientColor, specularColor, emissiveColor, float(_glossiness.valueOne), float(_opacity.valueOne))
        elif == _colorEffect_appearance_id:
            appearance = getAppearance(,
            if appearance:
                if not _des.appearances.itemByName(
                    appearance = _des.appearances.addByCopy(appearance,
                colorEffect = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsAppearanceColorEffect.create(appearance)
        elif == _colorEffect_vertex_id:
            colorEffect = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsVertexColorEffect.create()
        if colorEffect:
            cgEnt.color = colorEffect
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in applyColorEffect:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))

def getCoordinatesFromTable(tableInput):
        vecCoord = []
        vecStripLen = []
        stripLen = 0
        if _coordTable:
            for i in range(0, _coordTable.rowCount):
                xValueInput = adsk.core.ValueCommandInput.cast(_coordTable.getInputAtPosition(i,0))
                if xValueInput:
                    stripLen = stripLen + 1
                    yValueInput = adsk.core.ValueCommandInput.cast(_coordTable.getInputAtPosition(i,1))
                    zValueInput = adsk.core.ValueCommandInput.cast(_coordTable.getInputAtPosition(i,2))
                    vecCoord.extend([xValueInput.value, yValueInput.value, zValueInput.value])    
                    stripLen = 0
        return vecCoord, vecStripLen
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in getCoordinatesFromTable:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))    
# Event handler for the execute event.
class MyCommandExecuteHandler(adsk.core.CommandEventHandler):
    def __init__(self):
    def notify(self, args):
            # get selection entity first since it's fragile and any creation/edit operations will clear the selection.
            selEntity = None
            if _selection.selectionCount > 0:
                selEntity = _selection.selection(0).entity
            if _customGraphicsObj:
                cgGroup = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsGroup.cast(_cgGroups.add())     
                global _anchorPt, _scaleFactor
                if not _anchorPt:
                    _anchorPt = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0,0,0)
                cgEnt = None
                if == 'Mesh':
                    cgEnt = drawMesh(cgGroup) 
                elif == 'Lines':
                    cgEnt = drawLines(cgGroup)                
                elif == 'PointSet':
                    cgEnt = drawPointSet(cgGroup)
                elif == 'BRep':                    
                    if selEntity:
                        body = adsk.fusion.BRepBody.cast(selEntity)
                        cgEnt = cgGroup.addBRepBody(body)
                elif == 'Curve':
                    if selEntity:
                        skCurve = adsk.fusion.SketchCurve.cast(selEntity)
                        sk = skCurve.parentSketch
                        curve = skCurve.geometry
                        cgEnt = cgGroup.addCurve(curve)
                        cgEnt.weight = float(_lineStyleWeight.valueOne)                        
                #elif == 'Text':
                #    if _text.value:
                #        cgEnt = cgGroup.addText(_text.value, 'None', 10, adsk.core.Point3D.create(0,0,0))
                elif == 'PointSet - Custom':
                    vecCoords, vecStripLen = getCoordinatesFromTable(_coordTable)
                    coords = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsCoordinates.create(vecCoords)
                    cgEnt = cgGroup.addPointSet(coords, [], adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsPointTypes.UserDefinedCustomGraphicsPointType, _pointSetImage)
                elif == 'Lines - Custom':
                    vecCoords, vecStripLength = getCoordinatesFromTable(_coordTable)
                    coords = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsCoordinates.create(vecCoords)
                    isLineStrip = _isLineStrip.value
                    if coords.coordinateCount < 1:
                    cgEnt = cgGroup.addLines(coords, [], isLineStrip, vecStripLength)
                # add attributes to the custom graphics entity
                if cgEnt:
                    # transform
                    transMat = adsk.core.Matrix3D.create()
                    origin = adsk.core.Point3D.create(float(_transform.value),0,0)
