Extrude Feature API Sample


Demonstrates creating a new extrude feature.

Code Samples

import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback

def run(context):
    ui = None
        app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        ui = app.userInterface
        # Create a document.
        doc = app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType)
        product = app.activeProduct
        design = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(product)

        # Get the root component of the active design
        rootComp = design.rootComponent
        # Get extrude features
        extrudes = rootComp.features.extrudeFeatures

        # Create sketch     
        sketches = rootComp.sketches   
        sketch = sketches.add(rootComp.xZConstructionPlane)
        sketchCircles = sketch.sketchCurves.sketchCircles
        centerPoint = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0)
        circle = sketchCircles.addByCenterRadius(centerPoint, 5.0)
        # Get the profile defined by the circle
        prof = sketch.profiles.item(0)
        # Create another sketch
        sketchVertical = sketches.add(rootComp.yZConstructionPlane)
        sketchCirclesVertical = sketchVertical.sketchCurves.sketchCircles
        centerPointVertical = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 1, 0)
        cicleVertical = sketchCirclesVertical.addByCenterRadius(centerPointVertical, 0.5)    
        # Get the profile defined by the vertical circle
        profVertical = sketchVertical.profiles.item(0)
        # Extrude Sample 1: A simple way of creating typical extrusions (extrusion that goes from the profile plane the specified distance).
        # Define a distance extent of 5 cm
        distance = adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(5)
        extrude1 = extrudes.addSimple(prof, distance, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.NewBodyFeatureOperation)        
        # Get the extrusion body
        body1 = extrude1.bodies.item(0)
        body1.name = "simple"

        # Get the state of the extrusion
        health = extrude1.healthState
        if health == adsk.fusion.FeatureHealthStates.WarningFeatureHealthState or health == adsk.fusion.FeatureHealthStates.ErrorFeatureHealthState:
            message = extrude1.errorOrWarningMessage
        # Get the state of timeline object
        timeline = design.timeline
        timelineObj = timeline.item(timeline.count - 1);
        health = timelineObj.healthState
        message = timelineObj.errorOrWarningMessage
        # Create another sketch
        sketch = sketches.add(rootComp.xZConstructionPlane)
        sketchCircles = sketch.sketchCurves.sketchCircles
        centerPoint = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0)
        circle1 = sketchCircles.addByCenterRadius(centerPoint, 13.0)
        circle2 = sketchCircles.addByCenterRadius(centerPoint, 15.0)
        outerProfile = sketch.profiles.item(1)
        # Create taperAngle value inputs
        deg0 = adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString("0 deg")
        deg2 = adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString("2 deg")
        deg5 = adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString("5 deg")
        # Create distance value inputs
        mm10 = adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString("10 mm")
        mm100 = adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString("100 mm")
        # Extrude Sample 2: Create an extrusion that goes from the profile plane with one side distance extent
        extrudeInput = extrudes.createInput(outerProfile, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.NewBodyFeatureOperation)
        # Create a distance extent definition
        extent_distance = adsk.fusion.DistanceExtentDefinition.create(mm100)        
        extrudeInput.setOneSideExtent(extent_distance, adsk.fusion.ExtentDirections.PositiveExtentDirection)
        # Create the extrusion
        extrude2 = extrudes.add(extrudeInput)
        # Get the body of the extrusion       
        body2 = extrude2.bodies.item(0)
        body2.name = "distance, from profile"
        # Extrude Sample 3: Create an extrusion that starts from an entity and goes the specified distance.
        extrudeInput = extrudes.createInput(profVertical, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.NewBodyFeatureOperation)
        # Create a distance extent definition
        extent_distance_2 = adsk.fusion.DistanceExtentDefinition.create(mm10)
        # Create a start extent that starts from a brep face with an offset of 10 mm.
        start_from = adsk.fusion.FromEntityStartDefinition.create(body1.faces.item(0), mm10)
        # taperAngle should be 0 because extrude start face is not a planar face in this case
        extrudeInput.setOneSideExtent(extent_distance_2, adsk.fusion.ExtentDirections.PositiveExtentDirection)        
        extrudeInput.startExtent = start_from
        # Create the extrusion
        extrude3 = extrudes.add(extrudeInput)
        body3 = extrude3.bodies.item(0)
        body3.name = "distance, from entity"
        # Edit the distance extent of the extrusion.
        disDef = adsk.fusion.DistanceExtentDefinition.cast(extrude3.extentOne)
        distanceMP = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(disDef.distance)
        distanceMP.value = 5.0
        # Edit the start entity of the extrusion.
        startDef = adsk.fusion.FromEntityStartDefinition.cast(extrude3.startExtent)
        outerFace = body2.faces.item(1)
        startDef.entity = outerFace

