import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback import os.path, sys def run(context): ui = None try: app = adsk.core.Application.get() ui = app.userInterface # get active design product = app.activeProduct design = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(product) # get all components in this design allComps = design.allComponents # get the script location scriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # create a single exportManager instance exportMgr = design.exportManager # export the component one by one with a specified format for comp in allComps: compName = fileName = scriptDir + "/" + compName # export the component with IGS format igesOptions = exportMgr.createIGESExportOptions(fileName, comp) exportMgr.execute(igesOptions) # export the component with SAT format satOptions = exportMgr.createSATExportOptions(fileName, comp) exportMgr.execute(satOptions) # export the component with SMT format smtOptions = exportMgr.createSMTExportOptions(fileName, comp) exportMgr.execute(smtOptions) # export the component with STP format stpOptions = exportMgr.createSTEPExportOptions(fileName, comp) exportMgr.execute(stpOptions) # export the component with F3D format archOptions = exportMgr.createFusionArchiveExportOptions(fileName, comp) exportMgr.execute(archOptions) export the component with USD (Universal Scene Description) format usdOptions = exportMgr.createUSDExportOptions(fileName, comp) exportMgr.execute(usdOptions) except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()))
#include <Core/Application/Application.h> #include <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h> #include <Core/Application/Document.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/Design.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/ExportManager.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/ExportOptions.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/IGESExportOptions.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/FusionArchiveExportOptions.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/SATExportOptions.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/SMTExportOptions.h> #include <Fusion/Fusion/STEPExportOptions.h> #include <Fusion/Components/Components.h> #include <Fusion/Components/Component.h> using namespace adsk::core; using namespace adsk::fusion; Ptr<UserInterface> ui; std::string getDllPath(); extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context) { Ptr<Application> app = Application::get(); if (!app) return false; ui = app->userInterface(); if (!ui) return false; // get active design Ptr<Product> product = app->activeProduct(); if (!product) return false; Ptr<Design> design = product; if (!design) return false; // get all components in this design Ptr<Components> comps = design->allComponents(); if (!comps) return false; // create a single exportManager instance Ptr<ExportManager> exportMgr = design->exportManager(); if (!exportMgr) return false; // export the component one by one with a specified format size_t count = comps->count(); for (size_t index = 0; index < count; ++index) { Ptr<Component> comp = comps->item(index); std::string name = comp->name(); std::string fileName = getDllPath() + "/" + name; // export the component with IGS format Ptr<IGESExportOptions> igesOptions = exportMgr->createIGESExportOptions(fileName, comp); if (!igesOptions) continue; exportMgr->execute(igesOptions); // export the component with SAT format Ptr<SATExportOptions> satOptions = exportMgr->createSATExportOptions(fileName, comp); if (!satOptions) continue; exportMgr->execute(satOptions); // export the component with SMT format Ptr<SMTExportOptions> smtOptions = exportMgr->createSMTExportOptions(fileName, comp); if (!smtOptions) continue; exportMgr->execute(smtOptions); // export the component with STP format Ptr<STEPExportOptions> stepOptions = exportMgr->createSTEPExportOptions(fileName, comp); if (!stepOptions) continue; exportMgr->execute(stepOptions); // export the component with F3D format Ptr<FusionArchiveExportOptions> archOptions = exportMgr->createFusionArchiveExportOptions(fileName, comp); if (!stepOptions) continue; exportMgr->execute(archOptions); } return true; } #ifdef XI_WIN #include <windows.h> BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hmodule, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) { switch (reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } #endif // XI_WIN std::string getDllPath() { #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) HMODULE hModule = NULL; if (!GetModuleHandleExA( GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, (LPCSTR)&getDllPath, &hModule)) return ""; char winTempPath[2048]; ::GetModuleFileNameA(hModule, winTempPath, 2048); std::string strPath = winTempPath; size_t stPos = strPath.rfind('\\'); return strPath.substr(0, stPos); #else Dl_info info; dladdr((void*)getDllPath, &info); std::string strPath = info.dli_fname; int stPos = (int)strPath.rfind('/'); if (stPos != -1) return strPath.substr(0, stPos); else return ""; ; #endif }