                    transMat.setWithCoordinateSystem(origin, adsk.core.Vector3D.create(1,0,0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0,1,0), adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0,0,1))
                    cgEnt.transform = transMat   
                    # color effect
                    if not adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsPointSet.cast(cgEnt):
                    # calculate _scaleFactor and _anchorPt for viewPlacement, viewScale and billboarding attributes based on the bounding box of custom graphics entity
                    maxPt = cgEnt.boundingBox.maxPoint
                    minPt = cgEnt.boundingBox.minPoint       
                    _scaleFactor = 100 / minPt.distanceTo(maxPt)
                    _anchorPt.setWithArray([(minPt.x + maxPt.x) / 2, (minPt.y + maxPt.y) / 2, (minPt.z + maxPt.z) / 2])
                    # view placement
                    if _viewPlacementGroup and _viewPlacementGroup.isVisible and _viewPlacementGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxChecked and _viewCorner and _viewCorner.selectedItem:                       
                        viewPt = adsk.core.Point2D.create(100,100)
                        # upper left by default
                        corner = adsk.fusion.ViewCorners.upperLeftViewCorner                          
                        if == 'Upper Right':
                            corner = adsk.fusion.ViewCorners.upperRightViewCorner
                        elif == 'Lower Left':
                            corner = adsk.fusion.ViewCorners.lowerLeftViewCorner
                        elif == 'Lower Right':
                            corner = adsk.fusion.ViewCorners.lowerRightViewCorner
                        attr = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsViewPlacement.create(_anchorPt, corner, viewPt)
                        cgEnt.viewPlacement = attr
                    # view scale
                    if _viewScaleGroup and _viewScaleGroup.isVisible and _viewScaleGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxChecked and _pixelScale:
                        attr = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsViewScale.create(_scaleFactor * _pixelScale.valueOne, _anchorPt)
                        cgEnt.viewScale = attr
                    # billboarding
                    if _billboardingGroup and _billboardingGroup.isVisible and _billboardingGroup.isEnabledCheckBoxChecked and _billboardingStyle and _billboardingStyle.selectedItem:
                        # screen style by default
                        bbStyle = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsBillBoardStyles.ScreenBillBoardStyle
                        if == 'Axis':
                            bbStyle = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsBillBoardStyles.AxialBillBoardStyle
                        elif == 'Right Reading':
                            bbStyle = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsBillBoardStyles.RightReadingBillBoardStyle
                        attr = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsBillBoard.create(_anchorPt)
                        attr.axis = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0,1,0)
                        attr.billBoardStyle = bbStyle
                        cgEnt.billBoarding = attr
            if _ui:
                _ui.messageBox('Failed in MyCommandExecuteHandler:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))

def changeCGObjVisibility(strObjName):
        _colorEffects.listItems.add(_colorEffect_solid_id, True) 
        _colorEffects.listItems.add(_colorEffect_basicMaterial_id, False) 
        _colorEffects.listItems.add(_colorEffect_appearance_id, False)   
        _colorEffects.isVisible = False
        _selection.setSelectionLimits(0, 0)
        _selection.isVisible = False
        _selection.isEnabled = False        
        #_text.isVisible = False
        _coordTable.isVisible = False
        _isLineStrip.isVisible = False
        _lineStylePattern.isVisible = False
        _lineStyleWeight.isVisible = False
        _lineStyleScale.isVisible = False
        _viewPlacementGroup.isVisible = False
        _viewScaleGroup.isVisible = False
        _billboardingGroup.isVisible = False
        if strObjName == 'Mesh':
            _colorEffects.isVisible = True
            _colorEffects.listItems.add(_colorEffect_vertex_id, False) 
            _viewPlacementGroup.isVisible = True
            _viewScaleGroup.isVisible = True
            _billboardingGroup.isVisible = True
        elif strObjName == 'Lines':    		         
            _lineStylePattern.isVisible = True