        # Edit the offset to the start entity in the extrusion.
        startDef = adsk.fusion.FromEntityStartDefinition.cast(extrude3.startExtent)
        offsetMP = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(startDef.offset)
        offsetMP.value = 1.5
        # Extrude Sample 4: Create an extrusion that goes from the profile plane to a specified entity.
        extrudeInput = extrudes.createInput(profVertical, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.NewBodyFeatureOperation)
        # Create a to-entity extent definition
        isChained = True
        extent_toentity = adsk.fusion.ToEntityExtentDefinition.create(body1, isChained)
        # Set the one side extent with the to-entity-extent-definition, and with a taper angle of 0 degree
        extrudeInput.setOneSideExtent(extent_toentity, adsk.fusion.ExtentDirections.PositiveExtentDirection)
        # Create an offset type start definition
        start_offset = adsk.fusion.OffsetStartDefinition.create(mm10)
        # Set the start extent of the extrusion
        extrudeInput.startExtent = start_offset
        # Create the extrusion
        extrude4 = extrudes.add(extrudeInput)
        body4 = extrude4.bodies.item(0)
        body4.name = "to entity, from offset"
        # Edit the start offset of the extrusion
        startDef = adsk.fusion.OffsetStartDefinition.cast(extrude4.startExtent)
        offsetMP = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(startDef.offset)
        offsetMP.value = 0.5

