DrawingExportManager.createPDFExportOptions Method

Parent Object: DrawingExportManager
Defined in namespace "adsk::drawing" and the header file is <Drawing/Drawing/DrawingExportManager.h>


Defines the various settings for a STEP export.


"drawingExportManager_var" is a variable referencing a DrawingExportManager object.
returnValue = drawingExportManager_var.createPDFExportOptions(filename)
"drawingExportManager_var" is a variable referencing a DrawingExportManager object.

#include <Drawing/Drawing/DrawingExportManager.h>

returnValue = drawingExportManager_var->createPDFExportOptions(filename);

Return Value

Type Description
PDFExportOptions Returns a PDFExportOptions object if successful and null if it should fail.


Name Type Description
filename string The name of the file to export to. Use settings on the returned PDFExportOptions object to change other settings.


Introduced in version December 2020