            _lineStyleWeight.isVisible = True
            if != 'Solid Line':
                _lineStyleScale.isVisible = True
            _viewPlacementGroup.isVisible = True
            _viewScaleGroup.isVisible = True
            _billboardingGroup.isVisible = True
        elif strObjName == 'Curve':
            _selection.isVisible = True
            _selection.isEnabled = True
            _selection.tooltip = 'select a curve'
            _selection.commandPrompt = 'select a curve'
            _lineStyleWeight.isVisible = True
            _viewPlacementGroup.isVisible = True
            _viewScaleGroup.isVisible = True
            _billboardingGroup.isVisible = True
        elif strObjName == 'BRep':
            _selection.isVisible = True
            _selection.isEnabled = True
            _selection.tooltip = 'select a body'
            _selection.commandPrompt = 'select a body'
            _colorEffects.isVisible = True
            _viewPlacementGroup.isVisible = True
            _viewScaleGroup.isVisible = True
            _billboardingGroup.isVisible = True
        #elif strObjName == 'Text':
        #    _text.isVisible = True
        #    changeColorEffectVisibility(_colorEffect_solid_id)   
        elif strObjName == 'PointSet - Custom':   
            _coordTable.isVisible = True 
            _addStrip.isEnabled = False
        elif strObjName == 'Lines - Custom': 
            _coordTable.isVisible = True
            _isLineStrip.isVisible = True
            _addStrip.isEnabled = True
            _lineStylePattern.isVisible = True
            _lineStyleWeight.isVisible = True
            if != 'Solid Line':
                _lineStyleScale.isVisible = True
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in changeCGObjVisibility:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
def changeColorEffectVisibility(strColorEffectName):
        _red.isVisible = False
        _green.isVisible = False
        _blue.isVisible = False
        _opacity.isVisible = False
        _glossiness.isVisible = False
        _appearanceList.isVisible = False
        _materialLibList.isVisible = False
        _appearanceFilter.isVisible = False
        if strColorEffectName == _colorEffect_solid_id:	
            _red.isVisible = True
            _green.isVisible = True
            _blue.isVisible = True	    		    
        elif strColorEffectName == _colorEffect_basicMaterial_id:		    		
            _opacity.isVisible = True
            _glossiness.isVisible = True
        elif strColorEffectName == _colorEffect_appearance_id:
            _appearanceList.isVisible = True
            _materialLibList.isVisible = True
            _appearanceFilter.isVisible = True
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in changeColorEffectVisibility:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))

def changeLineStyleInputsVisibility(patternName):
        if patternName == 'Solid Line':
            _lineStyleScale.isVisible = False
            _lineStyleScale.isVisible = True
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in changeLineStyleInputsVisibility:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
# Event handler for the inputChanged event.
class MyCommandInputChangedHandler(adsk.core.InputChangedEventHandler):
    def __init__(self):
    def notify(self, args):
            eventArgs = adsk.core.InputChangedEventArgs.cast(args)
            changedInput = eventArgs.input
            if == _commandId + '_cgObj':
            elif == _commandId + '_colorEffects':
            elif == _commandId + '_appearanceFilter' or == _commandId + '_materialLib':
                appearances = getAppearancesFromLib(, _appearanceFilter.value)
                replaceItems(_appearanceList, appearances)
            elif == + '_add':
            elif == + '_addStrip':
            elif == + '_delete':
               if _coordTable.selectedRow == -1:
                   _ui.messageBox('Select one row to delete')
            elif == _commandId + '_LSPattern':
            if _ui:
                _ui.messageBox('Failed in MyCommandInputChangedHandler:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
def rotate2D(rad, vec):
        x = vec[0]
        y = vec[1]
        return (x*math.cos(rad)-y*math.sin(rad), x*math.sin(rad)+y*math.cos(rad))
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in rotate2D:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))    

def calculateCoordinates(numTeeth):
        # holeDia < rootDia < pitchDia < outsideDia     
        holeDia = 0.5 * 2.54
        diametralPitch = 2 / 2.54