        # Edit the to-entity extent definition of the extrusion
        negative = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(-1,0,0)
        toDef = adsk.fusion.ToEntityExtentDefinition.cast(extrude4.extentOne)
        toDef.entity = body2
        toDef.isMinimumSolution = False
        toDef.directionHint = negative
        toDef.isChained = False
        # Extrude Sample 5: Create an extrusion that goes through all entities
        extrudeInput = extrudes.createInput(profVertical, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.NewBodyFeatureOperation)
        # Create an extent definition of through-all type.          
        extent_all = adsk.fusion.ThroughAllExtentDefinition.create()
        extrudeInput.setOneSideExtent(extent_all, adsk.fusion.ExtentDirections.NegativeExtentDirection, deg2)
        # Set the extrusion start with an offset
        extrudeInput.startExtent = start_offset
        # Create the extrusion
        extrude5 = extrudes.add(extrudeInput)
        body5 = extrude5.bodies.item(0)
        body5.name = "through-all, from offset"
        # Edit the start offset
        startDef = adsk.fusion.OffsetStartDefinition.cast(extrude5.startExtent)
        offsetMP = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(startDef.offset)
        offsetMP.value = 0.5
        # Edit the direction of the extrusion, make it in the same direction as the sketch plane.
        allDef = adsk.fusion.ThroughAllExtentDefinition.cast(extrude5.extentOne)
        if allDef.isPositiveDirection:
            allDef.isPositiveDirection = False
        # Extrude Sample 6: Create a symmetric extrusion that goes 10 mm from the profile plane with a 5 degree taper angle.
        isFullLength = True
        extrudeInput = extrudes.createInput(profVertical, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.NewBodyFeatureOperation)
        extrudeInput.setSymmetricExtent(mm10, isFullLength, deg5)
        # Create the extrusion
        extrude6 = extrudes.add(extrudeInput)
        body6 = extrude6.bodies.item(0)
        body6.name = "symmetric"
        # Edit the measurement, distance and taper angle properties of the symmetric extrusion
        symDef = adsk.fusion.SymmetricExtentDefinition.cast(extrude6.extentOne)
        symDef.isFullLength = not symDef.isFullLength
        taperAngleMP = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(symDef.taperAngle)
        taperAngleMP.expression = "6 deg"
        distanceMP = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(symDef.distance)
        distanceMP.expression = "3 mm"
        # another way to get the symmetric extent definition
        if (extrude6.extentType == adsk.fusion.FeatureExtentTypes.SymmetricFeatureExtentType):
            symDef1 = extrude6.symmetricExtent
            distanceMP1 = symDef1.distance
            distanceMP1.value = 4
        # Extrude Sample 7: Create a 2-side extrusion, whose 1st side is 100 mm distance extent, and 2nd side is 10 mm distance extent.
        extrudeInput = extrudes.createInput(profVertical, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.CutFeatureOperation)
        extent_distance_2 = adsk.fusion.DistanceExtentDefinition.create(adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString("20cm"))
        extrudeInput.setTwoSidesExtent(extent_distance, extent_distance_2, deg5, deg0)
        extrude7 = extrudes.add(extrudeInput)
        # Edit the taper angles of both sides in the extrusion
        angleMP_1 = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(extrude7.taperAngleOne)
        angleMP_2 = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(extrude7.taperAngleTwo)
        angleMP_1.expression = "30 deg"
        angleMP_2.expression = "-1 deg"
        # Get the extent definition of both sides
        extent_1 = adsk.fusion.DistanceExtentDefinition.cast(extrude7.extentOne)
        extent_2 = adsk.fusion.DistanceExtentDefinition.cast(extrude7.extentTwo)
        # Edit the distances the extrusion
        distanceMP_1 = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(extent_1.distance)
        distanceMP_2 = adsk.fusion.ModelParameter.cast(extent_2.distance)
        distanceMP_1.expression = "80 mm"
        distanceMP_2.expression = "25 cm"
        if ui:
#include <Core/Application/Application.h>
#include <Core/Application/Documents.h>
#include <Core/Application/Document.h>
#include <Core/Application/Product.h>
#include <Core/Application/ValueInput.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Point3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Line3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Vector3D.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepBody.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepBodies.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepFace.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepFaces.h>
#include <Fusion/Components/Component.h>
#include <Fusion/Construction/ConstructionPlane.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/Features.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/ExtrudeFeature.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/ExtrudeFeatures.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/ExtrudeFeatureInput.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/ExtentDefinition.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/DistanceExtentDefinition.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/FromEntityStartDefinition.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/OffsetStartDefinition.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/SymmetricExtentDefinition.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/ThroughAllExtentDefinition.h>
#include <Fusion/Features/ToEntityExtentDefinition.h>
#include <Fusion/Fusion/Design.h>
#include <Fusion/Fusion/ModelParameter.h>
#include <Fusion/Fusion/Timeline.h>
#include <Fusion/Fusion/TimelineObject.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/Profile.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/Profiles.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/Sketch.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/Sketches.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchCircle.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchCircles.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchCurves.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchLine.h>
#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchLines.h>

using namespace adsk::core;
using namespace adsk::fusion;

Ptr<UserInterface> ui;

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context)
    Ptr<Application> app = Application::get();
    if (!app)
        return false;

    ui = app->userInterface();
    if (!ui)
        return false;

    Ptr<Documents> documents = app->documents();
    if (!documents)
        return false;

    Ptr<Document> doc = documents->add(DocumentTypes::FusionDesignDocumentType);
    if (!doc)
        return false;

    Ptr<Product> product = app->activeProduct();
    if (!product)
        return false;

    Ptr<Design> design = product;
    if (!design)
        return false;

    // Get the root component of the active design
    Ptr<Component> rootComp = design->rootComponent();
    if (!rootComp)
        return false;

    // Get extrude features
    Ptr<Features> feats = rootComp->features();
    if (!feats)
        return false;
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeatures> extrudes = feats->extrudeFeatures();
    if (!extrudes)
        return false;