        pitchDia = numTeeth / diametralPitch
        if (diametralPitch < (20 *(math.pi/180))-0.000001):
            dedendum = 1.157 / diametralPitch
            circularPitch = math.pi / diametralPitch
            if circularPitch >= 20:
                dedendum = 1.25 / diametralPitch
                dedendum = (1.2 / diametralPitch) + (.002 * 2.54)                
        rootDia = pitchDia - (2 * dedendum)        
        outsideDia = (numTeeth + 2) / diametralPitch
        rPts0 = []    # 2 * numTeeth for root
        hPts0 = []    # 2 * numTeeth for hole
        pPts0 = []    # 2 * numTeeth for pitch
        oPts0 = []    # 1 * numTeeth for outside
        rPts1 = []    # 2 * numTeeth for root with thickness
        hPts1 = []    # 2 * numTeeth for hole with thickness
        pPts1 = []    # 2 * numTeeth for pitch with thickness
        oPts1 = []    # 1 * numTeeth for outside with thickness
        vecRootRadi = [rootDia/2.0, 0]
        vecHoleRadi = [holeDia/2.0, 0]
        vecPitchRadi = [pitchDia/2.0, 0]
        vecOutRadi = [outsideDia/2.0, 0]
        unitRadian = math.pi / numTeeth
        vecCoords = []    
        vecColors = []
        for i in range(0, 2 * numTeeth):            
            x, y = rotate2D(unitRadian * (i - 0.5), vecRootRadi)
            rPts0.append(int(len(vecCoords) / 3))
            rPts1.append(int(len(vecCoords) / 3) + 1)
            vecCoords.extend([x, y, 0, x, y, _thickness])
            vecColors.extend([255,0,255,128, 255,0,255,128])
        for i in range(0, 2 * numTeeth):            
            x, y = rotate2D(unitRadian * (i - 0.5), vecHoleRadi)
            hPts0.append(int(len(vecCoords) / 3))
            hPts1.append(int(len(vecCoords) / 3) + 1)   
            vecCoords.extend([x, y, 0, x, y, _thickness])
            vecColors.extend([255,0,0,128,  255,0,0,128])
        for i in range(0, 2 * numTeeth):            
            x, y = rotate2D(unitRadian * (i - 0.5), vecPitchRadi)
            pPts0.append(int(len(vecCoords) / 3))
            pPts1.append(int(len(vecCoords) / 3) + 1)   
            vecCoords.extend([x, y, 0, x, y, _thickness])
            vecColors.extend([0,0,255,128, 0,0,255,128])
        for i in range(0, numTeeth):            
            x, y = rotate2D(unitRadian * i * 2 , vecOutRadi)
            oPts0.append(int(len(vecCoords) / 3))
            oPts1.append(int(len(vecCoords) / 3) + 1)   
            vecCoords.extend([x, y, 0, x, y, _thickness])
            vecColors.extend([0,255,255,128, 0,255,255,128])
        return (rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1, vecCoords, vecColors)
        if _ui:
            _ui.messageBox('Failed in calculateCoordinates:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))

def calculateStripLen(numTeeth):
        vecStripLen = []
        for i in range(0, numTeeth):
        for i in range(0, 2 * numTeeth):
        for i in range(0, numTeeth):
        for i in range(0, 2 * numTeeth):
        return vecStripLen
    except Exception as error:
        _ui.messageBox("calculateTriangles Failed : " + str(error)) 
def calculateTriangles(numTeeth, rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1):
        vertexIndexList = []    
        # triangles between teeth
        for i in range(0, numTeeth):
            idx0 = (2*i+1) % (2*numTeeth)
            idx1 = (2*i+2) % (2*numTeeth)
            rPtA0 = rPts0[idx0]
            rPtB0 = rPts0[idx1]         
            rPtA1 = rPts1[idx0]
            rPtB1 = rPts1[idx1]  
            vertexIndexList.extend([rPtA0,rPtB0,rPtB1, rPtB1,rPtA1,rPtA0])
        # triangles on surface0
        for i in range(0, numTeeth):
            rPtA = rPts0[i*2]
            rPtB = rPts0[i*2 + 1]
            rPtC = rPts0[(i*2 + 2)%(2*numTeeth)]        
            hPtA = hPts0[i*2]
            hPtB = hPts0[i*2 + 1]  
            hPtC = hPts0[(i*2 + 2)%(2*numTeeth)]        
            pPtA = pPts0[i*2]
            pPtB = pPts0[i*2 + 1]               
            oPt = oPts0[i]                                  
            vertexIndexList.extend([hPtB,hPtC,rPtC, rPtC,rPtB,hPtB])
            vertexIndexList.extend([rPtA,rPtB,pPtB, pPtB,pPtA,rPtA])  
            vertexIndexList.extend([hPtA,hPtB,rPtB, rPtB,rPtA,hPtA])           
        # triangles on surface1
        for i in range(0, numTeeth):
            rPtA = rPts1[i*2]
            rPtB = rPts1[i*2 + 1]
            rPtC = rPts1[(i*2 + 2)%(2*numTeeth)]
            hPtA = hPts1[i*2]
            hPtB = hPts1[i*2 + 1]  
            hPtC = hPts1[(i*2 + 2)%(2*numTeeth)]
            pPtA = pPts1[i*2]
            pPtB = pPts1[i*2 + 1]         
            oPt = oPts1[i]             
            vertexIndexList.extend([hPtC,hPtB,rPtB, rPtB,rPtC,hPtC])
            vertexIndexList.extend([rPtB,rPtA,pPtA, pPtA,pPtB,rPtB]) 
            vertexIndexList.extend([hPtB,hPtA,rPtA, rPtA,rPtB,hPtB])          
        # triangles on teeth
        for i in range(0, numTeeth):
            rPtA0 = rPts0[i*2]
            rPtB0 = rPts0[i*2 + 1]  
            pPtA0 = pPts0[i*2]
            pPtB0 = pPts0[i*2 + 1]    
            rPtA1 = rPts1[i*2]
            rPtB1 = rPts1[i*2 + 1]  
            pPtA1 = pPts1[i*2]
            pPtB1 = pPts1[i*2 + 1] 
            oPt0 = oPts0[i]
            oPt1 = oPts1[i]        
            # triangles on one tooth
            vertexIndexList.extend([rPtA1, rPtA0, pPtA0, pPtA0, pPtA1, rPtA1])
            vertexIndexList.extend([pPtA1, pPtA0, oPt0, oPt0, oPt1, pPtA1])
            vertexIndexList.extend([rPtB0, rPtB1, pPtB1, pPtB1, pPtB0, rPtB0])    
            vertexIndexList.extend([pPtB0, pPtB1, oPt1, oPt1, oPt0, pPtB0])         
        # triangles on inner face
        for i in range(0, 2*numTeeth):
            hPtA0 = hPts0[i]
            hPtB0 = hPts0[(i + 1)%(2*numTeeth)] 
            hPtA1 = hPts1[i]
            hPtB1 = hPts1[(i + 1)%(2*numTeeth)] 
            vertexIndexList.extend([hPtA1,hPtB1,hPtB0, hPtB0,hPtA0,hPtA1])                
        return vertexIndexList
    except Exception as error:
        _ui.messageBox("calculateTriangles Failed : " + str(error)) 
        return None
# Builds a custom graphics mesh.
def drawMesh(cgGroup):
        # Calculate mesh coordinates
        rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1, vecCoords, vecColors = calculateCoordinates(_numTeeth)        
        coordinates = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsCoordinates.create(vecCoords)
        coordinates.colors = vecColors

        # Calculate mesh triangles
        vertexIndexList = calculateTriangles(_numTeeth, rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1)        
        # Add Custom Graphics mesh
        normalVectors = []
        normalIndexList = []
        cgMesh = cgGroup.addMesh(coordinates, vertexIndexList, normalVectors, normalIndexList)        
        return cgMesh
    except Exception as error:
        _ui.messageBox("drawMesh Failed : " + str(error)) 
        return None
def drawLines(cgGroup):
        rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1, vecCoords, vecColors = calculateCoordinates(_numTeeth)        
        coordinates = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsCoordinates.create(vecCoords)       
        vertexIndexList = calculateTriangles(_numTeeth, rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1)        
        stripLen = calculateStripLen(_numTeeth)
        cgLines = cgGroup.addLines(coordinates, vertexIndexList, True, stripLen)
        if == 'Solid Line':
            cgLines.lineStylePattern = adsk.fusion.LineStylePatterns.continuousLineStylePattern
        elif == 'Center Line':
            cgLines.lineStylePattern = adsk.fusion.LineStylePatterns.centerLineStylePattern
        elif == 'Dashed Line':
            cgLines.lineStylePattern = adsk.fusion.LineStylePatterns.dashedLineStylePattern
        elif == 'Dot Line':
            cgLines.lineStylePattern = adsk.fusion.LineStylePatterns.dotLineStylePattern
        elif == 'Dashed Line':
            cgLines.lineStylePattern = adsk.fusion.LineStylePatterns.dashedLineStylePattern
        elif == 'Phantom Line':
            cgLines.lineStylePattern = adsk.fusion.LineStylePatterns.phantomLineStylePattern
        elif == 'Tracks Line':
            cgLines.lineStylePattern = adsk.fusion.LineStylePatterns.tracksLineStylePattern
        elif == 'ZigZag Line':
            cgLines.lineStylePattern = adsk.fusion.LineStylePatterns.zigzagLineStylePattern
        cgLines.weight = float(_lineStyleWeight.valueOne)
        cgLines.lineStyleScale = float(_lineStyleScale.valueOne)
        return cgLines
    except Exception as error:
        _ui.messageBox("drawLines Failed : " + str(error)) 
        return None   
def drawPointSet(cgGroup):
        rPts0, hPts0, pPts0, oPts0, rPts1, hPts1, pPts1, oPts1, vecCoords, vecColors = calculateCoordinates(_numTeeth)        
        coordinates = adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsCoordinates.create(vecCoords)       
        cgPoints = cgGroup.addPointSet(coordinates, [], adsk.fusion.CustomGraphicsPointTypes.UserDefinedCustomGraphicsPointType, _pointSetImage)

        return cgPoints
    except Exception as error:
        _ui.messageBox("drawPointSet Failed : " + str(error)) 
        return None