    // Create sketch
    Ptr<Sketches> sketches = rootComp->sketches();
    if (!sketches)
        return false;
    Ptr<ConstructionPlane> xz = rootComp->xZConstructionPlane();
    if (!xz)
        return false;
    Ptr<Sketch> sketch = sketches->add(xz);
    if (!sketch)
        return false;
    Ptr<SketchCurves> sketchCurves = sketch->sketchCurves();
    if (!sketchCurves)
        return false;
    Ptr<SketchCircles> sketchCircles = sketchCurves->sketchCircles();
    if (!sketchCircles)
        return false;
    Ptr<Point3D> centerPoint = Point3D::create(0, 0, 0);
    if (!centerPoint)
        return false;
    Ptr<SketchCircle> circle = sketchCircles->addByCenterRadius(centerPoint, 5.0);
    if (!circle)
        return false;

    // Get the profile defined by the circle
    Ptr<Profiles> profs = sketch->profiles();
    if (!profs)
        return false;
    Ptr<Profile> prof = profs->item(0);
    if (!prof)
        return false;

    // Create another sketch
    Ptr<ConstructionPlane> yz = rootComp->yZConstructionPlane();
    if (!yz)
        return false;
    Ptr<Sketch> sketchVertical = sketches->add(yz);
    if (!sketchVertical)
        return false;
    Ptr<SketchCurves> sketchCurvesVertical = sketchVertical->sketchCurves();
    if (!sketchCurvesVertical)
        return false;
    Ptr<SketchCircles> sketchCirclesVertical = sketchCurvesVertical->sketchCircles();
    if (!sketchCirclesVertical)
        return false;
    Ptr<Point3D> centerPointVertical = Point3D::create(0, 1, 0);
    if (!centerPointVertical)
        return false;
    Ptr<SketchCircle> cicleVertical = sketchCirclesVertical->addByCenterRadius(centerPointVertical, 0.5);
    if (!cicleVertical)
        return false;

    // Get the profile defined by the vertical circle
    Ptr<Profiles> profsVertical = sketchVertical->profiles();
    if (!profsVertical)
        return false;
    Ptr<Profile> profVertical = profsVertical->item(0);
    if (!profVertical)
        return false;

    // Extrude Sample 1: A simple way of creating typical extrusions (extrusion that goes from the profile plane the
    // specified distance). Define that the extent is a distance extent of 5 cm
    Ptr<ValueInput> distance = ValueInput::createByReal(5);
    if (!distance)
        return false;
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeature> extrude1 =
        extrudes->addSimple(prof, distance, adsk::fusion::FeatureOperations::NewBodyFeatureOperation);
    if (!extrude1)
        return false;
    // Get the body created by the extrusion
    Ptr<BRepBodies> bodies = extrude1->bodies();
    if (!bodies)
        return false;
    Ptr<BRepBody> body1 = bodies->item(0);
    if (!body1)
        return false;

    // Get the state of the extrusion
    adsk::fusion::FeatureHealthStates health = extrude1->healthState();
    if (adsk::fusion::FeatureHealthStates::ErrorFeatureHealthState == health ||
        adsk::fusion::FeatureHealthStates::WarningFeatureHealthState == health)
        std::string strWarningMsgForExtrusion = extrude1->errorOrWarningMessage();
    // Get the state of a timeline object
    Ptr<Timeline> timeline = design->timeline();
    Ptr<TimelineObject> timelineObj = timeline->item(timeline->count() - 1);
    health = timelineObj->healthState();
    std::string strMsg = timelineObj->errorOrWarningMessage();

    // Create another sketch
    sketch = sketches->add(rootComp->xZConstructionPlane());
    sketchCurves = sketch->sketchCurves();
    sketchCircles = sketchCurves->sketchCircles();
    Ptr<SketchCircle> circle1 = sketchCircles->addByCenterRadius(centerPoint, 13.0);
    Ptr<SketchCircle> circle2 = sketchCircles->addByCenterRadius(centerPoint, 15.0);
    Ptr<Profiles> profiles = sketch->profiles();
    Ptr<Profile> outerProfile = profiles->item(1);

    // Create taper angle value inputs
    Ptr<ValueInput> deg0 = adsk::core::ValueInput::createByString("0 deg");
    Ptr<ValueInput> deg2 = adsk::core::ValueInput::createByString("2 deg");
    Ptr<ValueInput> deg5 = adsk::core::ValueInput::createByString("5 deg");
    // Create distance value inputs
    Ptr<ValueInput> mm10 = adsk::core::ValueInput::createByString("10 mm");
    Ptr<ValueInput> mm100 = adsk::core::ValueInput::createByString("100 mm");

    // Extrude Sample 2: Create an extrusion that goes from the profile plane with one side distance extent
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeatureInput> extrudeInput =
        extrudes->createInput(outerProfile, adsk::fusion::FeatureOperations::NewBodyFeatureOperation);
    // Create a distance extent definition
    Ptr<DistanceExtentDefinition> extent_distance = adsk::fusion::DistanceExtentDefinition::create(mm100);
        extrudeInput->setOneSideExtent(extent_distance, adsk::fusion::ExtentDirections::PositiveExtentDirection));
    // Create the extrusion
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeature> extrude2 = extrudes->add(extrudeInput);
    // Get the body of the extrusion
    bodies = extrude2->bodies();
    Ptr<BRepBody> body2 = bodies->item(0);
    body2->name("distance, from profile");

    // Extrude Sample 3: Create an extrusion that starts from an entity and goes the specified distance.
    extrudeInput = extrudes->createInput(profVertical, adsk::fusion::FeatureOperations::NewBodyFeatureOperation);
    // Create a distance extent definition
    Ptr<DistanceExtentDefinition> extent_distance_2 = adsk::fusion::DistanceExtentDefinition::create(mm10);
    // Create a start extent that starts from a BRep face with an offset of 10 mm.
    Ptr<BRepFaces> faces = body1->faces();
    Ptr<BRepFace> face = faces->item(0);
    Ptr<FromEntityStartDefinition> start_from = adsk::fusion::FromEntityStartDefinition::create(face, mm10);
        extrudeInput->setOneSideExtent(extent_distance_2, adsk::fusion::ExtentDirections::PositiveExtentDirection));
    // Create the extrusion
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeature> extrude3 = extrudes->add(extrudeInput);
    // Get the body of the extrusion
    bodies = extrude3->bodies();
    Ptr<BRepBody> body3 = bodies->item(0);
    body3->name("distance, from entity");

    // taperAngle is nullptr, because extrude start face is not a planar face in this case
    Ptr<ModelParameter> taperAngle = extrude3->taperAngleOne();

    // Edit the distance extent of the extrusion.
    Ptr<ExtentDefinition> extent1 = extrude3->extentOne();
    Ptr<DistanceExtentDefinition> disDef = extent1->cast<DistanceExtentDefinition>();

    Ptr<ModelParameter> distanceMP = disDef->distance();

    // Edit the start entity of the extrusion.
    Ptr<FromEntityStartDefinition> startDef_from = extrude3->startExtent();

    Ptr<BRepFaces> faces2 = body2->faces();
    Ptr<BRepFace> outerFace = faces2->item(0);

    Ptr<TimelineObject> extrudeTimelineObj = extrude3->timelineObject();

    // Edit the offset to the start entity in the extrusion.
    startDef_from = extrude3->startExtent();
    Ptr<ModelParameter> offsetMP = startDef_from->offset();

    // Extrude Sample 4: Create an extrusion that goes from the profile plane to a specified entity.
    extrudeInput = extrudes->createInput(profVertical, adsk::fusion::FeatureOperations::NewBodyFeatureOperation);
    // Create a to-entity extent definition
    bool isChained = true;
    Ptr<ToEntityExtentDefinition> extent_toentity = adsk::fusion::ToEntityExtentDefinition::create(body1, isChained);
    // Set the one side extent with the to-entity-extent-definition, and with a taper angle of 0 degree
        extrudeInput->setOneSideExtent(extent_toentity, adsk::fusion::ExtentDirections::PositiveExtentDirection, deg0));
    // Create an offset type start definition
    Ptr<OffsetStartDefinition> start_offset = adsk::fusion::OffsetStartDefinition::create(mm10);
    // Create the extrusion
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeature> extrude4 = extrudes->add(extrudeInput);
    // Get the body of the extrusion
    bodies = extrude4->bodies();
    Ptr<BRepBody> body4 = bodies->item(0);
    body4->name("to entity, from offset");

    // Edit the start offset of the extrusion
    Ptr<OffsetStartDefinition> startDef_offset = extrude4->startExtent();
    offsetMP = startDef_offset->offset();

    // Edit the to-entity extent definition of the extrusion
    Ptr<Vector3D> negative = adsk::core::Vector3D::create(-1, 0, 0);
    Ptr<ToEntityExtentDefinition> toDef = extrude4->extentOne();
    extrudeTimelineObj = extrude4->timelineObject();

    // Extrude Sample 5: Create an extrusion that goes through all entities
    extrudeInput = extrudes->createInput(profVertical, adsk::fusion::FeatureOperations::NewBodyFeatureOperation);
    // Create an extent definition of through-all type.
    Ptr<ThroughAllExtentDefinition> extent_all = adsk::fusion::ThroughAllExtentDefinition::create();
        extrudeInput->setOneSideExtent(extent_all, adsk::fusion::ExtentDirections::PositiveExtentDirection, deg2));
    // Set the extrusion start with an offset
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeature> extrude5 = extrudes->add(extrudeInput);
    // Get the body of the extrusion
    bodies = extrude5->bodies();
    Ptr<BRepBody> body5 = bodies->item(0);
    body5->name("through-all, from offset");

    // Edit the start offset
    startDef_offset = extrude5->startExtent();
    offsetMP = startDef_offset->offset();

    // Edit the direction of the extrusion, make it in the same direction as the sketch plane.
    Ptr<ThroughAllExtentDefinition> allDef = extrude5->extentOne();
    extrudeTimelineObj = extrude5->timelineObject();
    if (allDef->isPositiveDirection())

    // Extrude Sample 6: Create a symmetric extrusion that goes 10 mm from the profile plane with a 5 degree taper
    // angle.
    bool isFullLength = true;
    extrudeInput = extrudes->createInput(profVertical, adsk::fusion::FeatureOperations::NewBodyFeatureOperation);
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeature> extrude6 = extrudes->add(extrudeInput);
    // Get the body of the extrusion
    bodies = extrude6->bodies();
    Ptr<BRepBody> body6 = bodies->item(0);

    // Edit the measurement, distance and taper angle properties of the symmetric extrusion
    Ptr<SymmetricExtentDefinition> symDef = extrude6->extentOne();
    extrudeTimelineObj = extrude6->timelineObject();
    Ptr<ModelParameter> taperAngleMP = symDef->taperAngle();
    distanceMP = symDef->distance();
    // another way to get the symmetric extent definition
    if (extrude6->extentType() == adsk::fusion::FeatureExtentTypes::SymmetricFeatureExtentType)
        Ptr<SymmetricExtentDefinition> symDef1 = extrude6->symmetricExtent();
        Ptr<ModelParameter> distanceMP1 = symDef1->distance();

    // Extrude Sample 7: Create a 2-side extrusion, whose 1st side is 100 mm distance extent, and 2nd side is 10 mm
    // distance extent.
    extrudeInput = extrudes->createInput(profVertical, adsk::fusion::FeatureOperations::CutFeatureOperation);
    Ptr<DistanceExtentDefinition> extent_distance_20cm =

    Ptr<ExtrudeFeature> extrude7 = extrudes->add(extrudeInput);

    // Edit the taper angles of both sides in the extrusion
    Ptr<ModelParameter> angleMP_1 = extrude7->taperAngleOne();
    Ptr<ModelParameter> angleMP_2 = extrude7->taperAngleTwo();
    // Get the extent definition of both sides
    Ptr<DistanceExtentDefinition> extent_1 = extrude7->extentOne();
    Ptr<DistanceExtentDefinition> extent_2 = extrude7->extentTwo();
    // Edit the distances the extrusion
    Ptr<ModelParameter> distanceMP_1 = extent_1->distance();
    Ptr<ModelParameter> distanceMP_2 = extent_2->distance();

    return true;

#ifdef XI_WIN

#include <windows.h>

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hmodule, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
    switch (reason)
    return TRUE;

#endif // XI_WIN